

Brief Update from ChristMichael


By Jess Anthony


Feb 16, 2012 - 6:20:41PM







Christ Michael, I would likea brief update and specific clues about what to expect. I ask formore strength and awareness, and clarity to see what I can bestdo. 



Jess, I can speak to you now.Once you have cleared away the debris, we can speak more clearlyand cleanly. Much is happening. You know the immense scenario thatis being undertaken. This is a new adventure, and we are learningas we are acting . There are no past examples to draw upon really,for much of what is happening here, so we are careful to examineeverything in minute detail before we move ahead with an actionthat will inevitably have major impact on your frame ofexistence.



The schedule at this point isthis: we plan to have some announcements about those that arecontrolling the streams of influence that determine whatgovernments and countries choose to follow. The government'sdecisions are not reasoned or discerning. They follow others'dictates for fear of losing their position-which is a very realpossibility and they know it-or because they are not awaresufficiently to see the flaws in the game plan they are told totake. There is a group of elite overseers whodetermine what all the political policy is and plan what economicdirections the financial sector takes. This is not a free market,nor is it purely based on success and failure. The groupmanipulates levels of economy and governmental decisions to createa global existence that is controlled by them. They have beentrained to believe that no other alternative is workable , and theypull the strings to cause nations to do their wishes.



The announcement will be soon.We want the political system in America to collapse around Obama'sattempts at pre-emptive legislation. Obama is, of course, not theone making the decisions or calling the shots. He is essentially amindless puppet that is used in various environmental situations topaint a picture of stability and control. Nothing could be furtherfrom the truth, but this doesn't stop Obama's group from pursuingcontinued development even though they are using their powerwithout a sense of perspective or bigger picture.




The instability in Europe willtrigger several things that will cause the American economic toappear as the sham it is. Germany is trying to manipulate events inother countries to take away the public's attention on what isactually happening there. Any news scoop will dominate the airwaysand prevent any sort of genuine discussion about political actionsin the mainstream media and effectively continue the destruction ofthe American founding father's Bill of Rights.



This is sufficient fortonight. 





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