

A Celestial Reminder


Ancient of Days Of Orvonton


February 27 2012




A Celestial Reminder

Ancient of Days Of Orvonton

February 27 2012

Thru Candace


Hello Beloveds, let me introduce myself briefly, for this is a short message and not a teaching piece. There are 3 of us in equal power as you see it, over Orvonton, and you can certainly review who we are in your Urantia Book. 

 親愛的人們,你們好,讓我簡短的介紹一下我自己,因為這是一個簡短的信息,不是一個教導的信息。在超級宇宙奧溫頓,如你們所看到的,有我們3位亙古常在者分享管理權,你們當然可以在Urantia Book地球之書中回顧一下我們是誰。


I could give my a short version of my name, but its going to get stolen and used by others, so I will pass.  I work with few on this plane, and I have chatted with Candace privately a couple times. 



This is to serve as a small warning to some on your plane not in cooperation.  You must remember that if you show up in the Orvonton Courts,  you are in some really serious trouble.  You are today playing games for example with false news reports about your Queen and she is not available and using actors is not your option at this point. 



I suggest you get on with the Truth and NOTHING BUT THE TRUTH.  BY DOING SO, you are less likely to show up in our courts and in our courts your issues become literally ones of life or death of the continuance of your being. 



You continue to believe that Lucifer is going to come bail you ones out and he faced ME personally in the Orvonton Courts  during the mid part of this past century and after a period of some time, chose to not continue his existence. 

你們繼續相信路西法將會前來幫你們擺脫困境,在上個世紀的中葉他在奧溫頓宇宙法庭親身面對我的審判,在一段時間之後,他選擇了不再繼續他的存在(注:1987年路西法選擇了自我湮滅,同年地球開始進入光子帶,之後的8月份出現了人類世界的靈性和諧匯聚,接下來的1989至1991年間,東西德國統一,蘇聯解體,世界開始出現轉機) 。


What will you say if you face the Courts of Orvonton?  How will you justify your continued existence, or will you forfeit your eternal life because of PRIDE like he did, to serve a person that no longer is in existence?  How would that be service ?  Even your one called "Satan" returned to the light brothers. Why would you sacrifice yourselves in such stupidity, as it does not serve that old and dead rebellion that is over.  IT IS OVER.  Except for the remnant of you ones who cannot accept such.  You cannot have brownie points brothers for something that is DONE.        



This planet is back under the control of the universal realms, even unto Siraya himself, who long ago gave  you ones another chance and over rode ME.  I had no mercy left for you.  And I can promise you,  there will be NO over riding this time, on that I have the promise of Siraya.  I have no mercy for you now, unless you repent.  Ponder it.      








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