


To reason with the Truth within








Sananda and Saint-Germain, February 1st, 2012



Dear Per, Dear Angelica, and children of the Light, we are so glad that you turn within and to us for guidance in this for you somewhat difficult and delicate question. When it comes to discernment it is always delicate and somewhat difficult to navigate since it is up to each and everyone in these times to find their Truth within, thus it is so difficult to enter in somebody else's sphere and point with the whole hand to that one thinks one sees and discern. This can be very frustrating to experience.


There is now more than ever a tough battle between the Light and the dark. This is something you are already aware of and you also see this all around you, both on a personal level and group level and also on the world map. This Ashtar talked to you Angelica about, and it is something we have prepared you for, for some time now. Now it is the time for this to fully bloom out and then integrate followed by a higher calm, clearer view and a warmer Heart for each and everyone that calmly stood in this storm and who has in a peering fashion managed to discern the Truth which holds the pure Light. A noble art, our Dear friends, a very noble art. It is for this reason that we have nagged you about this until you are close to throwing yourself on the floor in restlessness over our nagging about this discernment and the importance of mastering this, after coming into Truth with one self – within one self.

此刻在光明與黑暗間發生著一場艱苦的鬥爭。這是你們一些人已經明白的,你也在自己身邊看到了這一切,同時存在於個人,團體和世界範圍的層次中。這次阿斯塔指揮官告訴了安吉利卡一些事情,它是我們需要你們為之準備的,對於現在時刻而言。現在的時刻就是完全的綻放自己,隨後進入更高的平靜,更清晰的視野和對每個人更溫暖的關懷中,每個人都能矗立在這次的風暴中,你們都已經處於一種對等的情況,識別出偉大愛的真理,抓住純然的聖光。它是崇高的藝術,我親愛的朋友們,非常崇高的藝術。就是為了這個原因,我們已經不厭其煩的督促你們,直到你們拋棄這種坐立不安的情形,理解這種識別與掌握它的重要性,隨後進入個人的真理中-- 內在的真理


We can tell you this and that, but it is still You, which must integrate with what we say and discern what is of Truth for you. Otherwise nothing strong can be built, from within and out. Should you swallow all that you get from the higher dimensions your transformation to a Crystalline being of the Light could not happen. This is as mentioned hard work, “blood, sweat and tears”, as you say in 3D. See yourself as cleaning stations as it concerns the information you receive. You must listen to your body, your Heart, and use your ability to discern when you receive messages and information. Does this ring true? Is it for the Highest Good and above all does it hold pure Love and pure Light?



Consider now that Light stands for much more than many think and actually absorbs and integrate in your state of limited consciousness. Light is information, knowledge, love, and purity. Light is the absence of shadow.


With this it is not meant that it should not be difficult to walk in Truth and Light. It is. Consider that you have been deep in slumber and that you have not walked in pure Love and Divinity for very long. Each one as an individual has dragged along a lot of baggage and to let go of it “just” by simple intent to walk in the Light, into our arms, this is a statement that does not quite ring so true. However, it is up to you do experience your own lessons and in fact by yourself realize that this is not so. To be “born again” to one's true origin, to see one's own Divinity and to come to an inner Truth about who you in Truth are and what Love you harbor in the inner Core of Light that is you, is a long process within – An intensive and hard process. We would very much like for you to understand this more than ever, now when you are being armed for the birthing of the Age, as you know and feel already, has started and accelerated. Do not be afraid to air your reflections, doubt and pains. This is no dance on soft clouds from the beginning to the end. It is like a poison that should be cleaned out from you both mentally, physically and soul wise - Something that IS demanding and sometimes can feel like a hopelessly long and never ending process. Now, we do not want to sound like doomsday prophets here. This is far from our intention, dear Ones. However, we are keen now, more than ever, to get you to see and internalize that this road IS hard, at the same time as it is wonderfully joyful and pure and of True Love – That it is, In Truth.

當然這也並不是說行走在真理與聖光中就注定會很艱難。它是的原因是因為你們已經深深的陷入沉睡狀態,你們很久沒有行走在純淨的愛與神性中。每個人都負載了許多的包袱,步履蹣跚的走著,那麼為何不簡單的用一個微笑釋放它 們,隨之行走在光明中,進入我們溫暖的臂彎中呢?這種表述對於一些人來說並不顯得那麼真實。不過,一直是你們自己去體驗自身的課程,那麼事實就是,也由你們自己去明白什麼時候不該再這麼做。為了再次從自己真實的起源中重生,為了看清自己的神性,為了進入一種內在的明晰,關於你自己的真理,在內在中心的光芒中居留著什麼樣的愛--那就是你,一段長期的內在探索之路--一個透徹與困難的過程。我們非常喜歡你們比過去任何時候都更加的懂得它,現在你們處於新世紀重生的懷抱裡,因為你明白並且也已感知到,它開始了,加速了。千萬不要害怕表達自己的陰影,質疑和痛苦。從剛開始到結束就不是一個輕鬆的舞蹈。它更像是一種毒藥,應該從你們的精神體,肉體和靈魂中被清理掉,這些事情就像是一種苛求,有時候感覺就像一種毫無希望的旅程,永沒有完結的過程。現在,我們不希望此刻聽起來又像末日預言一般。這完全不是我們的意圖,親愛的。不過,我們現在渴望著,比過去任何時候都要渴望,希望你們明白,內在的尋求之路確實是困難的,但是,它同時也是奇蹟的,喜悅的,純淨的純然之愛的發現之旅- -就是如此,如此實在。


However, some of you have still somewhat of a glorified picture of what an Ascension process for you and for our beautiful Mother Earth actually means. It is this picture that we now are very eager to give you a necessary counter balance to. Those that are capable and ready to integrate with this fact will do so. Those that are not will go there own way, since they have more lessons and insights to gain. We should not throw stones on each other, not you and absolutely not we. Everybody has their own way to walk, their own experiences to make and their own unique insights to reach through this. So, everything is as it should be. We do our utmost to guide you, as far as we are able to and have approval for. You should know that many times it is itching in our fingers and we wish we could just move you from point A to point B and then to C, D, E… and so on. But, that would not be in truth as mentioned - nothing could be built from the outside. It must start from inside you through your own understanding, your own Light and your own realization for it to be able to manifest in Truth outside of you. It is easy to make the calculation yourself and understand that it takes time, is a never ending process and you have to hold on to your hat while you work on your trust, discernment and the clear mind together with the burning Heart.

不過,你們一些人依舊還是保有著對於揚升進程的美好圖畫,以及我們美麗的地球母親真實的樣子。就是這張圖畫,現在我們非常的焦急想要給予你們一種必要的平衡。那些有能力並且準備好整合這個事實的人就會這麼做。而那些沒有的人會繼續走自己的路,因為他們需要更多的課程以及內在的明晰需要去獲得。對於每個人如何的發展我們不會妄加指責,你不會如此,我們當然更不會。每個人都有著自己的路要走,有自身的體驗要完成,還有他們自己獨特的內在視角去通過這些旅程。那麼,每件事情如其所是的方法運行。我們當然會盡最大可能指引你,盡可能遠的伴隨。你們應該知道許多次我們都想動動自己的手指頭,我們希望自己能夠簡單方便的把你們從A移動到B,隨後到C,D,E。。。如此下去。但是,這不會真正的達成既定的效果-- 任何的發展都不可能從外在建立起來。它必須通過你們自己的理解,從內心開始,你自己的光,你自己的明覺意識,然後它才能夠以內在真理的解析顯化在外在。這並不難,估算自己並理解它確實要花費些時間,它是一個永無止境的過程,你必須緊緊抓住自己的帽子,同時行走在對於自我的信任與洞察力中,也帶著火熱的心伴隨著清晰的意識理解。


The wind is blowing in the trees now, our beloved Brothers and Sisters. The hats that are yours threaten to blow off of you if you do not hold on to them and raise your vision within you. Know that we work intensively and now more than ever with the processes that belong to Ascension. We are always at your side and in Truth these are busy days. However, all still has its own time, its process and for this to be in Truth these processes must be allowed to take their due time. Even if we do all we can to help these processes along it is still so that everything has to happen in the momentum. Follow the flow, Dear Ones. Follow the flow that comes from walking in Truth and in the full Light. When the flow is with you it is easy, it can be challenging of course, but your development and ability to manifest is then in a never ending flow.



There are many energies flourishes among you, the Light workers, at this time, more than ever. The dark is doing all it can to sow a split between you, children of the Light. This is most carefully calculated and they do all they can to suck out of you your beautiful Light energy. So, now we want you to guard yourself and your closest Brothers and Sisters, and that you use the support that many of you have in the groups that you “belong to”. Help one another now to discern the Light and the way forward. For at this moment it is a bit foggy for you. Hold on. It is as it should and nothing to be afraid of, it is something you have to get through. Feel the wealth inside you, feel the Love and open up your Hearts for the Light. But it is you who must do it, our beloved. Nobody else can so do it for you, we can only help you along. But, the stronger you get in your light, the closer we can work and integrate with you, and we more easily will reach you with as pure information as possible. For a certain distortion can always appear, this is a somewhat of a complex communication, which many of you are aware of . It is why discernment is so incredibly important.


No Ascension can manifest if you do not first come into Truth with yourselves. You beautiful souls that are incarnate during this time exactly to master this Truth, once again, so that you can bring yourselves and Mother Earth towards the Truth and the pure Love that rests in the Golden Age. Not until then will it be true, sustainable and not until then can the flow that rests in walking in Truth guide you towards the pure untouchable Light that no storm and no monsoon can extinguish or quell. The light that rests within you! Dear ones, within you! The Light that no dark or illusionary movements can mislead and give a shadow to!

如果你不首先進入自我內在的真相中,揚升不可能向你展現。你們這些美麗的靈魂在這個時刻化身地球,就是為了掌握這個真理,再一次的,好讓自己能夠帶著自己和地球母親走入真理和純淨的愛中,寄託於黃金時代的本質。並不是要到那時才能成真,可以延續,也並不是要到那時才能夠行走在真理中,指引你們朝向這純然的不可捉摸的光--它沒有任何的風暴和季風能夠熄滅或者消除。這聖光 的力量就寄居在你們的心中!摯愛的親人們!在這光明中沒有黑暗,或者那些錯誤的行為能夠誤導,製造陰影!

Listen within. See behind you, under and over and then go within again. Walk now in strong trust and with a clear mind. Hold the flame burning in your hands, even if it is blowing in the wind. With your will, intention and perceptivity you can so hold this flame burning in any storm, since it is the flame of Love and Light. The flame of Truth! It is yours. Receive it and embrace it with your whole being. You were born to master these your different missions that all end up in one and the same Mission – to work for the Highest Good. In the name of the Highest Good there are no short cuts, only the path of Truth. It is fantastic, for more and more of you now see it and we are so glad. We now put our hands on your shoulders and tell you: Hold on!


Be strong and resistant and convey warmth and Love to your fellow man and woman in the coming times, which can become and feel stormy. We will then need you to stand firm, full of warmth, joy and trust so that you all walk towards better and newer times. In Truth. Expect the unexpected and be prepared to sweat a little. Remember, you signed up for this time and it is now time to polish the armor, our beloved children of the Light.


All our love to you! Go in peace within and be ONE with all that IS.


Sananda and Saint Germain,


Channel: Angelica


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Translation from Swedish to English:

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