




It is with great pleasure that I fully acknowledge eachof you from the beginning of your creation as we all were together. Earth isnow at a crossroads of allowing the old timelines to be removed of the walkeach of you have created while being in humanity as you expressed it throughyour physicality.




You are still very much physically but starting toacknowledge the parts of yourself that have been lost and removed from yourconsciousness. That was the Divine plan so that you could fully remember untoyourself when it was time. Well, the time is at hand and each of you is fullyaccessing these elements.




At the time of Creation, we all were in angelic formtogether fully acknowledging our powerful gifts. We were separated into theprincipalities and guided in certain pathways to share these amazing feats thatcould be accomplished. We were then given opportunities to take these giftsinto other forms, Earth being the human form but within that the gifts wouldonly be remembered up to a certain age. If the cultivation was not nurturedwithin the child, after a certain age, the gifts would be tucked away until theHigher Self could access them. They would come through dream states, invisions, and living in imaginary worlds until they would be fully ready to beacknowledged with the essence that they held for humanity.




During this time, many of you decided to return again andagain to remember who you were so you could access these gifts, but the effectsof the earth energies did not always support these elements. Some could andothers were not ready as the abilities that each of you accessed were sopowerful that in human form it took on the role of the fears. So in truth youcreated pathways to get through these blockages from the Light, createddoorways of darkness as that was also part of your personal plan. These arewhat we commonly refer to as “Timelines,” pockets of creation through lifetimesthat are stopping the full potential to be manifest within the creation of theNow.


在這個時刻,你們中的很多人決定一遍一遍地回憶你們的過去,通過這種回憶你們可以重新獲得這些天賦。但是地球的能量並不總是能支持這些因素。一些人可以完成,但是還有一些仍然不能,因為恐懼在他們長久以來的生活中扮演了非常重要的角色。因此,穿過障礙,通向光的道路是你們自己創造的,通向黑暗的大門也是你們自己創造的。這些就是我們通常談到的時間線" -  許多次轉生所產生的的一個創造物集合。這些創造物集合阻止你們在創造“現在”的過程中使用所有的潛能。


In this moment of time, this year of 2012, all of thesetimelines are being ignited for each of you to either release or embrace. Weare still in the age of duality of the 4th dimensional reality of Earth but arequickly moving to the new paradigm of the Golden Age. As this processcontinues, the timelines will be acknowledged by your lower self to be accessedthrough your Higher Self. It is a frequency of continuation that is beingguided by each of your I AM Presence's. In order for you to remember you mustremove the old elements that are stopping you from fully accessing your DivinePotential.


現在,也就是2012 年的這個時候,所有的時間線被你們每個人點燃,來釋放或者擁抱。我們仍然在第四維度的二元時代,但是很快會進入新的黃金時代。當這個過程持續的時候,時間線會被你們低層次的自己所承認,這樣你們可以接觸到高層次的自己。這是一種被現在時刻的自己所連續不斷引導的頻率。這麼做的目的是讓你們回憶,讓你們知道你們移除阻止你們到達神聖的潛力的的生活模式的必要性。


This is the “Crossroads of Creation”. As each of yourlifetimes held karmic relationships with others, both good and bad, thosefrequencies are being ignited by the Light and the Dark. Many beings of thelower frequencies are still existing as they never allowed themselves to fullyfeel their light within so each are combating with the Light for existence. Ifyou can try to understand the levels of creation within each Soul's existence,then you can grasp the knowledge that once we were all the same. Now throughthe different timelines we are coming back to the Source of Oneness but in thatjourney it can be riddled with great challenges of darkness. 




It is a time of the mastership role to be acknowledged byeach of you. This is your acceptance as being a Light Worker of learning tocombat the darkness with the Light. This is also true of each of youindividually through all the timelines that exist for you in your soul'sremembrance. As you bring more Light onto yourself, the old timelines need tobe removed so as not to fall into the old roles of warriorship and power bydeath. The ones that are now in the warriorship roles will take theresponsibility of removing these pesty beings of non-light. As you let go ofthe old timelines, you move fully into the Oneness that You Are, and become aTorch Bearer of the Golden Flame.




It is each individual's choice of where they want to gowith these elements, but in truth it is your time to fully take hold of yourMastery upon this Earth. I stand here as Archangel Michael and shall alwaysprotect each and every one of you as many of you have stood with me before. Itis now time for each of you to find your own strength and power of being theTorch Bearer of the Golden Flame. I walk with you; not in front of you and notbehind you. I will guide you through this pathway but we are all experiencing newlevels of awareness that fully need to be acknowledged.




The only way that you can fully allow your physical selfto understand your role is to fully accept your Destiny Within. This cannotcome from your physical ego and must be acknowledged within your Soul's HigherEgo, Higher Mind, and Higher Heart. This will bring the acceptance that each ofyou is looking for as it will not come from your physical essence. It is nowtime to stand within your power of your Angelic Self with all the magic and joyeach of you have embodied previously.




The difference at this time is that you now are walkingthe Earth fully embodied with this knowledge and wisdom while understanding theprocess you are going under for complete Divine Completion. The duality that isoccurring upon the Earth is great but not as great as the Light that each ofyou embodies. Thinking love is helpful but you must fully accept it in allparts of your existence. Allow yourself to fully embody the Angelic Being YouAre while accessing all the positive timelines in which you created theseelements to occur upon this Earth as a fully Divine Being of Oneness .




I cannot stress to you enough of the importance of theUnified Whole Command that Meleriessee and Michael are sharing with each ofyou. They have been asked to speak of these frequencies as Now It Is Time. Weare all part of the Unified Whole but fully must remove the old paradigms thatkept us from creating Oneness Within Ourselves and in our world.




I stand with you; watching you as you express your Divineright as Sovereign Beings of the Light to share unto this world. I have beenawaiting this day as many of you have stood with me previously and now we walktogether. I am no greater than you as I AM YOU.




All my love in Divine Essence,


I AM Archangel Michael







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