轉載自: http://blog.sina.com.cn/s/blog_676222b70102dufx.html



By CM thru Johan


Oct 21, 2011 - 4:13:19 AM





Americans, where in the f**** are you?   Since when has it become "OK" for your leaders to run rampant around the world destroying whatever they wish to destroy for whatever reason?   Another countries leader has been murdered in the vain search for Treasures including Gold and weapons for the Khazar Bolsheviks who run the country.   WE HAVE NO RIGHT!   CHRISTIANS, you belong to large groups, the most numerous in this country.   Where have you been, who claim to be following Jesus?   The karma of this country deepens every day.   You are not the light of this world, anything but. Libya and their leader did NOTHING TO US. Gaddafi was their leader, most liked him, he greatly advanced that country and he was also the guardian of treasures in his region for the Foundation Divine, which of course defines the Khazars purpose.  -C  




After I took this message, it was determined that Gaddafi passed, see confirmation by Esu through Candace, yet it was decided to stay with this message in its original version to help your thinking process, Knowing vs Believing ... 


This is CMAton of Nebadon, your Sovereign. 


Today I have seen many a lightworkers Light dimmed, a lot of radiation diminished upon the ' news ' from Libya.


My Beloved Children, even I have to admit that from your point of view, it is not an easy task to separate facts from fiction, especially when you stand in the mud, the muck, amongst all the dirt. How do you distinguish clay from dirt when all is wet?


Let me remind you: Have I not given you wings to fly above the dirt? Have I not motivated you to ask for yourself and KNOW instead of believing what others want you to belief and accept upon what, their holy words ???


It would be too easy to tell you if indeed Libya's leader is captured and killed. Now what does it matter to you unless you are really hungry to KNOW? Have you no trust in what your leadership at AH mentioned yesterday with what is happening behind the scenes? Have you no trust in the warning that was posted this morning? Have I also not told you in one of this scribes previous messages that each person with soul, incarnated on Earth now, has his souls agreement, including this man, including yourself ? Then you can trust that what really happens or happened with this leader also follows a certain path and scenario well known to the Light. 


If you asked yourself the question : What is it I need to KNOW, you might have learned a thing or two. Then ask yourself exactly the same question about this event today and every other situation in the very near future, until you are convinced of the answer and/or see the proof in front of your very eyes. 


Learn to trust that no matter what side roads, sidetracks, sideshows or new directions those dark brothers and sisters are taking, ( what is declining in options rather dramatically now ) the author of life KNOWS and allows or stops until all has run its due course to the benefit and Highest Purpose of ALL involved. And the author of life in Nebadon IS STILL ME, CHRIST MICHAEL. 


Did you expect all and everything to be handed down on a silver or golden platter?


Did you expect all the Truth to roll over the lies in one day without the opportunity for as many as possible to learn? 


Knowledge and Truth, my Beloved Children, can be acquired by asking the Source of ALL KNOWING, or can be learned in the field by watching, observing without judgement, without being tossed from one emotion to its opposite. Your hunger to REALLY KNOW and standing firm upon what you know by own research or experience, will lead you through this labyrinth or web the dark have created. So stop the guessing and enjoy the learning while you still can.

我親愛的孩子們,知識和真理, 可以通過詢問知曉一切的源頭來獲得,或是通過不帶批判的、不被情緒所左右的觀看,觀察,在實地中獲得。你真正想知曉的渴望、以及對通過自己調查或體驗所知曉東西的堅定立場,會引領你通過這個黑暗勢力所創造的迷宮或是圈套。那就停止猜想,在你仍舊力所能及的時候享受這個學習過程。

Have you learned anything lately? I can assure you, the biggest lessons are just ahead of you. Don't even move your head one inch. A front row seat in the house of spectacles is always reserved and usually worth its money. That is exactly what is offered to you, so watch and learn. One day you'll thank me personally for that extension of only opportunities to learn, what some of you call waiting...


You are not asked to change the world nor anything out there, if you have not even been able to change your world towards your own souls agreement in the first place. We do not ask you to chew the meat when you are barely off the breast . I am not even asking for proof or results since you enjoy free choice. We see your radiation of Divine Love and Light, the essence of what you are made of, and represent. You will reap the rewards for any difference you made in that regard by staying where you are or moving on to anywhere you belong and deserve to be. Trust me, we do not deduct 'points' for petty mistakes, they are the road to growth anyway. You earn from your own achievements in Divine Love and Light in combination with what you agreed to come and do.


So back to today: why do I see you still say : '' I do or do not belief this or that. '', and wonder and merely guess? Relax, you have as much right to the show unfolding as we do, AND from the front row. Accept from me : we entered the final act, the final stage as worse could not keep this society together, nor keep mother Earth alive. To learn and stand by and act upon what you gained in true knowledge and truth is your only task, AND accepted by you before hand. So make up your mind: are you still into believing in what is on the outside, OR YOU WANT TO REALLY KNOW from the Inside? Its your free choice, always been, and always will be. How can it be any other way, when you truly KNOW WHO YOU ARE??? Salu. CMAton of Nebadon. 


in Divine Love, Light and Service, Always and in All Ways, according to His Will, 

根據上帝意志,一直以來以一切方式,在神聖的愛與光和服務中。 Johan.




知識和真理, 可以通過詢問知曉一切的源頭來獲得,或是通過不帶批判的、不被情緒所左右的觀看,觀察,在實踐中獲得。每一個擁有靈魂的、投生到地球上的人,都擁有他的靈魂契約。生命無常或人生喜怒哀樂皆是契約的一部分,其目的是為了靈魂的成長。選擇盲從外界的信條,還是真正地從內在知曉,找到本質的愛與光?這是你的自由選擇。



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