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原文: Melchizedek ~~ Allow the innovative to communicate ~~ 14/08/2012 Channeled by Méline Lafont.
管道:Méline Lafont
親愛的朋友們, 歡迎來到充滿榮耀和富足,喜悅和愛,和諧和友誼的新時代。這就是你們所有人現在可以開始期望的,因為這些期望即將被實現(被顯化)。這些能量和這些轉變正在被人類總體上所歡迎,它們就在這兒--這得感謝現在到達你們的無數富有革新精神的能量高潮。起源於你所居住的太陽係以及其他星系的,無數革新的光之密碼現在提供給這個星球和人類--為了把所有一切提升到神聖本質的一個更高的振動。 所有參與的振動和光的能量可以導致重大的轉變,其中一些已經被你們所熟悉。它們非常強烈,並可能對你的內在自己以及外在世界導致許多損害。請記住,這是那些牢牢錨定你們世界的所有負面東西的一個反射/反映,這些負面的東西現在正找到它們的出口,一勞永逸地離開地球和人類集體。根據全球人類的意識水平,所有那些轉變和事件會被盡可能緩和得表達出來。在某些情況 下,強烈的對抗是必須的,但儘管那樣,它們也被減小到以最小破壞性的方式表達。 發送你們的愛和光給所有那些被悲傷折磨的地區,但保持你們自己在完美的和諧之中。當你親眼目睹可怕的事件,謠言,負面畫面或新聞廣播時,不要被它們干擾而感到不安。意識到有一個集體的連接參與所有這一切,它不得不以一種或其他方式發生--這為了讓新的(世界)發生。保持平衡並安住於自己純淨的和諧之中,這將體現為在居民和整個人類之間巨大的和睦,作為這樣的一個結果會自動傳遞給地球。這就是它怎樣進行的:你開始安住於自己和諧的中心。其餘的人將會自動跟隨,就會對你的每個鄰居的靈魂有個積極的影響,這會觸動他們並以一個好的方式影響到他們。知道這一點並牢記這一點,當每次事情以積極或消極的方式發生時。 所有播下去的種子現在即將盛開,並且正有效地顯現自己。這些都是看得見的效果/影響--你可以靜靜地開始觀察到的。不是在所有情況下都會被暗示為自然現象,但在好些層面上你會觀察到,事實上,很多東西正在深刻地變化,很多東西正湧現出來並希望被得到承認。請仔細傾聽,因為它輕聲細語,閉上你的眼睛從你的內在自我去注視,正在變化進程中的是什麼。它要求你在這些繁忙的時間裡註意到它,但卻被擱在一旁,因為你過於關注那些行不通的事情,那些似乎不可見的事情,還有關注那些失望和憤怒。請給它一個機會去展示自己給你,也給你自己一個機會去看見它和感受它。讓你自己安靜下來,打開你的雙眼,去感受你內在深處的變化,它們將在你的外部世界體現出來。 讓那些其他人正在經驗到的混亂沮喪遠離你,讓它們離你而去,這樣它們就不會影響你。你感到沮喪或不安嗎?你感到失望嗎,你有那種絲毫也看不見那些變化的感覺嗎?好吧那麼就讓我給你一個建議:放下!放下一切,什麼都不要去期望,讓你的世界停下來。讓你的心神安靜下來,保持平靜安寧,把你自己安住於永恆之中,在那裡你不再被時間約束,因為時間在那裡根本不存在。安坐在你神聖的空間裡,讓愛與光包圍著你自己,閉上你的眼睛,深深地進入你自己,放鬆,並感受到圍繞你的一切是那麼的安詳寧靜。不再有從街上傳來的吵鬧聲,不再有人們之間的叫嚷。。。一切都很安詳寧靜。你安詳地處在你的神聖空間裡,那裡沒有任何事和任何人能夠打擾你。然後仔細地聆聽有什麼在你的門口顯現,它想透露給你什麼訊息,它想讓你感受到什麼。允許這個顯現出來,你就會看見那些改變真得正在發生,毫無疑問地在更新,還有愛就在你身邊無所不在的虛空裡。你肯定會在你身邊注意到它。即使還沒有這樣的情況,一切都是從內在開始,這也包括隨時警覺一切(念頭/思想/心靈)的變化。請充滿愛,我所愛的人們! 我是麥基洗德,謝謝你傳遞這個信息,合十禮敬。
Beloved Ones,Welcome to the new times of Glory and Wealth, of Joy and Love, of Harmony and companionship. This is what you all can come to expect now as these issues are coming into manifestation. These energies and these changes are now welcomed by humanity at large , and they are here thanks to the countless innovative energetic climaxes that reach you now. Originating from this solar system in which you dwell as well as from the other galaxies, countless innovative light codes now come your way to this planet and to humanity in order to lift all to a higher vibration of Divine nature.
All vibrations and Light energies involved can cause heavy shifts and with some of them you already got acquainted. They are very intense and can cause a lot of damage on the inner self as well as on your outer world. Keep in mind that this is a reflection of all the negativity that was firmly anchored on your world and which only now has found its exit to leave, once and for all, the Earth and the collective of the human race. All those shifts and events are expressed as softly as possible according to the global level of humanity's consciousness. In some cases tough confrontations are necessary, but even than they are reduced to the least destructive way of expression.
Send your Love and Light out to all those afflicted areas, but remain yourself in perfect Harmony. Don't get disturbed when you witness awful events, disinformation, negative images or news broadcasts. Become aware that there is a collective link involved in all of this and that it has to occur one way or the other, in order to let the new come to pass. To remain balanced and to stay in pure Harmony with yourself will reflect in a greater harmony between the population and the whole of humanity, and as a result of this, automatically to the Earth. This is how to proceed : you start with staying centered and in Harmony with yourself. The rest will automatically follow and will have a positive effect on every soul in your neighbourhood, it will touch them and influence them in a good way. Know this and keep this in mind each time something happens in a positive or negative way.
All that has been sown is now blossoming forth and is manifesting itself effectively. These are the visible effects that you can silently begin to observe. Not in all cases will natural phenomena be implied but on several levels you will begin to observe that in fact, a lot is changing profoundly, a lot is emerging and wishes to be acknowledged. Listen carefully as it whispers softly, close your eyes and behold from your inner self what is in the process of changing. It requires your attention amidst these busy times, but it is put aside because too much focus is given to the things that don't work, to the things that don't seem to be visible, to disappointments and to anger. Give it a chance to show itself to you, give yourself the chance to see it and to feel it. Quiet yourself and open your eyes, feel the changes deep in yourself, they will reflect themselves in your outer world.
Let go of the chaotic frustrations others are experiencing, let them go so they can't affect you. Do you feel frustrated or restless? Do you feel disappointed, do you have a feeling of seeing absolutely nothing of those changes? Well than let me give you a piece of advice : let go! Let it all go and expect nothing, put your world on hold. Quiet your mind and be calm, place yourself in eternity where you are no longer bound by time as time does not exist there. Be seated in your sacred space and surround yourself with Love and Light, close your eyes and go deep into yourself, be at ease and feel how all around you seems to get peaceful. There is no longer noise coming from the street, there are no longer human beings shouting at each other … All is peace and quiet. You are at peace in this sacred space of yours, where nothing or nobody can disturb you. Than listen carefully what shows up at your frontdoor, what it wants to divulge, what it wants you to feel. Allow this to come forth and you will see that changes are really coming to pass, that there is definitely renewal and that Love is in the air. You will surely remark it in your close vicinity. And even if it is not yet the case elsewhere, it all starts from within and that includes also the mindfulness of everything that changes. Be Love my beloved Ones!
I Am Melchizedek and I thank you for bringing this message forth. Namaste.
Copyright © 2012 by Méline Lafont. All Rights Reserved. Permission is given to copy and distribute this material, provided the content is copied in its entirety and unaltered, is distributed freely, and this copyright notice and links are included.http://pleiadedolphininfos .blogspot.be