


As the Irish all over the world celebrate being Irish on what they see as their day, most of them are blissfully unaware of the decisions that were made at the Council of Nicea, to destroy the people of Ireland and their religion of love, preached by the Druids. The Cabal stole the real history of Ireland and its language, and they made slaves of its people. Though the indoctrination that followed was barbaric, it failed to break the Irish Spirit.


It was at this time that plans were made for the take-over of the world. It is all there for those who take the time to research it. Until you research this period of history, you will not understand what is happening in your world today. For that is when they wrote the Bible, carefully following a formula, making slight changes here and there, to make it seem authentic. The Bible has been used to create fear of a Hell that does not exist, and the God, who is LOVE, has been changed into one who you need to fear. You have to hand it to them, they thought of everything !


Those who control your world today, see 2012 as the year they will see their plans come to fruition. They continually give you notice of this. They do not hide their plans. They believe that you are so well controlled that you will fail to see them. I know it is hard to accept that those you accepted as fellow human beings, could be so evil. They are prepared to destroy humanity to achieve their aims. They constantly tell you that they want to cut the population. They use genetically modified crops to destroy the food supply. They contaminate your water supply and the air you breathe. They even tell you, in advance, when they intend to kill you. Remember 9/11 and 7/7: they produced "what if" scenarios and they showed you what they had planned, and you did nothing. This gave them permission to carry out those plans. Now, I know how upset you are, my dear, as you now see them showing you "what if" scenarios that may happen at the London Olympics. You know that they do not waste time or effort on speculation. They are telling you that they intend to eliminate many thousands of innocent human beings who are surplus to their requirements. My dear, you cannot personally stop people from going to these events. You can only hope and pray that people wake-up and see clearly what is planned. You have done your bit by exposing these plans. Just look at the logo and the mascots with the ALL-SEEING EYE. They spell it out for you. It could not be more obvious. I did tell you that there are hurdles to overcome. This is one such hurdle.

那些今天控制你們的人,把2012年作為他們惡魔計劃實現的一年。他們持續不斷的讓你注意到它。他們也並沒有隱藏自己的計劃。他們相信你們被控制的很好,那麼你也不可能看穿他們的計劃。我知道這很難接受,那些你們當作同胞的人卻是如此的邪惡。他們已經準備好毀滅人類來實現自己的目標。他們不斷的告訴你要降低人口。他們利用基因被修改的作物來摧毀食物供給。他們弄髒你們的水源和呼吸的空氣。他們甚至告訴你,在他們想要殺死你之前,提前“預報”。請記住911和7/7日:他們引用了“假使將會如何”這種情節,通過這樣向你們展示他們的計劃,而你什麼都沒有做。這給予了他們許可來執行那些計劃。現在,我知道你是多麼的心煩意亂,我的摯愛,因為你現在明白了他們向你展現的“假使會如何”的情節,這也可能會發生在倫敦奧運會上。你知道在投機上他們從不會浪費時間或者努力。他們在告 訴你們他們就是想要清除成千上萬的無辜群眾,那些對於他們來說屬於過剩的人口。我的摯愛,你不可能以個人方式來製止這些人進行這些事件。你只能希望並且祈禱人民能夠醒悟過來,清楚的看清所有的詭計。通過揭發這些計劃你已經完成了自己的任務。只要看看這個徽標,還有這個帶著全知之眼的吉祥物就明白了。他們已經告知你了。不可能再明顯了。我告訴過你們這裡有著障礙需要跨越。這就是一個障礙。



Veronica, you cannot protect everyone. People must remember that for their controllers to survive, they need the oxygen of fear and the spilling of blood. They cannot exist without it. By following their orders, you keep them in control.


It is when you learn to love your fellow man that peace and harmony will return. Refuse to kill or to create fear. Do not harm, in any way, those who have as much right to life as you have. When truth is revealed this year - and it is happening every day - then you will see the full picture. You will wonder how you could ever have believed the lies of religions and the Cabal which ruled you.


Money was created out of nothing by the Federal Reserve. It has controlled your world. It destroys whole countries, as well as many, many lives. It is time to stop chasing the gold. As Tom Ryan pointed out in your interview, people need to look within themselves to find the answers. It is time to take back your power.

金錢被美聯儲無中生有創造了出來。它已經控制了你們的世界。它毀滅了國家,當然還有許多人的生活。現在是時候停止【拜金主義】。就像Tom Ryan在你的採訪中指出的那樣,人民需要向內看,從而找到答案。現在是時候取回你的力量了。

Reconnect with who you are and why you are on Earth at this time. What is your role in reclaiming your world. Your controllers are carefully placing false information to create a false sense of security. Do not take your eyes off what is actually happening. It has worked in the past, so they follow the same formula every time. Question everything and check all information, no matter what source it comes from. Discernment is called for in all matters.


When you accept that the history you were taught is TOTAL LIES - research it for yourselves - then the real truth will dawn on you. You will then understand fully, when the Cabal set its plans in motion, and how mankind has been used and abused ever since.


The Cabal have had it all their own way for nearly 2000 years. They moulded your existence, always ensuring that you were beholden and indebted to them, and of course, in fear of them. You have served them all this time, whether through religion or governments. They have always been in control. It is only in recent years that you have been able to learn just who the Cabal are, and what their plans entail. I accept that it was difficult for many of you to believe that those you had trusted were actually EVIL to the core.


There is a bright side to all of this doom and gloom. Once you face up to the challenges before you, you will see everything clearly. You need to re-ignite the light within each and every one of you. Learn who you are, connect with your higher selves. Then the universe and the World of Spirit will welcome you back into the fold.


You also need to re-ignite and reconnect all the sacred places in your world. These connections were deliberately destroyed by the Cabal. There are good people out there, ready and willing to ensure that this happens. Be positive at all times. You know we will succeed. Good will triumph over evil.


My dear, it is Mother's Day. Enjoy the sentiments which are sincerely meant, and the gifts from your children. You always put what you see as duty, before pleasure. I thank you.


All that we ask, is that people open their minds to the possibility that they might still be locked into the control and belief systems that were forced on them.


Be happy, my love, knowing that I never leave you. We are together forever.



Your adoring, Monty.




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