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We Are from the Domain of Fire and Light, of Unity of all souls and SacredDivine Core Essence in the Andromeda Galaxy. 



Dearest earth humans,


We have a very important message for you at this special and outstandingtime in your experience of your earth's evolution and ascension process.Todaywe can confirm that Gaia is indeed on her way to the fourth dimension, and thisis happening to her very body! 



Wondrous things are occurring on your world, but many of you are not awareof it. If so, you are holding firmly onto your 3dimensional perception.



But in reality Gaia is now shifting and moving - slowly though - into hernew freedom. She is on her way to fulfill ancient prophecies now, and heavenhas given Her all the Blessings to experience this most joyful event, whichalso many of you are experiencing now in their own bodies.

但是事實上,蓋亞正在移動並且變化– 雖然很慢–  進入她新的自由。她正在實現上古的諾言的路上,在這個過程中,天堂給予她極大的祝福,而你們的身體也在經歷著這些祝福。


Dear Ones, we recommend that you from now on avoid as much as you can thecities where harmful and toxic radiation is preventing your direct experienceof higher dimensional realities because of its very low frequencies,which can distort your ability to receive harmonious and Divine vibrations, andwhich are often mixed with messages with the intention to prevent yourconsciousness to awaken in light.



Seek as often as you can the undisturbed environment of Nature, to restoreyour energy system, and feel the actuality of your Mother Earth's shifting. 



We also recommend that you - if possible - stay on 11.11.11 in a naturalenvironment, in a calm and secluded place, to take the greatest advantage ofthe magnificent and powerful waves of energy and light which are beingactivated on your planet on this day. ​​We are sure that each one of you haschosen already such a place where you love to retreat, and find or restore yourinner peace, disturbed by the hectic rush of your daily life.

我們也建議你們– 如果可能– 11-11-11 呆在自然的環境中,在安靜的地點,充份利用在這一天為你們星球打開的這神奇而強有力的能量和光。我們確認你們所有人已經選擇了一個可以靜靜地體驗這愛,恢復被這無休止的日常繁重生活打擾的,可以讓你們內心的平靜的地方。


To connect with a pure environment on your planet, allows you to connecteasier with Gaia's Spirit, and while you connect with Her Spirit, you also willbe able to connect with her shifting density. 



Your Mother Earth knows each single one of you, but most have nevernoticed this, or have not connected themselves with Her or even built arelationship with Her. Dearest ones, in these times of great changes, it isimportant that you do this now! Your ascension occurs in union with Her, so howcould you ascend if not closely connected with Her Spirit and Her body.



The evolutionary process is not only about the awakening of yourconsciousness, but also about a fundamental change of your physicality, whichis one with your Earth Mother.



If you can overcome your doubt that you can communicate with Her, byfirmly assuming the truth of it, by calling Her and expecting Her answer, - SheWILL answer back to you! Connect with Her in your heart, connect with Her byallowing your body to be grounded deeply into Her. And She will respond and hasmany ways to do this. So let yourself be surprised as She knows what your heartloves! She is waiting so very much for each single one of you to make thisconnection!

如果你們可以通過堅定地確認這個事實,克服你們疑慮並且和她交流–  她將會對你們做出回應!用你們的心和她緊密聯繫在一起吧,從而允許你的身體緊緊地紮根於她。因為她會以很多種方式作出回應。所以,感受她對你的愛做出的回應吧!她在等待你們中的每個人建立聯繫。


Now you might be wondering why we, the Light Beings from your sisterGalaxy, Andromeda, would remind you of these important things.



You must know that we maintain a very close relationship with Gaia, andtherefore we see what She needs: the connection with Her humanity which Shedesires to be fully activated by your communion with Her. So that you canbe aware about Her movements, and thereby move together with Her. Not knowingHer movements and not being in synchronicity with them, is to a certain degreean impediment in the freely progressing ascension process, in which She, in Herunco​​nditional love for you all, desires you to participate to thefullest. 



Furthermore, if you unite with Her, you will help to push for the shift ina more comprehensive way, whereby She is able to take from the beginning moremembers of the human family directly with Her, which allows to set free moreand powerful energy, necessary for the ascension process.



If you cannot spend time in Nature, then wherever you are, you can stillconnect with Her, by grounding yourself and uniting with Her in your heart. Butthis requires that you have already developed your spiritual sensitivity.Whereas being in Her Nature you have enormous help from the Nature Spirits, todevelop this sensitivity and your communion with Gaia.



When you are in Her beautiful Nature, always speak to Her and expect Herresponse, always assume that She Is Alive and Loves you, more than you canimagine!



This is the time now, where you all must work together, as one great Unityin consciousness, in love and in the greater reception of Divine Light into theBody of Humanity. We are certainly assisting you all in this process of awakeningand the enfolding of your heart into the Greatness of Divinity.



Be Blessed, Beloveds! We shower from our Realms of Light eternal Love andDivine Light upon you and your Earth Mother!



Be at Peace, and Be Joy.


We Are the Beings of Light, from the Andromeda Galaxy.


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