轉載自: http://hi.baidu.com/u2%BE%F5%D0%D1/blog/item/8e1511de21f5580e63279816.html

My dear, you never expected to have to do so much research, to delve into the past to unravel the truth. Had I understood all this when I was on Earth, I would most certainly have done so myself. I had no idea, then , the enormity of the corruption and how it affected everyone on your planet. You are aware of the many hours I spent looking into what we were led to believe was the one and only Bible and that it was a true and honest version of events. Though I found many flaws and serious questions that needed answers when I studied all the so-called "holy books", I did not find the answers until I passed to Spirit. I can now say that even the cleverest forgers and falsifiers are not safe from exposure.


Though replacing IESA for the wholly fictitious Jesus has brought great riches for the Roman Church, it required tremendous effort to make it appear to the world that he had actually existed. Many millions died in the carrying out of this terrible plan. It required changing place names for these fictitious characters to have lived. They falsified the world's history. They substituted it for a tissue of lies and inventions. This deception - the suppression of truth - is a crime against humanity. Truth is progressing in spite of the oppressors. It will open the eyes of mankind to this great fraud.


"The Irish race has suffered humiliation even to this day, through the willful traduction and carefully directed perversion of their history." It is time to unlearn what you have been taught. Open your minds to the truth. It is almost beyond belief that A FRAUD SO STUPENDOUS COULD ESCAPE SO LONG WITHOUT DISCOVERY. The thoroughness and extent to which this plot was carried out, the magnitude of the forces employed in the work, the propaganda, systematically spread abroad to create a false impression of everything pertaining to the history of Ireland and her people. This secret is jealously guarded. The IRISH HOLOCAUST was carried out to reduce the numbers, to destroy her people. The Irish are the ARYAN RACE, people of the Light. Despite all that they have suffered they have never lost their humanity. Ireland is the cradle of humanity. There is a lot to learn from studying this beautiful island.


When you understand the truth, the real history of your world, then you can go forward into the light. Your oppressors will no longer have control over everything in your lives. It's time to know real freedom. We constantly tell you that the truth will set you free. It's time to step out of the nightmare you call life. It is only when you pass to Spirit that you can see clearly just how oppressed you were from cradle to grave.

當你們了解到這個真相,你們世界的真實歷史,那麼你們就可以走入這聖光 中。你們的壓迫者們不再可能控制你們生活的方方面面。現在是時候去明白什麼才是真正的自由。我們持續不斷的在告訴你們--這個真相可以讓你們自由。現在是時候脫離你們所稱之為生活的噩夢了。也只有當你們步入到靈性實相,你們才能清楚的明白自己曾經被多麼的壓迫著,生生世世。

We continue to obstruct the paths of your oppressors though they would never admit to this. They control everything you read, hear, and see. Their claims become more ridiculous each day. They insult your intelligence when they produce "reasons and evidence" why they must go to war. I ask you, is there anyone out there who is foolish enough to believe them? How many times do they use the same old formula before you wake-up and say, "NO. The killing must stop".

我們繼續遭遇到你們壓迫者們製造的障礙,當然他們是不會承認的。他們控制你們每件事情,你們讀的, 聽到的,看到的一切。他們聲稱的一切現在變得越來越可笑與荒謬。他們在侮辱你們的智商,當他們宣揚為何必鬚髮動戰爭的“原因和證據”的時候。我要問你們,難道還有任何一個人足夠的愚蠢去相信他們所說的一切麼?他們已經多少次在你們面前利用這些同樣的舊公式,醒醒吧,大聲說:“ 不~~殺戮必須停止 ”。

It is heartening for us to see more of you opening up to the truth each day. When you awaken, your heart fills with love. You see everything in a different light. It is life-changing. You cease to be the robot your oppressors want you to be. You open up to your fellow man and you see life in a very different way. Your family and friends plus your greater family world-wide become more real to you as you realise that you are all one. When you learn who you are, all will become clear to you. You will reconnect with the universe. You have so much to discover about yourselves. The secrets of the universe will no longer be secret, only to be known to those at the top of the pyramid . All that was kept from you will be yours. Free energy will be one of the first things to become available to everyone. The Vatican has kept this and so much more from you, all for gain and control, while pretending to preach love and tolerance.

看到你們更多人每天都在向真理敞開心胸讓我們倍感安慰。當你們覺醒了,你們的心中便充滿了愛。你們便以不同的眼光去看待一切。這就是生命的質變。你們不再做壓迫者希望你們去成為的機器人。你們向自己的人類同胞開放心胸,你以完全不同的方式看待生命。你們的家庭和朋友,還有伴隨你們更巨大的全球家庭,對你來說變得更加的真實,因為你們明白了一個道理 --- 你們都是一體的。當你們學習到自己是誰,一切都會向你清晰起來。你們將與宇宙重新連接。你們還有這麼多需要去探尋,關於你們自己。宇宙的秘密也不再是不可觸摸的秘密,而只讓金字塔頂端的人知道。所有曾經被阻止讓你們知道的一切都將是你們的。【自由能源】將成為首要的事情,向每個人開放。梵蒂岡已經阻止了它,還有更多的事情不讓你們知道,他們奪取並且控制一切,同時假裝宣揚愛與寬容。

Their plans are falling apart. Desperation is what you are seeing, where once, there was arrogance and confidence.


We are seeing a thirst for enlightenment. People are searching for truth. There are many for you to look to, who have done the research, found the answers, and want to share them with you. It has never been easier to find the truth . Help each other. Share what you know. Remember it is hard to accept that what you have believed and lived by, is in fact, not true and that it was used to control you. So please be gentle and understanding at all times. Appreciate the brave souls who have stepped forward to share their truth with you. They quickly become the victims of ridicule and attack.


Look at those who attack. What are they hiding? Why do they need to destroy another who speaks truth? It is the ones who attack the fiercest that have the most to hide, otherwise they would ignore it. They are certainly on the attack, using all means at their disposal to destroy those who dare to question.


Everything should be open to scrutiny. Truth can no longer be hidden. The destruction of man can no longer be tolerated. Man's inhumanity to man must stop.


I know, my dear, that at times it's very painful for you to be separated from me. We had so much. I show you all the time that I am still beside you, that I will never leave you. We continue to work together . This is our mission. Love is the most precious experience. Treasure it always.


Your adoring, Monty.



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