


Beloved Ones,

As the Cosmic energies keep building in intensity, many people on the Planet are beginning to awaken from their sleep and for many, it is a very uncomfortable process. It is not easy, as each of you all know, to face the true reality of life upon Earth that has been passing as life, and coming to the realization of how much one did not know before. As this continues to occur, there will at first be feelings of anger which in turn galvanizes many into taking action to change the World into a better home for all.



The protests continue to grow in every town across the face of the Planet. The good people of Earth are standing up for their rights as citizens of the World and in the Universe. As our team members of the Family of Light brigade, you are asked to maintain calm and peace in your every thought, word and deed. We understand that each of you are going through the final stages of cleansing and purifying and that there will be moments when you purge all that no longer aligns with your higher Self and your higher good.


We see, Dear Ones, that a lot of you carry a tenseness within your solar plexus, and this is the weight of the human consciousness grid that is manifesting at this time. It is difficult to completely transmute this collective energy at any given time because it is always in a state of flux. As you seek to maintain calm, it helps to create this in outer expression. You are each Radiant Ones and your ability to reach further from your home in ever widening circles is helping to keep a balance of the composite energies that are building.


Simply put, love is the answer to every challenge that you face. It is the bottom line in every situation you are challenged with in your daily lives. This always requires a conscious choice on your part, for choosing love is an empowering action and intention that has a wide reach in its effect. To love another when they hurt you is empowering not only for the one who chooses love, but to everyone around them and this radiates out into the collective consciousness field to heal and bless all Humanity.


Such is the power of your Beings and how you affect your World around you and your Planet Earth, so you are asked to maintain your highest resolve and forgive yourselves for any momentary relapse as you clear all that no longer serves you. A greater Light now encompasses and envelopes the Earth and your World is filled with Light, if you could but see it. The Earth's energy field is growing and expanding as we work in synergy with Her to safely ascend into the higher dimensions with all her inhabitants upon Her.


Have faith and believe in your power to continue to make a positive difference in the progression of all towards embodying greater amounts of Light. Slowly, gradually this Light has expanded until now this Light supports every Being upon your World. Every day more miracles take place within the hearts of Humanity and within all the kingdoms of the Earth so that there is a greater cooperation and empathy between you. This feeling will continue to grow as Humanity begins to carry more Light within their physical bodies. The more Light that is absorbed within all cells in the physical form, the less density is manifested.


It is important to affirm the Light each day and align to your own highest and greatest good and to the source of All That Is. Keep walking your Path in determination, resolve and feelings of joy, for truly the miracles abound!


Until next week…. 
I AM Hilarion




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