Financial System Changeover is Done
Poof: August 12, 2012
Poof: 2012 年8 月12 日
譯註:這個poof 也是2012scenario 網站的常規消息渠道,每週一篇更新,很多網站又轉載。我曾經翻譯過他的一篇信息。這篇內容是有關新金融系統的,比較重要,翻譯出來跟大家分享。主要就是說新金融系統的轉換已經完成了,馬上就會從主流媒體中看到證據。文中俚語口語較多,省略未譯,不影響文意。
Stephen: Poof confirms that the current financial system has really been “put in a coma” – as of last Saturday night. He even links to our CNBC post of yesterday!
He also says the evidence of this system changeover that we all want to see could be just a little while in trickling down into the mainstream, as 'announcements' still need to be officially made.
But whatever and however they do it, IT is done – and this is great news!
PS A 'pack” is a packet of money, which is how the various prosperity funds will be distributed: in packets !
史蒂芬(2012 scenario 網站編輯):Poof 確認當前的金融系統確實已經處於“昏迷狀態”——自從上週六(8月11 日)夜裡開始。他甚至聯繫到我們昨天有關CNBC 的一個帖子。他也說這個我們都想看到的系統轉的證據很短時間內將會一點一滴的流入主流媒體,因為“公告”仍然需要由官方來發布。但是不管他們做什麼,他們怎麼做,它(系統轉換)確實完成了——這是個巨大的新聞!
PS :文中出現的“包裹”是指一袋子錢,指的是各種繁榮基金如何被分發:用袋子來分發。
Poof: Matrix II
Poof :矩陣 II
By Poof- August 12, 2012
Poof, 2012 年8 月12 日
Greetings and Salutations,
No need to feed into all this hair on fire stuff, the folks in the rafters created the smoothest transition into the new system, possible.
The Matrix locked in absolutely last sat night, some insiders still don't know how it works yet, as evidenced by a few trying to steal recently audited and fully collateral backed account of a vip.
上個星期六矩陣絕對被鎖住了,即使是一些內部人士也仍然不知道它是如何工作的,作為證明(證明矩陣被鎖住了),( 當) 幾個人企圖盜取一個最近正在被審計並完全由抵押品支持的VIP 賬戶。
Within secs the insiders were nailed and jailed, never to see the light of day anytime soon. This is the same back up to every receiver's account, so no need for concern.
在幾秒鐘之內,(盜竊的)內部人士就被盯上並被拘捕了,還沒來得及第二天白天。(譯註:這些人周六晚上從內部作案,企圖盜取一個VIP 賬戶,但是幾秒之內就被發現了,天亮之前就 被抓了。)同時,這也會同樣會支持每一個接收者的賬戶,所以沒有必要擔心。
Some hacker was trying to steal names out of the data base…..he is now in an undisclosed location. The evidence you want to 'see' won't happen until the word is given to start the 'announcements'…in the east and the west. This is 'synchronistic vibrosity' at work.
某個黑客想要從數據庫中盜取名字… 他現在在一個保密的地點(譯註:是指被逮起來了嗎?~ )。你想要“看到”的證據官方開始” 公佈” 之後才能看到… 在東方和西方世界(同時公佈)。這是一個“同時性”的工作
Don't bother trying to find that in your funk and wagnals, I made it up many years ago when I was trying to find a way to describe what I saw at work here. The old system was being taken over by a benign virus that was permeating the entire system. It would go thru every tendril of the old and reestablish the proper order of things.
This is what the man was talking about on squawk box the other morning. 'Putting the old system in a coma'.
這是一個人前兩天在內部通話系統中的通話內容:“讓舊系統進入昏迷狀態”(Putting the old system in a coma )
See it's coming out now, a new system of finances is taking over. The poor bankers are getting the orders, mess around at your own peril. Wahhh, it's really over. As they say in the southland, they just didn't believe fat meat's greasy'. Oh well. Adults are not keep repeating themselves over and over.
Don't know how many congress members will be returning from their vacations. The proper authorities, have already been called and are on 'alert'. Don't worry about a thing. You will be advised, don't get 'creative' , not necessary.
This is about global peace and the folks, who can't handle the new paradigm, will be departing in various ways, and leave the rest of us alone to pursue happiness. Politics is politrix a game for the plutocrats, the people are just serfs to farm for them. Now they are angling to get the rest of what you have so they can order cuban cigars direct. 'Discussions in quiet rooms' is what the man said, because 'you wouldn't understand'.
Use the good sense the lord gave you in the coming weeks, your paradigm is being shifted for you because you had little knowledge of the way the plutocrats have been working you, using patriotism as a dog whistle so you would stick with them. Shades of '1984′, with lipstick on the pig.
When you get your pack, turn your back and walk away from them, you don't need them. If they mess with you, they'll find themselves in an undisclosed location before they can say, 'jack robinson'.
The moment is up for us and the nice lady is readying herself to announce the reveals around the world. She will be joined by others so no one 'poops' themselves. Good luck and have a wonderful future.
Love and Kisses,
轉載自“ xiaohaozi0716 新浪博客”