轉載自: http://hi.baidu.com/u2%BE%F5%D0%D1/blog/item/92c2fbeccd9fbc5079f05531.html
It is clear now to many people that a big shake up is about to occur in the halls of power, and that will enable more far reaching changes to go ahead. It is important that those who block progress and vital changes necessary to free you from control, are totally removed. That process is well underway and those standing in our way are well aware that their time is up. There is no way out for them and their crimes are well documented, with absolute proof of their involvement. We are talking about a measure of weeks rather than months before our actions begin to bite. We are therefore hopeful of taking a great step forward very soon, and one that will be such that you will get to learn of it. We have some backing form the media , and believe it will not take much before reporting of what is happening will spread and be accurate. We are not out for sensationalism, but nevertheless the events will be quite extraordinary. We want it to be known that the old regime is no longer in charge, and that it will be replaced by one that truly represents the people. The Light is returning Dear Ones, and it will reach into everyone's lives for the better.
To reach this point in your evolution has taken a long time, and required a great deal of faith at times. You are now in the throes of being rewarded with a succession of changes that shall lift you out of poverty, and give you a taste of what is to come following Ascension. After thousands of years of subtle controls that have gradually taken away your rights, so much so that you have accepted them as being normal, you are at last to experience freedom at a level you are unfamiliar with. The dark Ones deliberately created the circumstances that led to your virtual imprisonment in your own homes. As Spiritual Beings you are the Children of God, and free to choose your own experiences. However, it must be added that you chose duality as a means of expanding and speeding up your evolution.
What is left of this present cycle no longer holds any fears for you, as the dark Ones have failed to achieve their objectives. You have learnt much from them, but were not intended to be totally at their mercy or desire to take complete control over you. Your big lesson has been to experience separation from the Source, to see what it is like to establish once again your connection to the Light. You were given every opportunity to create your own reality, and at times in earlier civilizations you did achieve a high level of peace and serenity. However, the dark Ones were never far away plotting your downfall, and there were equal periods of darkness that resulted in the total collapse of the last two civilizations.
It might strike you as odd that duality serves a dual purpose, and in the end benefits all souls that have taken part in it. Every experience has value to everyone involved, and bear in mind that although today you may be fully committed to the Light , there will undoubtedly have been periods when you also served the dark Ones. Because there is no judgment involved you have no reason to look back and carry guilt with you. What matters most is whether you have learnt the lessons it gave you, that you may have gone through more than once. Your ego will feed your waking mind, and has no hand in decisions based on your consciousness levels. That is where your Higher Self comes in and when often a battle of wills takes place. We would expect those of you who have established yourselves on the Ascension path, would lead their lives and make their decisions based on Love and Light and be guided by their Higher Self.
It should be reassuring for you to know that whatever hardships you are enduring at present, before the end of the year they will have been dealt with. Try to see what remaining karmic lessons are involved with your final experiences, particularly as often your hardest tests are left to the final stages of your life. We can tell you that you are never given more than you can cope with in spite of what you may feel. Whatever the situation it need only have a limited affect on you, and as your consciousness levels rise up you are more able to deal with them. Theses are times when it is important that if you have been wronged that you do not think in terms retribution, as that will only heap up the karma once again.
Forgiveness is a vital and essential requirement if you are to keep rising up, and the sooner you can put matters behind you the better. This is particularly important where family feuds or disagreement are concerned, as you want to leave duality having made your peace with everyone. Remember that at some stage you will review your life, and the differences you might have had may not always be as you understand them now. It can be quite revealing to hear the other side of disputes or arguments you have been involved in.
With such little time left in this cycle, concentrate on your immediate needs that will ensure you are ready to ascend. Be what you imagine you need to be to achieve it, and we can assure you that it is relatively easy to live your life that way when you are maintaining your Light at all times. See how people around you respond, and note that your presence often helps people feel good. It is because the energies you give out are harmonious and uplifting. In the greater picture when many souls are doing it, the upliftment occurs on an even higher level. If you consider the reverse situation you will also see how easy it must be for souls to be pulled down by the lower energies.
這個週期只剩下很少的時間,集中精力在你迫切的需要上將會確保你準備好揚升。想像自己為了達成它應該需要什麼,我們能確保你這種方式會讓你的生活立刻簡單起來--- 每時每刻維持在你的神聖光芒中。看一看你周圍的人會如何回應,注意你的存在通常就幫助了其他人感覺好了起來。這是因為你發散出的能量是和諧與令人振奮的。在更巨大的畫面中,當許多的靈魂一起做的時候,這種提高的發生就在一個更高層次展現了。如果你認識到這相反的情形,你也就會明白對於靈魂來說通過較低能量的侵襲必定也會被拉下來。
For quite some time your Earth has been bathed in ever higher energies, and the net result is that the lower ones are being transmuted. The cleansing continues and with the removal of the dark Ones, a quantum leap forward will take place. It will be overtaken by the final alignment when your Sun lines up with many other planets, and the Great Central Sun. Then you shall change in the twinkling of an eye, and find you have ascended into the beauty of a new Earth. One that bears little resemblance to what you know now, that is vibrant and of all Light and the most beautiful colors, shapes and sizes that harmonize with each other.
I am SaLuSa from Sirius, and thank you for your support of the Galactic Federation that holds such love for you, and which you will soon learn to know much better.
Thank you SaLuSa
Mike Quinsey.
Website: Tree of the Golden Light