
轉載自: http://blog.sina.com.cn/s/blog_6d1491d50102dzu0.html

There are those amongst you that are now awakening to their missions, as you are approaching a most intense period of activity. These Beings have been waiting for this particular time, to be available for the masses who will need guidance to understand what is going on around them. Events are going to move quite quickly, and there will be some confusion and fear as a result. All Lightworkers can assist in such times, and we ask them to be ready to share their knowledge with others. We shall continue to assist our allies and many Starseeds will come into their own, having been carefully prepared for exactly what their experience allows. There is so much being done to ensure you make the transition with Mother Earth, and that as many of you as possible succeed. Even those that are not yet ready require help, as they too need to be made aware as to what lies ahead for them.

你們中的一些人正覺醒於自身的任務,這是因為你們正接近一個最強烈緊張的行動時期。這些存有們已經為了這個特殊時刻等待了很久,為那些需要指引的群體大眾提供幫助,讓他們理解在身邊發生著什麼。事件就要飛速發展,作為結果同時會導致一些混亂和恐懼。所有的光之工作者都能夠在此刻提供幫助,我們請求所有的光之工作者準備去分享你們的知識給其他人。我們將繼續對我們的盟友提供支持,許多的星際種子都進入待命狀態,並十分謹慎的準備著自己,清楚了解自己該去經驗什麼。有這麼多的事情正在完成,為的就是確保你們取得地球母親偉大過渡的成功,也讓更多的人都能取得自身的成功。甚至是那些還沒有準備好接納幫助的人,他 們也需要明白前方的日子什麼在等待著他們。

According to your perspective of what is happening, you will go into shock or surprise when matters really gather speed. People need to understand that the upheaval is unavoidable, and is necessary to cleanse the Earth of low vibrations that cannot carry forward into the higher vibrations . All will find its rightful place and it cannot be otherwise. The Laws of the Universe are irrevocable and cannot be ignored without invoking karma. We will hope to have sufficient outlets that will provide all of the information that will be needed. Certainly the whole concept of the changes will need to be carefully explained, as some will undoubtedly feel that what will happen is an unwanted intrusion into their lives.


As you will have noticed, unrest is spreading across the world as the call for freedom and peace reaches new levels. People are now realising what power they have to bring about change, and no longer afraid to confront their leaders. It is having an effect and galvanising more of them to support the protests, and it is gradually bringing about results. So it shall continue and we have our own plans to ensure that you are not denied a return to lawful ways of living. With that those Laws that are against the Constitution will be revoked, and re-written. It is all moving ahead and very soon all those who have committed crimes against you, will find themselves removed form society.


The Galactic Federation is engaged in the final efforts to persuade your governments to adopt more far reaching polices, so that they can reflect the changes that will totally alter your way of life. There is no point in continuing to think in the old ways, as a new paradigm has been formed to bring in the changes to your lives. Once it is realised that Ascension will be the greatest event to ever affect the whole Human Race, there will more attention given to your needs. Indeed, it will be you who will decide the rules by which you live, and no more shall such decisions be taken away from you. You are no longer to be governed by those who seek only to further their own ambitions. Those changes will come about when the arrests have cleared the way for reforms.


Look well ahead Dear Ones and know that you will come safely through the next few months, to take your place in the higher dimension. Then shall your lives be refined even further, as you take a higher path to full consciousness. You will soon see that your present reality has been the development of the darkness more than the Light. It has kept the vibrations at a low level from which you have found it most difficult to lift yourselves up. However, as the plan was for you to complete this cycle with Ascension, it allowed us and other Beings of Light to assist you through it. So who better to do it than your families of Light, who act upon divine commands that if necessary give us the authority to intervene in your lives. What we have done is to empower our allies, so that they stopped the dark Ones from completely overwhelming you.


So far our mission has accomplished its goals, and now we stand poised to come more into your lives for the end times. Evidence of our presence has continued to increase, as our ships come closer more frequently than ever before. You hardly need Disclosure to convince you of our contact with you, but it will show you that our presence is officially accepted. It will allow us to meet you on your level and prepare you for what is to come, and it will be a most wonderful time. It will not take long for the most sceptical people amongst you to realise that we are your friends and are in no way a threat to your lives. Indeed, you will soon learn of the various changes we are to help you with, that will uplift your quality of life to one that is comfortable and enjoyable.


The truth about your lives shall be revealed in no uncertain way, so that you fully understand that for eons of time you have never experienced it at the level you should have done. With the revelations you will clearly come to know exactly where you future is heading. You will also learn that the One God has always provided for you, and never for one second has withdrawn the love that has continually embraced you. You are all loved beyond understanding and there are no exceptions. We make the point again, that no soul is condemned or damned forever and all are treated equally. You have been in duality to experience, and allowances are made for those who have become embroiled in the lower energies and lost touch with their Higher Selves.

關於你們生活的真相將被以絕對確定的方式予以揭示,這樣你們就能全面懂得千萬年來你們都從來沒有享受過真正的生活,而在這個層次你們應該做得更多。隨著揭示的到來你們會清楚的了解未來要如何去面對。你們也會學習到--- 宇宙只有一個最高的神,祂總是為你提供一切,並且任何時刻都不會拋棄你們,而是永恆不斷的用愛擁抱你們。你們都被以超越自身理解的方式所深深愛著,所有人都被予以公平對待。你們一直在二元性的世界不斷體驗,而對於那些已經深深擁抱較低能量並與自身更高自我失去連接的人也被允許了去經歷自己的生活。

Nothing is static in the Universe and is always changing, so that there is always something new to learn and explore. The driving force is taking you back to the Source, and all souls are on this path and strive for completion. It is within all souls and gradually you will come together to form larger units of consciousness. You are looked upon as the bravest of souls, to allow yourselves to be sucked into the darkness of the lower vibrations. However, you did have the assurance that when the cycle was near to completion, you would be helped to come back into full consciousness. That is of course the period that you are now experiencing, and why we are with you.


I am SaLuSa from Sirius, and assure we are very near to declaring our appearance so that we can come amongst you. It will be as exciting for us as at will be for you, and we have so much to talk about.


Thank you SaLuSa, 
Mike Quinsey. 
Tree of the Golden Light




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