

Fear subsiding in collective consciousness; divine grace in karmic completion; light forces' success against Illuminati; developments in coming months; Zionism; duality, divisiveness; family pre-birth agreements; children living in Nirvana


1. With loving greetings from all souls at this station, this is Matthew. There is such diverse and fervent activity in your world, even lightworkers may find it difficult to connect all the dots that show the light is subverting the dark ones' efforts at every turn. It is heartening that many of you have correctly discerned that the Illuminati are using the only tactic left in their arsenal: fear. The talks about preemptive strikes against Iran to prevent that country's possibility of producing a nuclear weapon; the possibility of a terrorist attack on New York City; the possibility of another devastating earthquake in Japan; the possibility that North Korea may become sufficiently menacing to cause war in Southeast Asia.

1. 在生命這頭的所有靈魂帶著愛問候,我是馬修。在你們世界中有著多種多樣與強烈的活動,甚至是光之工作者們都可能發現自己難以連接到所有變化點,連接聖光以應對黑暗勢力對抗的勢頭。不過鼓舞人心的是,許多人已經正確的識別出光照派使用的伎倆:製造恐懼。這些談論關於如何以先發製人的方式對付伊朗,阻止這些國家使用核武器的可能性;還有恐怖襲擊紐約城的可能性;以及對於日本製造另一場毀滅性地震的可能性; 以及北韓對於東南亞的戰爭威脅。

2. From our vantage point that permits viewing the collective consciousness, we know that few are buying into those scenarios, none of which is part of Earth's destiny. Even those who still are slumbering insofar as understanding that these moments at hand are fast leading to Earth's Golden Age are aiding the light by refusing to live in fear of “possibilities”.

2.從我們這個有利位置可以被允許觀察集體的意識,我們知道一小撮人正試圖帶入這些劇本,且全部都不是地球使命的一部分。甚至是那些依舊還處 於麻木狀態的人都正在理解這種勝券在握的可能性,通過拒絕生活於任何“恐懼”可能的狀態,而正快速的引領至地球黃金時代,帶來聖光之力。

3. Nevertheless, let us insert at this point a reader's question: “Fear can be directed positively, so why do you keep saying that we must stay out of fear?” We say “stay out of fear” because its magnified energy prevents light from reaching consciousness, thereby keeping individuals mired in third density, unable to evolve spiritually and intellectually. Fear precludes sound reasoning, common sense, logical questioning and the will to rise up against tyranny and corruption—that is why puppets of the dark forces were able to control the peoples of Earth for many millennia. The dark ones “feed” on the energy of fear—without it, they cannot exist!


4. It is with elation that we see fear subsiding in the collective consciousness, but it's as potent as ever on an individual basis. Through the universal law of attraction, the energy of fearful individuals goes out into the universe and attracts matching energy; like a boomerang it returns and brings with it still more fearful circumstances for the person to deal with. Anyone who is “courting” fear in the belief that it can be directed positively is playing with fire. It would be confusing that powerful negative energy with its more powerful opposite: the positivity of living steadfastly in the light, which gives rise to the self-confidence, spiritual strength, courage, wise judgment and determination that can overcome hardships encountered.


5. It is true that billions are living in fearful conditions that are harsher or of longer duration than they needed to complete those aspects of their soul contracts. It is in these instances that contracts are amended at soul level so those persons can leave Earth lifetimes before finishing other karmic provisions, and by divine grace, they are credited with full completion of third density karma. In other instances, the original contract calls for a short lifetime in those dire circumstances—that is enough to balance other lifetimes, and the souls move forward in spiritual evolvement. In both cases, the dual benefits are that the fear energy formerly on the planet is gone and those souls are beaming their light from Nirvana to Earth.

5. 這是真實的,數十億人都生活在恐懼條件之中,導致更粗糙或者更長期的持續性困難,而不讓個人成功的履行與完結靈魂協議。在這些情況下,協議就會在靈魂層面被予以修訂,這樣那些人就能夠在完成其他業力規定前離開地球幾世,並通過神聖恩典,他們也能以完整的態勢全面完成第三密度的業力學習。在其他情況下,初始的協議,例如在那些可怕情況遭致的短暫一生---這得以足夠平衡其他世的業力糾葛,以使得這些靈魂朝向靈性的進化發展。在兩者之中,雙重的收益就是在過去佔據地球的恐懼能量都得以釋放,這些靈魂從涅槃到地球生活都錨定住了自身的光芒。

6. During this unprecedented time in the universe, still another means of divine grace is being offered. Evolved souls are volunteering to take on part of weaker souls' hardest karmic experiencing, thereby letting them complete other contract provisions; at soul level they move in concert so the weaker ones become strengthened and can evolve out of third density. It is customary for spiritually evolved physical civilizations to assist weaker ones who ask for help—this is exactly what many of them nearby and far distant have been doing for Earth and you ! However, in this unique era, that soul-level cooperation also is available for spiritual growth—yet another example of the boundless love within lighted beings.

6. 這是宇宙中史無前例的時刻,還有這神聖恩典的其他含義被予以提供。已進化的靈魂們自願承擔了那些較弱靈魂的業力體驗,從而讓他們完成其他的協議規定;在靈魂層面,他們進入大廳,這樣較弱的靈魂得以加強,能夠進化脫離第三密度。這是靈性進化的常事,已經進化的物質文明支持尋求幫助的較弱文明---這也就說明為什麼有這麼多的存有在於附近,遠距離為地球和你們提供援助!不過,在這獨一無二的時期裡,靈魂層面的合作,為了靈性的成長也是可以實現的---這也是另一個例子,其他內心光明的存有提供的無限之愛的幫助。

7. Now then, through meticulous arrangements to assure that all is in accordance with your laws, the top echelon of Illuminati in the banking and lending industry have been removed from their positions and will face legal prosecution. “Feeling the heat,” others are leaving voluntarily, and retrieval of the Illuminati's stolen fortunes is underway. Military leaders are cooperating with the light forces to impede aggression by troops still in the Illuminati camp, and the destruction of some of their cavernous underground areas has halted heinous experiments and other covert activities .

7. 那麼,通過小心翼翼的安排提供的一切支持都是與你們的法則一致的,在光照派梯形的頂端,銀行業與借貸業已經從他們的位置被移除,將面對法律起訴。“暖化逼人(取自聖經詞句)”其他人在自行離開,歸還光照派盜取的財富正在落實中。軍隊的領導人也正在與光明力量合作,阻止依舊由光照派陣營指揮的進攻,對於他們地下基地的摧毀已經終止了那些可憎的實驗與其他隱秘活動。

8. Within the months ahead, governmental shake-ups will weed out Illuminati members or those acting under their control, and persons with moral and spiritual integrity will step in. The nascent governments born in “Arab spring” will become stabilized and tyrannical regimes will fall. Rampant corruption in multinational corporations will meet its well-deserved end; directors who serve the interests of the populace will remain, those who are greedy and self-serving will go. National economies in bankrupt status will not be successfully revived; the global economy will reach rock bottom and an honorable system will start operating worldwide. Wars, violence, deception, oppression and media censorship will cease incrementally as the dark hearts and minds among you leave the planet.

8. 前方的幾個月裡,政治上的劇變將淘汰掉光照派的成員,或者是那些處於他們控制下的人,有道德與靈性的人將上任。初期的政府已經在“阿拉伯春天”誕生,將變得穩定,殘暴的政權將崩潰。跨國公司的猖獗腐敗將自食其果;那些服務於大眾的董事會留存,而那些貪婪與自我服務的人將離開。處於破產狀態的國家經濟不會成功恢復;全球金融將觸及最低點,而一個榮耀的系統將開始在全球範圍操作。戰爭,暴力,欺騙,鎮壓和媒體的審核將逐步得以釋放,因為存在於你們星球的黑暗心靈與意識將離開。

9. It can be no other way—simply, this is the physics that governs life in this universe. As Earth continues apace into successively higher planes, nothing with low vibrations in any form—physical bodies, subversive plans, theft, dishonesty, unjust laws and imprisonment, bigotry, cruel customs and deeds—can survive.

9. 沒有其他的解決方法--很簡單,這是物理現象,控制著宇宙的生命。因為地球在持續快速的進入更高層面,任何帶著低級振動的形態--物理身體,破壞性的計劃,盜竊,不誠實,不公正的法律與監禁,偏執,殘忍習俗和行為--都不能留存。

10. Moving on, no, it will not be quite like religions being “totally discarded and replaced by universal laws in the Golden Age.” When the truths come forth that science and spirit are one and the same and that religious dogmas were originated by early leaders of church and state to control the masses, people whose consciousness has risen beyond the constraints of third density will adhere to the spiritual aspects of their respective religions and the devised, controlling aspects will fall by the wayside.

10. 繼續,不,宗教信仰並不需要“全部拋棄或者被宇宙的法則重置進入黃金時代”當真理到來的時候,科技和靈性都會融合為一體,同樣的,宗教教條曾經是由那些早期的教堂領導人發起,目的是控制群體大眾,那些已經提升超越第三密度的人是超越這種限制的,他們將追隨各自宗教提倡的靈性一面,而用於控制的那一面將丟棄一邊。

11. One of the truths to come forth is that Zionism, which by dark intent has been made synonymous with Judaism, actually is a bellicose political movement within the Illuminati, and its aim for more than six decades has been to create conflict and instability in the entire Middle East. Zionists, who have wielded powerful influence within and behind major governments and their military forces, do NOT represent the Jewish peoples in Israel or anywhere else. And, like all other Illuminati factions, they have been committed to that cabal's goal of global domination.

11. 其中一個真相就是猶太復國運動,這是由黑暗勢力的意圖被予以製造,與猶太教相同,它們只不過是一個在光照派內部的好戰的政治運動,超過60年以來它的目標就是製造衝突,並且讓中東地區處於不穩定狀態。猶太復興主義,這些人已經動用了巨大的影響力,在主要政府的背後操控,還有它們的軍隊,他們完全沒有代表以色列人民或者任何其他地方的人民。像所有其他光照派分支一樣,他們居心叵測的履行全球佔領的陰謀。

12. Although Semites are of diverse national origins and religions, the Zionists have been successful in convincing many that “anti-Semitic” is exclusively prejudice against the Jewish peoples and opposition to Israel's right to defend itself from its “enemies.” By means of that blatant distortion, they obtained not only world sympathy, but also massive defense funding from Israel's allies, most especially the United States, all of which served to increase the Illuminati's vast profits from their industrial-military machine.

12. 雖然閃米特人屬於不同的國家和宗教起源,猶太復興主義者們已經成功的讓許多人相信“反猶太教”就是對猶太人民的偏見,反對以色列的權力從而從“敵人”那裡保護自己。通過這辭藻華麗的扭曲意味,他們不僅獲得了世界的同情,還從以色列的盟友那裡獲得大量的防禦基金,特別是美國,它所有的服務都是增加光照派的巨大收益,從他們的工業-軍事機器那裡。

13. In addition to controlling the masses through dogmatic teachings, religions have served the dark purpose of divisiveness to such an extent that it resulted in centuries of trauma and bloodshed. Witness the Crusades, wars between Catholics and Protestants, pogroms against Jews, executions of “blasphemous” individuals who refused to “recant.”

13. 除了通過教條式的教導控制群體大眾的意識之外,宗教也已經服務了黑暗勢力不斷分裂的目的,導致幾個世紀以來的血與創傷的慘痛經歷。對於十字軍的見證,天主教徒和新教徒之間的戰爭,對於反對猶太人的大屠殺,褻瀆神明的死刑,都是因為那些人拒絕“屈服”。

14. Divisiveness has long been an effective tool of the dark ones. Not content to divide the peoples only through religions, they have separated you into other conflicting camps by attaching labels to social strata, ideologies and philosophies, types of governing and political parties, and by labeling as a “conspiracy theorist” anyone who disputes official claims about any situation or event. These separations have kept duality flourishing down through the generations, thus miring the population in third density mentality. Rejoice with us that duality is acting out the final scene of its very long play on the planet!


15. Will insects harmful to humans and animals be in fourth density? No. Indeed all life in this universe derives from God via the love-light essence of Creator and thus is a soul; however, the darkness contaminated the energy streamers of many life forms so they would become harmful to third density civilizations. Earth life as a slug, minute aquatic form or harmful insect may be a step up the evolutionary ladder for persons who once had intelligence and reasoning ability, but whose free will choices during physical lifetimes became so dark that they devolved into first density's primitive existence.

15. 對於人類和動物有害的昆蟲能夠存在於第四密度麼?不會。當然宇宙的所有生命都源自於神的愛與光的本質創造,因此是一個靈魂;不過,黑暗污染了許多生命形態的能量流動,這樣它們就變得對於第三密度文明有害了。地球的生命,比如鼻涕蟲,微型水生生命或者有害的昆蟲也許因為人類擁有了智力和推理能力進入一個提高進化階段,不過那些在物理化身周期裡自由意志的選擇變得如此的黑暗,那麼他們將退化進入到第一密度的原始存在狀態。

16. Do black people have some special karma? No, nor do people of any other race on Earth. All of you have had lifetimes in different races, genders, body form and features, relationships, aptitudes, intelligence levels, beliefs and locations in this universe; and along the way each of you has made soul contracts to achieve balanced experiencing. The selection every one of you made for this lifetime is as unique as each of you is.

16. 黑人是不是有些特別的業力?不,在地球上的任何種族都沒有這種情況。你們所有人都已經化身過不同的種族,性別,身體形式與容貌特徵,人際關係,自我傾向,智力水平,信仰和宇宙的各種地點投胎;你們經歷的每種方式都是根據靈魂協議抵達經驗的平衡。你們每個人這一世的選擇都是獨一無二的,因為每個人都是獨特的。

17. How can I hold fast to the light when members of my family are in deepest darkness? Your thoughts, beliefs and heartfelt feelings are known only to you, and therein you can hold your light steady. It may help significantly to silently “endow ” darkly inclined family members with light qualities you wish they had. “Seeing” them in the light can negate your feelings of being held back by their dark aspects.

17. 當我家庭成員深陷黑暗之中的時候,我如何能夠快速的持有聖光力量呢?你的想法,信仰與真誠的感受只能由你真正明白,在其中你能夠穩固的持有你的光芒。能夠顯著幫助你的就是默默地“贈與”黑暗傾向的家庭成員,那些你希望他們擁有的光明品質。“看清”他們內心的光明能夠幫助你抵消感受他們的黑暗面。

18. Please remember that a family agreement is made with all souls' unconditional love for each other. Because the agreement is designed to benefit every participant, some are the “heavies” for their own balancing, which enables the others to experience what they need to achieve balance, and all can move forward in soul growth. None of the participants consciously knows the role he or she chose and all are responsible only for their personal decisions and actions. You cannot control the actions of the family members you feel are in darkness, but you can control your reactions—reacting within the light lets lightheartedness flow within and radiate outward to all around you.

18.請記住,一個家庭協議是所有靈魂 在彼此間無條件之愛的情況下制定的。因為這份協議被設計為能夠利益所有的參與者,一些因為自我的平衡需要去承受“重擔”,這許可了其他成員去經驗,以需求的方式抵達平衡,並且所有成員都能夠在靈魂層面得以成長。任何一個參與者都不可能有意識的明白他/她的角色選擇,所有人都僅僅為自己的決定和行為負責。你不能夠去控制其他家庭成員的行為,比如你所感受的黑暗面,但是你可以控制你對他們的回應---以光明的態度去應對他們,讓輕鬆自在流入其中並且輻射到你周圍的所有人心中。

19. How will people rationalize greater numbers of deaths as the planet nears fourth density? Very likely people who are stuck in third density consciousness will attribute the deaths to the obvious causes and not speculate on the possibility that any “higher purpose” is involved, and people whose awareness has been raised by the light will understand what is transpiring. It is natural to grieve when beloved persons die, but envisioning them living in Nirvana's glories also will allow feelings of happiness for them.

19. 如何合理的解釋由於地球接近第四密度導致的很多人的離去?這就很像那些深深陷入第三密度意識的人經歷到死亡就是這明顯的原因,並不是推測任何“更高目標”的可能性,那些了解的人已經被聖光的力量提升,將懂得正在發生著什麼。當親愛的家人離去的時候傷痛是自然的事情,不過想像一下他們生活在涅槃的榮耀中,就可以為他們感到高興了。

20. What can we tell young children whose parents choose to die rather than change their religious beliefs, and who will care for all the children who are orphaned? The choice about when to leave this lifetime is made at soul level in original or amended contracts , and no one knows even his own contract, much less anyone else's. All you can know about someone's death is that the cause was a vehicle crash, for example, or cancer, heart failure, aneurism or any other medical diagnosis. So it is foolhardy to think, much less assume, that religiously devout people who die when their children are young chose to do that rather alter their beliefs.

20. 對於年輕孩子們的家長選擇了死亡,而不是轉變自己的信仰,我們能夠告訴你們什麼呢,誰來照料所有這些孤兒呢?什麼時候離開這次的人生,這個決定是在靈魂的層次,根據初始或者修訂的協議,誰都不會明白自己的協議,其他人就更不知道了。所有你們能夠知道的就是,一些人的死亡是通過車禍,比如,又或是癌症,心臟衰竭,動脈瘤或者其他任何醫學診斷。想想都頭大了,更不用說去假定,因此那些宗教的虔誠信徒們在自己孩子還小的時候就選擇死亡,而不是改變自己的信仰。

21. Overt devotion to religion is not the same as what is in one's heart and mind. Persons you may think never would believe anything that conflicts with teachings of their church may be listening to soul-level messages; conversely, some of the darkest individuals among you attend church services or even hold high offices. Please do not place any individual in any of the “choice-for-leaving” categories we have mentioned in previous messages.

21. 公然的獻身於宗教與這個人的心靈與意識並不相同。你們認為這些人從來都不會相信任何與他們教堂教導相衝突的事物,而教堂才能提供靈魂層面的信息;悄悄相反,一些最黑暗的個體就在你們的宗教服務中,甚至是那些處於高階的成員。請不要把任何人“選擇離開”的原因分類,這在我們過去的信息已經提到過。

22. If both parents die, their children will be cared for by the same family members, friends or legal guardians who would step in just as happens now. With consciousness increasing just as vibratory levels are, children are much more aware and resilient than you may think, and when telepathic connections open, they and their parents may discuss whatever they wish.

22. 如果雙親都死亡,他們的孩子將被同樣的家庭成員,朋友或者合法監護人所照料,就像現在發生的情況。隨著意識層次的不斷提高,振動層次也是如此,孩子們更加的了解,比你們所想的更有彈性,當心靈感應連接開放的時候,他們和父母可以如其所願的進行溝通。

23. Let us speak now about families who are grieving the death of a child. Recently a friend of my mother's asked if I could offer comforting words to the family of four-year old Philip, who valiantly fought leukemia until his frail little body gave out. Esmeralda, whom you could call my goddaughter, manages the care of children in Nirvana, and it was most appropriate that we grant her request to give a message for Philip's family. His mother gave permission to share Esmeralda's words so they can give a measure of comfort to all families whose children are living in Earth's spirit world.

23. 現在讓我們談談因為孩子死亡而悲傷的家庭。最近我母親的一位朋友詢問,我是否可以提供安慰的話給這個四歲大孩子菲利普的家庭,他勇敢的與白血病搏鬥直到他幼小的身體衰竭。Esmeralda,我的教女,負責照顧往生的孩子們,這曾經是最恰當的,我們授予她請求,給菲利普家庭一條信息。他的母親給予了許可分享Esmeralda的話,這樣他們能夠給予一個舒適的評估給孩子已經生活在靈性世界的所有家庭。

Hello, my dear grandmother on Earth. It is a joy to speak with you and give a message for Philip's family. I went to meet him—what a beautiful little boy! It was a short welcome visit at the gentle care area where nurturing souls are with him constantly while his body strengthens from the long sickness. Already Philip is smiling and laughing and his eyes sparkle!


Soon he will be with me and we will look at the many types of homes so he can choose where he wants to live in the beginning. The homes differ in size, the colors and styles inside and out, and the landscaping differs too, although all of it is beautiful. He can choose to live in a tropical setting or one with pastures for horses, cows and other animals, or one of the homes by a lake or one in mountains—whatever environment most pleases him. I'll let Philip choose how we travel around on our house-hunting tour—by bus, car, train, or we can take a side Trip on a boat or even an airplane ride.


I must tell you that there are two primary groups of children who come—youngsters like Philip who were dearly loved and cared for and others whose lives were in dreadful conditions like war zones, refugee camps, or "forgotten people" who are sick and starving . The ones in the second group live in a different area at first, where each child is given such an abundance of love and attention that soon all sadness and memories of horrible conditions fade. Then those children join the ones in the first group and embark upon a healthy, happy, active life.


Both groups are divided by age for a while so they receive the care, attentiveness and teaching appropriate for the age. For instance, the infants and toddlers need specialized care and many kinds of frequent attention that children of Philip's age and older don't need , but they do require many other types of circumstances and instructions to nurture their interests and aptitudes. Every child is treated as the unique being he or she is—nothing of rigidity or expectations of conformance is part of life here.


All foods are in keeping with what you call "discarnate," but our bodies certainly are visible to all of us! We have many kinds of delicious fruits, vegetables and grains—no meat, but there are plants that produce meat flavors—and lovely juices and many kinds of soup with different seasonings.


In all homes except the nurseries, the caretakers preside over Family Hour where each child has a turn to talk about his or her Earth family. The extent of their individual love bonds is evident, and in cases where little affection and attention were given, the child is encouraged to understand and feel forgiveness. You would call part of Family Hour prayer.


All schooling is according to age and comprehension. Philip will start in classes with children his age, and he can progress in studies as quickly as he likes and choose subjects of interest to him.


There are many forms of age-suitable entertainment—plays, music festivals, films, comedy shows and a variety of games indoors and out, and sports like swimming, tennis, hiking and skating. Often the older children teach the younger ones and also teach them good manners and other courtesies, how to dress themselves and tie shoes, build things with blocks, fly kites, build model ships and airplanes, and read them stories—it is the very same as big brothers and sisters on Earth! But specially trained supervisors always are aware of everyone's activities, so please do not think that the children are left to decide for themselves what is appropriate and what isn't!


Everyone can communicate telepathically, but especially youngsters enjoy speaking, and what a joy it is to hear them laughing about the sounds of words in their different languages!


Looking ahead, Philip will grow in stature and knowledge more quickly than children on Earth, and as he does, gradually he will remember other lifetimes of his cumulative soul. But always he will be only Philip! He will become far wiser and more intelligent, more knowledgeable and spiritually aware than he would have in a long Earth lifetime, but his love bonds with his Earth family never will change.


My dear grandmother, thank you for recording my description of life here so Philip's family can easily picture him in those circumstances I explained.


Thank you, Mother.


24. With that uplifting message and our unconditional love, we bid you farewell for this moment.

24. 帶著這條令人振奮的信息,還有我們無條件的愛,我們在此刻與你們道別。





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