

"If you tell a lie big enough and keep repeating it, people will eventually come to believe it. The lie can be maintained only for such time as the State can shield the people from the political, economic and/or military consequences of the lie . It thus becomes vitally important for the State to use all of its powers to repress dissent, for the truth is the mortal enemy of the lie, and thus by extension, the truth is the greatest enemy of the State."

Joseph Goebbels



This, my dear, is what you are seeing all over your world. People gather to share the truth but these brave souls are being brutally attacked by those who want to suppress the truth. People throughout history, fought and died for the right of free speech. Only in repressive regimes is this denied you. Send love and protection to those who speak out in your name. They ask only for truth and reconciliation. They want all nations to come together without fear, to work together for peace. The changes that must and will occur, will happen when the majority have love and peace in their hearts, even for those who appear to be mortal enemies.


Those who are in control are on such a terrible path of destruction. It will take a lot of energy for them to see the error of their thinking. All of you, together, can do this: it will not need bombs and bullets. The power of love can create such harmony that the Dark cannot penetrate it. As your consciousness expands you will become aware of who you are. Your world will change completely. All the stress of materialism will disappear and you will experience life on your planet in a completely new light. Your connection with your spirituality will be restored and the whole universe will open up to you. It's just a question of getting through some difficult times to get there, but when you do, everything will be open to you. Pray for guidance to enable you to see the lies for what they are. Then they will not affect you. They are just the last effort of your controllers to hold on to their control. They need war - any war - to bring down the energy of your world. Beware of those who try to force you to accept their reasons for war.


David Icke once joked, "What would happen if a war was declared and no one turned up?" No one to do the killing ! It is up to all of you to make the changes happen. The truth will set you free. The truth is usually the exact opposite to what you were told it was. It was certainly a clever idea to confuse you. The truth has a way of revealing itself eventually: it is doing that right now. Control is moving to the many, the 99% . So "the meek will inherit the Earth". Peace will reign once more.

大衛.艾克曾經開玩笑--“ 當一場戰爭被大聲要求卻沒有人理睬的時候會發生什麼事情呢?”沒有人去為他們殺戮!這全依賴你們,讓這些轉變發生。真相會讓你們自由。而真相經常也是完全與你們曾經被告知的那些相反的。這曾經是某種聰明的想法來混淆你的思維。但是,最終真相會得到方法揭示自己:它現在就在這麼做著。控制的力量已經移向大多數人這邊,99%的人。因此“溫訓將在地球承繼”。和平將再一次降臨。

Try to protect the children from mis-information given to them through their education. Their young minds need to be protected and guided. The power of the State to remove children from their loving parents is alarming. When you bring souls into the world, it is your duty to love and protect them, to guide them until such time as they are able to make their own decisions. Everyone has the absolute right to choose the direction his life will take. My dear, when I passed over, I told you , "Nothing is as it seems." You are learning every day that nothing at all, whether it be religion or government, are what they claim to be. You are all victims of the greatest CON ever, on humanity. They have got away with it for such a long time but now the light of truth is shining on them. They are exposed. It is not a pretty picture. It is mass deception on a massive scale. The human race has been brutally abused by those who profess to preach love and peace. This is the exact opposite to the facts. Is it any wonder that they try to suppress the real truth. They also feed certain people false information to try to create a false sense of security to prevent you from keeping a watchful eye on everything that is happening around you. They are extremely clever. They did not get where they are today by being careless. They believe that they have you trapped by the financial problems they have created for you.

請努力保護這些孩子們--從這些給予他們的誤導信息中,從他們的僵化教育中保護他們。他們幼小的心靈需要得到保護與指引。動用國家的力量把孩子從他們心愛的家長們身邊帶走是令人震驚的。當你把靈魂們帶來這個世界,那麼你的責任就是去好好的愛與保護他們,指引他們直到他們能夠明確的做出正確的決定。每個人都有著完全的權利去選擇自己生活的方向。我的摯愛,當我過世之後,我告訴過你--“ 沒有什麼事情是它表面看的那樣 ”。你們正在每日學習到,不論是來自宗教或者政府,無論他們聲稱什麼,都是毫無意義的。你們一直以來都是最大欺詐的受害者,整個人類都是。他們做盡了壞事卻沒有得到懲罰很長時間,但是現在【真理的光芒】已經降臨。他們被暴露了。它不是一副美麗畫面。在一個巨大的範圍裡這都是一個大範圍的欺詐。人類種族已經殘忍的被那些假借愛與和平的人虐待著。這與事實是全然相反的。你還能盼望他們會試圖帶來真相麼?他們也給某些人餵養錯誤的信息,企圖創造一種錯誤的安全感,阻止你們以清澈的眼睛看清事實真相。他們極端的狡猾。粗心大意是不會讓他們有今天的地位的。他們相信自己已經讓你們陷入經濟困境之中,而這其實也是他們創造的。

With our help and guidance we will free you from the prison of lies in which you exist. Come together with those who appreciate the truth. Help them to understand that there is a way out of this sorry mess. You are not helpless. The knowledge you are acquiring is freeing you.


Ancient knowledge will come forth, also, that will prove positively what was done to you and how you can retrieve all that was taken from you. Again, I remind you, that ancient Ireland holds irrefutable evidence that will change your world forever. The Prime Minister (Mr Enda Kenny) should be encouraged to look at the evidence, then he will see everything in a very different light. Mr Kenny has been brave up to now. Is he brave enough to take the next step? It is time to step out of the Illusion you call life.


I have asked so much of you since my passing. You have had to face and cope with quite a lot. It has not been easy. The results, my dear, will outweigh all you have been through on my behalf. The freedom that the truth will bring will surpass even your wildest dreams. All over the world there are people connecting with the Spirit Realm. They are seeking truth from all quarters, each of you playing your own unique role in this great shift to truth.


We are on the right path, my dear. It's all coming together. Your adoring husband, Monty.



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