Greetings, my dear. This has been a week when you have seen information released that you never expected to see in your lifetime. Those people who professed to be of the Light while collaborating with the Dark Entities to gain control of humanity, have been exposed . They have nowhere to hide. They now feel the hand of justice on their shoulder; they will answer for their crimes. Their removal from the scene will take a little longer but it will happen, as sure as night follows day. Their crimes against innocent children are the most difficult to deal with. They preached love, but delivered the most evil control system which was all based on lies. Their lies controlled every aspect of your lives. You were even programmed to expect to die at a particular age. The vaccines were laced with strains of virus to ensure you became ill with cancer or other serious illness; some people reacted differently, but it ensured the ill health that would create great profits plus your demise. Everything was stacked up against you: contaminated food, etc., to remove you from the planet. Sadly, you were taught to trust implicitly those who were destroying you.
They feed off your fear; they thrive on it. This is why you are constantly being told who you must fear. It's all well planned out. They have a list of potential "enemies". Discussions are happening right now as to when to go ahead with Project Bluebeam *). They plan to use their own "space ships" to pretend that aliens are threatening you. They do not care how many die in the process. It will be used to extract yet more taxes and impose more control. This is where people of the light, who are awake to what is being done, should speak out. Assure others that this is part of a big hoax. It's all an illusion. They are running out of money. They are squeezing countries for more and more as they are losing control of the financial system which they fraudulently put in place, many years ago. The new system is almost ready to be unveiled. This will, of course, be a temporary measure, until money can be fazed out altogether and you return once more to a method of bartering, as happened in ancient times. It was very successful. It never caused war or famine. There was plenty for all.
You will become aware of huge waves of love. You know that the Cabal do not 'do' love. They will try to destroy it, they cannot cope with the good energy of love. We have talked of the three days when it's best to sleep, and so allow us to do what has to be done to remove the illusion that you now call "life". You have nothing to fear, you are just stepping out of the prison that has kept you under their control. The changes that will naturally happen to planet Earth: the removal through earthquakes, etc., of several parts of the Earth, is necessary, as they have become so corrupt that they cannot be redeemed.
People will be removed in three waves: the people who will leave Earth in the first wave have already agreed to this; they are evolved, and will set up centres to receive the second and third waves of people. Those who remain on the surface of Earth are those who are so locked into the fear and control of the Cabal that they stay to become their slaves. Many of your young people chose to be on Earth at this time to use their pure energy to assist others to go forward. Quite a few of you have experienced the head spinning, plus strange sensations in the body that are used to restore your DNA and help to prepare you for full consciousness. This has been a work in progress for a long time, but the time is right, now , to make the shift. Please ensure that you have sufficient food stored, so that during the Transition, when supplies cannot be delivered or produced, that you have stored enough to sustain yourself. Water is important, plus all the basic necessities of life. Candles are essential also. There is absolutely nothing to fear, see it as a great adventure. Planet Earth is going through a massive change that will remove all who should not be there. Earth will once more take her place in the universe. It will be very exciting for all those who studied other planets, crop circles, UFOs, etc. John Mack is incredibly excited. We have worked hard to bring this about. When the energy changes - it is happening even as we write - we will be able to show ourselves, though some may view this prospect with alarm ! We are among you much more than you realise. I know you know, my dear, as I continue to make my presence known to you and our guests - much to their surprise, sometimes.
那些將在黑暗三日被清理的人:這些人將在第一波離開地球,他們已經同意了這個決定(譯者:指的那些來地球體驗學習的新靈魂,他們將以這種方式離開) ;那些已經進化的,將建立起中心來接受第二和第三波的人們。那些在地球表面殘留的人都是那些被深深鎖在恐懼和黑暗勢力的控制中的人,那麼他們將保持自己的奴隸狀態。許多的年輕人選擇在這個時刻來到地球,運用他們純然的能量來支持其他人繼續前進。你們中相當多的人已經體驗到了頭部的眩暈,伴隨著來自身體的奇怪感覺,這些都是被用於重整你們的DNA,幫助你們回歸到全意識。這已經作為一個進程持續了很長時間,但是時機都是正確的,現在,就要轉變了。請確保自己有必須的食物儲備,以完成這次過渡期,那時候供給無法交貨或者生產,因此你儲備足夠多以維持自己。水的儲備也是重要的,作為所有基本生活的必須品。蠟燭也是重要的。當然沒有任何需要恐懼的事情,把它看作是一次偉大的冒險。行星地球正在經歷大規模的變化,將移除所有不再可以逗留的一切。地球將再次取得她在宇宙中的位置。這將是非常激動人心的,因為所有曾經去其他星球學習的人,麥田圈,UFO現像等等的解釋。約翰.麥克是完全存在的。我們已經努力的工作在把這些帶給你們。當能量變化了---就在我們寫信息的時候都在不斷發生著---我們將可以展示自己,雖然一些人會把這些前景視為警告!我們伴隨你們的過程遠遠超出你們自己的想像。我知道你了解,我的摯愛,由於我持續的在讓自己的存在讓你所知曉,給你和我們的客人---給了他們許多的驚奇,有些時候吧。
Keep your spirits up. You have much to look forward to. To all the countries which are worried about repaying the debt that was imposed on them: it was a scam that should never have happened. You were not dealing with honest people. I would like to take this opportunity to assure them that all debt will be wiped out when the new system comes in. You have only a few weeks to wait. Their days are numbered. It is time for them to bow out, to return all they have dishonestly taken from you. This is the time when men of integrity such as Mr Enda Kenny (Ireland), must step forward to guide the way to honest politics. He is much admired and appreciated on both sides of life. A man you can trust . The restoration of Ireland - its true history - is a priority. It is only then that Man will fully understand the enormity of the deception perpetrated on all mankind. When I first passed to Spirit and I saw all this for the first time, I asked you to study ancient Ireland. You could hardly believe what you were uncovering. The whole course of history was changed for profit and control. They believed that they had destroyed the evidence. They cannot hide from Spirit. We have access to everything, we cannot be silenced.
Do please take time to take care of yourself, for me. Your adoring husband, Monty.