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2012 - A Glimpse Into The Magnificent Year Ahead



傳訊者: James Tynerronn

翻譯: Eleisia

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(2012-04-25 11:10:12)

傳導者:大天使長米迦勒,管道:Natalie Glasson


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轉載自: http://blog.sina.com.cn/s/blog_6d1491d50102e4l5.html


The potential of your life exists within the knowing of your heart and soul. Yet you use your mind to determine what is possible and its limitations prevent the highest potential from being available to you. It takes courage to live from your heart, where the true nature of your dreams exist, as well as the outcomes and miracles that can allow them to happen, because this requires an expanded vision of your life and potential that the mind cannot comprehend or envision for itself and for you.


The limitations of the third dimension are reflected in your life challenges, which are also the separation between divinity and humanity. In a divine world, the heart/mind partnership leads with love; in a human world, the mind leads by itself, with the emotional heart (also ruled by the mind) choosing the present based on the past. Living from the heart means choosing the highest heart aspects, the unconditional love and peace that are your divine birthright. Humanity's birthright is karma and the potential for love, which is found in the heart through embracing and partnering with your divinity. The ascension path leads to incorporation of the divine when you can live from the heart and choose to express its energies, which exist beyond emotion.

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Keep surfing the waves, but get your dancing shoes out.



Michael channeled by Ron Head

大天使邁克爾通過Ron Head 傳導 2012 17 


原文網址: http://oraclesandhealers.wordpress.com/2012/08/13/use-your-imagination-as-a-tool-michael-channeled-by-ron-head/


We are gratified that so many are looking forward to and following our messages.  While you may feel that it is having a beneficial effect upon your own hearts and consciousness, I, Michael, assure you that it is reaching far wider than you suppose.  You are being prepared to be the calm and reassuring rock that others can depend upon and you are making wonderful progress.



Still less do you perceive, as yet, the energetic changes which are being made to your bodies and even your DNA itself.  Watch for beneficial changes for which you have long hoped.  Do not be reticent to allow your hope to become intention, as it will naturally do, when you understand the power your consciousness has on your physical beings.  As you begin to realize these things, revisit your dreams and instill them with your intention.  Become the creators you came here to be.  Begin to think of yourselves, and act like, the creators that you indeed are.

你們覺察到的還很少,當你的身體甚至你的DNA 本身正在著能量的變化。去觀察那些你們長久以來渴望的有益變化。當你懂得你的意識有影響你的物理存在的能力的時候,允許你的希望變成意圖,不要有所保留,就像它水到渠成那樣。當你開始意識到這些事情,重新訪問你的夢想,並且用你的意圖徐徐滴入那些夢想。去成為造物主吧,你來到這就是為了成為造物主。開始考慮你自己(是造物主),並且像造物主那樣去行動,你們的的確確是造物主。

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Use your imagination as a tool.



Michael channeled by Ron Head

大天使麥克通過Ron Head 傳導 2012 13 


原文網址: http://oraclesandhealers.wordpress.com/2012/08/13/use-your-imagination-as-a-tool-michael-channeled-by-ron-head/



Today we must discuss the period of energies which you are continuing to pass through and also the changes to your world which are also continuing to increase.



As we have warned you every effort is being made to portray the latter as either commonplace or fearful.  Take your choice.  It is neither commonplace nor anything to fear.  The resulting collapse of the control structures is soon to become apparent.  There are, of course, many who refuse to believe anything other than what they are told by your media.  However, even that will be changing quickly now.  Having built a system of control based upon money, the old guard is finding themselves sitting on the other end of the see-saw, so to speak.  There will be much more money than they dreamed of and they will have no control of it.  It is, in fact, already on the way, but it may be a short while for all the most obvious needs to be met first.


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  很多- 幾乎為人們難以察覺的,都已經大幅度的轉變成正面的了。

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轉載自 http://blog.sina.com.cn/s/blog_a24d884801011kfd.html




(2012-08-02 08:55:55).


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SB: how to think about the whole question of Ascension, and I don't just mean their own personal Ascension, but also the Ascension of Gaia. Some people think, I believe, that they'll ascend, but they won't move from this third-dimensional place. Some people think that they'll — excuse me, I have to clear — that they'll ascend and leave the third dimension altogether, just disappear from it, show up in the fifth. Some, of course you've said that some people will be coming back.

SB: 如何從整體上看待揚升,不僅僅是個人的揚升,還有還有蓋婭的揚升。一些人認為,他們一定能揚升,但是不會離開這個第三維度的地方。一些人認為,他們將揚升並且一塊離開第三維度,就從第三維度消失了,並出現在第五維度。一些人,就像你說過的那樣會回來。


So, from the point of view of the observer, from the point of view of the people remaining in the third dimension, do the people who ascend early — presuming they don't come back for a sec., just to talk about this, if we could — do they disappear from view in the third? And when Gaia herself ascends, does it disappear from view from the third? And if so, what happens to the people who were on the third and don't go to the fifth ?


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The floodgates are cracked now and the flow will not be stopped. Michael channeled by Ron Head

現在閘門正在破裂,洪流不能被阻止。大天使麥克通過Ron Head 傳導


原文網址: http://soundofheart.org/galacticfreepress/content/floodgates-are-cracked-now-and-flow-will-not-be-stopped-–-michael-channeled-ron-head


譯註:之前我翻譯的大天使邁克爾的信息都是由linda 通過“與天使在一起一小時”節目傳導的,本文是另外一個傳導渠道Ron Head 傳導的,她也是一個傳導大天使邁克爾信息的常規傳導渠道,之前也有其他朋友翻譯她的信息,雖然信息是每週都有,但是翻譯的比較少,特此註明。

As another marker of your progress approaches, and the changes to your energetic make up continue, more desperate attempts to distract you from your purpose are being made. There are those who will panic at every opportunity. Some actually enjoy the drama, some are addicted to fear. We wish this were not so. We can tell you, however, that you are far past the point where it could change the outcome.



The balance of light and dark has forever shifted on your world. There may be efforts made up until the very last, but the Divine Decree has been given and will be manifest. The belief of some in another power will be brought to naught. The Creator of this Universe has long since determined the outcome of this experiment.

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轉載自: http://blog.sina.com.cn/s/blog_8ffbc58a01010h2r.html



翻譯:saphira http://blog.sina.com.cn/s/blog_9e14199001018mrl.html 





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轉載自: http://blog.sina.com.cn/s/blog_6d1491d50102e3yv.html



通靈:Amuna Ra The Coming of Our Craft

翻譯:Nick Chan




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轉載自: http://blog.sina.com.cn/s/blog_8ffbc58a01010etm.html




翻譯:saphira  http://blog.sina.com.cn/s/blog_9e14199001018ho1.html 



wolf EE Uriel 19 Kommentare 狼EE的烏列爾19個評論

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轉載自: http://blog.sina.com.cn/s/blog_537dd4360102e0ap.html




    這完全不重要,有這麼多的你們直到這一天尚未醒來。盡量不要讓這種情況動搖你的決心,或使你認為你們所有的工作已經化為烏有。沒有什麼比這種想法離真理更遠,我向你保證。這些是在二元性世界中珍貴的最後的日子。你們現在就住它們之中,最好是你把它所有的拿進來,當作一個活的歷史標誌。我稱之為“ 珍貴” ,是因為以後你們將被要求為他人敘述這個在其中,你們現在能找到自己的時代。把你們自己當成是探險家和歷史學家,因為它會給這種等待的時代增添一點樂趣。我們已經告訴奧羅拉,在她的任務完成之後她將被召見,在高級議會前介紹自己。她必須講她的經驗,並分享她看到和感受到她的個人印象,她將被允許留住,並傳授給別人她發現的最令人愉快的藝術和傳統。 


    當你們進入第維狀態時,並不是在你們的文化中的每件事都要被過濾掉。有很多東西是美麗的,充實你們的生活方式。在我看來一個非常重要的,往往被忽視的、且是創造新地球現實的一部分,你們需要選擇將哪些愉樂的風格、形式、系統等等打包起來,隨你們從這個現實中帶走。我們經常觀察到你們以為這僅僅是一個沉悶的等待時間,然而你誤會了。你以為這等待期間會造成無聊,無聊卻是危險的,請記住。所以現在我給你們一些任務,可能有助於減輕這種無聊,這將讓你比以往任何時候都忙。有更多的事情來質疑。你看,你在這裡呼吸空氣的每一刻就是你在其中可以學習,為要來的事件做準備的一個不同的時刻。明智地支配你們時間,即使是普通的線性計數概念也具有隻是在轉眼間消失的潛力。這是有趣的一個問題,你不覺得嗎?然而你們會給那些從未經歷過它的人解釋“ 時間” 嗎? 


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Archangel Michael on Disclosure and the Olympics






本文為“與天使在一起一小時”(an hour with an angle )的節譯,大天使回答部分引用原文。


GW :有關所謂的會議在奧運會慶典的早上舉行,大家都關注日,一些人把這個日期解釋為大揭露的實際日期,我們試圖溝通它只是一個神聖截止日期,事情不一定發生在那一天,而是天使和銀河力量在那個日期之後有神聖自由。你能確認這些事件嗎?


AAM: I am not going to comment one way or another on anything about the meetings that may or may not have taken place. And what we have suggested to you, time and again, is that we are working on containment of certain individuals or groups that have need to be irradiated with light and love.

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轉載自 http://www.douban.com/group/topic/31433788/


《土星的人造衛星&月亮效應》 翻譯:伊蕾莎

http://blog.sina.com .cn/s/blog_a0e029540 1016n93.html

Channeled by: James Tynerronn Website: 

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心愛的光之家庭成員們,多麼令人愉快和高興啊,地球已經完成了開始於2010年大十字排列(Grand Cross alignment)時的轉變。在那個時候,你知道重大的變化正在你的世界裡發生,因為地球開始重新排列自己,為了她轉入第五維度和新時間軸(New Timeline)做最後階段的準備。到2011年1月4日日食時,地球將完全與她的新軌道和新頻率對準,這將保證她在2012年12月準時抵達她於銀河時間門(Galactic Timegate)的會合地點,並進入“無時間(no time)”或者“無限高(infinity frequency)”。



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轉載自: http://blog.sina.com.cn/s/blog_537dd4360102dzx1.html





親愛的,你們所稱的揚升,可以被定義為轉移擴展到水晶次元。 大師們,2012年只是個開始,因為水晶能量是驚人的強大且熱情的活動著。這個良善的能量確實是一種無所不在的全備能量,是幾千年來未曾在這星球上看到的。這是強大的融合了地球、高次元及宇宙能量可以有能力動搖地球並打開次元,也有能力可以提升你們的頻率。而這些其實都已經發生了,並且是以倍數的方式發生。這種晶磁物理所發揮的動能,是超越你們目前科學所能理解的。

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                    翻譯:saphira http://blog.sina.com.cn/s/blog_9e14199001017ypx.html 







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大天使麥克爾2012 16 日時事更新
An hour with an Angel, with Archangel Michael


原文網址:http://the2012scenario.com/2012/07/an-hour-with-an-angel-with-archangel-michael-july-16-2012-you-were-perilously-close-to-repeating-atlantis -part-12/



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