




Greetings Dear children of theSun, You have all been doing so well in the progress that is being made by youindividually and collectively. Know that all worlds envy the beauty of your experiences now, for such freewill is only available on planet Earth. Although we are of the higher dimensions in nature we also with excitementcan't wait when you get to teach us all you've learn. 


As you know there is much that istranspiring on your world, Illusion is doing all it can to pull it last stringsto keep those who are not yet awake in a state fear. Their agenda is to showthrough the manipulated media that all hope is lost for humanity and things aregoing to continue as they has been. With what has happen to the Occupy WallStreet peaceful protest they've are seizing the opportunity to spreadpropaganda of the entire movement. Dear hearts we say not to worry yourself forits all part of the process. 


What they are not realizing is howrapidly humanity is awakening and all the lies that are being reported on thedaily news is helping more and more souls to truly see how they are beingmanipulated by the mass media. Barriers of the Light your time is at hand when you would have to start tocrate your own broadcast of what is being done behind the deceptions. You are doing a wonderful work setting the example. We are very proud to saywhat has been created here has come a long ways. 


You have made it possible to create a network in this community of light, yet herethe cries of those who need you to expand out further more into society."HUMANITY" Have you not taken noticed to see some are still caught upin the illusion and seems to think all hope is lost? Dear hearts they arecrying out to you, your brothers and sisters are wanting to know more of what is happening intheir life of uncertainty. 


What does the future hold? and nowthe year of 2012 is not more but few weeks away they are afraid because somestill think of this year as "Dooms Day." You light workers have come to understand this is not so, and what is happeningis the greets and grandest experience in reality Humanity had ever undertaken. 


We speak all the time of steppingin your powers and shining your light in all aspect of your reality. As easy asit sounds we know at times it can be difficult because at times you tend tojudge others, knowingly and unknowingly. This judgmental sate of beingdistracts you from bring the light that you are. You have all the tools neededto really take this to a next level and you have to. Remember "WE AREONE" not just your space brothers but also the ones you share space withon your dearest planet. You have found a great joy that brings you hope of abrighter future, this burring passion the flame of divine love energy that isnow yours have to be spread to others in their awareness. 


We talk of the energy influx thathas been taken place and this you've become familiar with, yet we encourage youto cause another to share the same wisdom as you. It does not serve to have the light of hope and keep it between yourselves. Asuggestion would be your social media and video sharing sites like"Facebook and Youtube."It is obvious when you log on to these sitesthat people are in confuse states of being as to what is happening in their ownlives better yet the world around them. We know you do well already trying toreach out but we feel much more can be done if so you choose.Remember you areall co-creators of this process and it is time you expand your being like neverbeen before.We fully understand that it's not easy living some of the life thatyou all have created, we congratulate you for all the hard work you put intothe being that you've become.


It is time to take this newreality a step further. Do not be quite about it. Create New or through yourexisting social media accounts, bring about discussions about what istranspiring upon your earth, ask question as to what others opinions are ifearth was to become intergalactic , and remember, some are prone to answer withnegativity, but this is what you been preparing for, consciously crafting theinception into others minds and realities for them to contemplate allpossibilities, this way no one would be surprise or wouldn't at least thoughtof what could be. 


We will continue this channeling,as for now we want you to process our worlds (spelling intentional) and stepinto power that you are for us to co-create for we have lots of work to do dearhearts, you will find as you go about consciously creating these changes in theinception of humanity unify consciousness you will be at great joy, peace, loveand oneness because this is our next phase. 


We are your the Pleiadian HighConsuls of the Galactic Federation of Light fleet. Go forth and be fruitful andknow you have all the help and support of worlds physical and non physical. Letyour creative juice flow as you create your new reality. 

    創作者 Ollimantala 的頭像


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