轉載自: http://blog.sina.com.cn/s/blog_6d1491d50102e47i.html
The energies around you are speeding to new heights, and those of you that are sensitive to them will feel a great upliftment. It will continue all the way to Ascension, by which time you will be fully ready to ascend. The incredible journey you have made through duality with hundreds of lives is about to come to a conclusion. Every soul is being given the opportunity to leave it behind, and it is preferable to have prepared yourself for Ascension. Many have led their lives with a good intentions to others, and often described as having hearts of gold. They too will be lifted up as Ascension has nothing directly to do with religion, although some devout souls will be of a godly demeanor.
Many times we have referred to all of you as One, and when you can accept that it is so and treat all others as you would yourself, you are well on the Path of Light. The dark Ones have forsaken their Light to promote greed instead of sharing, indifference to other souls, problems instead of compassion and love. They have created enemies where none exist, and demonized religions so that they are at each others throats. When you can see through their deliberate plan to create chaos, you will be able to disengage from their energies and cast your Light into the dark areas to transmute them.
我們已經提到過許多次,你們都是合一的整 體,當你接受這個真相的時候,像對待自己一樣去對待其他人,你就已經很好的走在了聖光道路上。黑暗勢力拋棄了他們的光,把自己出賣給了貪婪而不是分享,干擾其他靈魂的生活,製造問題而不是帶來同情與愛。他們已經創造出了那些根本不存在的敵人,把宗教妖魔化以使得人們因信仰的差異而彼此互相對立。當你們能夠看清他們蓄意製造混亂的計劃,你就能夠從他們的能量中擺脫,並且拋射你的光進入黑暗的領域來轉變它們。
Create a situation around you that uplifts your energies, by only attracting all that is good and pure. That includes what you read, the music you listen to and what you enjoy that gives you pleasure in life. For example many films and TV shows are deliberately made to disturb you, and fill your minds with negative action and images. They are intended to program you with conditions that gradually take away your sense of what is right or wrong. It is so that you become insensitive to killing and destruction, and do not object when it becomes your reality. How will you find peace within and without, if your mind is being continually assaulted by such negative images. Be more selective and enjoy the things in life that dwell on happiness, joy and love.
請去創造圍繞著自己能夠提升你能量的情形與條件,僅僅只關注那些全然良善與純淨的一切。這就包括你所閱讀的資訊,你聆聽的音樂,你所喜歡的能夠給你生活帶來愉快的樂事。舉個例子,許多的電影和電視節目就是蓄意的編造了出來妨礙你,用負面的行為和畫面讓你的意識充斥負面性。它們的意圖旨在把你編程進入這些情況 中,逐步的剝奪你對於正確與錯誤的基本認知。這麼做就使得你傾向於殺戮與毀滅,當它進入你的現實中時你便完全不會予以拒絕。如果你的意識持續的被這些負面的畫面所轟擊,你又如何能夠尋找到內在和外在的和平與寧靜呢?請讓自己更具有選擇性,去享受那些可以帶來幸福,喜悅和愛的事物。
For too long you have been subjected to all kinds of negativity until it almost becomes acceptable. That of course was the intent of the dark Ones, but they cannot impose it upon you unless you allow it. You do not necessarily have to involve yourself by opposing them, but instead promote a life style that is intended to lead you to the Light and lift you up way beyond their lower energies. It can be done, but does require willpower and the ability to stand up for your principles. You do not have to go along with the crowd just to be sociable, but can establish your own code of behavior.
Dear Ones we do not preach at you, as in the end you take responsibility for your actions. What we do is to guide you to achieve a happy and fulfilling life, so that you naturally move on to the path of Ascension. You do not have to be a Saint, but live your highest interpretation of what living a good life means. It does not mean going to extremes, but just do what you can to live in the Light and help your fellow travelers. If you could all do it what a wonderful place the world would be, and it is no pipe dream as with Ascension your dreams will come true far beyond your imagination.
As time has passed and your understanding has grown, it has naturally resulted in more questions coming to mind. Quite obviously you want more details as you begin to accept that Ascension does mean a dramatic change in your circumstances. We know that the more information that can be given the greater will be the ease with which you will complete your journey. Although the end time leads to a new beginning, we fully understand that you want to be adequately prepared. To that end I have made it known to Michael, that you should be sent a copy of Steve Beckow's interview of AA Michael through Linda Dillon on the 6th. August. It is a fairly comprehensive explanation of what Ascension entails, and is explicit in detail so that it can be fully understood. (I will send the article immediately following the sending of this message).
由於時間的流逝,你們的理解力也在不斷成長,因為更多的問題進入了意識中這就是自然而然的結果。很明顯你們希望更多的細節,因為你們開始接受揚升就意味著在你周遭的情形中體驗一次充滿戲劇性的轉變。我們明白更多的信息被提供會是更好的情形,可以讓你們帶著輕鬆的心態很好的完成旅程。雖然結束的時刻指向的是一個全新的開始,我們也完全理解你們希望充分的準備好自己。為了這樣的目的我已經讓麥克先生了解,你應該會受到一個來自Steve Beckow與大天使麥克在8月6日進行的通靈會面的副本。這是一個相當綜合性的關於揚升必要性的說明,在細節上很明確,以使得它能夠被完全的理解。(麥克.昆西:我會盡快在跟進這條信息之後發出這篇文章--文章末尾)
The exact path that will lead to Ascension is still unclear, because quite a few events are being compressed into a much shorter time period than we had hoped. So please take it as it comes, knowing that by the time it is necessary, you will be fully prepared and will have moved forward as required. There are many aspects to Disclosure which hold the key to much that we want to go ahead with, and it is an official acknowledgement of our presence that is the most important to us. There are millions of people that now believe in our existence and you have had almost 70 years in which to reach your decision. Now more than ever we are seen daily in your skies, and we deliberately position ourselves where many more people are likely to see us.
What is not generally known is that we have kept the world at peace insofar that we have prevented another World War from being started. We have also prevented nuclear weapons being used for quite a number of years. Finally, and more recently, we have prevented false flag attacks that were setup to start major confrontations. Naturally your Governments and Military do not want to be forced into a position where they have to admit to such actions, and they fear the consequences of doing so. However, it must happen soon and we stoking up the pressure upon them to admit their contact with us, and so allow us to openly move amongst you. Some still believe we are intending to take you over, but that looks to be an extraordinary suggestion, as if we had why would we wait until now. We see this idea as resulting from many years of negative publicity to show us monsters waiting to invade you.
I am SaLuSa from Sirius, and will point out that we are ascended Beings as are all member Star Nations of the Galactic Federation. Unless there are some false accounts of our contact with you, there are no instances known to us that would show any form of hostility against you. Please do not confuse us with the Greys who have been responsible for the abductions, and remember that they were invited to Earth by the US Government based upon an exchange of information beneficial to both parties. Bless you all Dear Ones, and as ever keep your eyes on the grand future that awaits you.
Thank you SaLuSa.
Mike Quinsey.
Website: Tree of the Golden Light
(1) - AA Michael interviewed by Steve Beckow:
http://blog.sina.com.cn/s/blog_6d1491d50102e474.html (感謝xiaohaozi0716辛苦翻譯)