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翻譯 zixingche370


Dratzo! We return! You are now in the midst of a global dilemma: your surface world is drawing ever closer to its shift into a 5-D unified reality, but those in charge of your world, despite efforts by many to depose them, remain defiant of the disaster that is swiftly approaching. We have sent out emergency calls to our Earth allies to start the actual process of arresting those in your various governments who are responsible for maintaining the fiction that your world can somehow weather the storm and survive. This is blatantly false! So far, we have received word from our Earth allies that the final stage of their takedown scenario is beginning. The coming year of 2012 requires new governance and the formal termination of the unending plots and stratagems of the dark cabal. It is time for prosperity, the return of your sovereign rights, and disclosure. It is also time for an open dialogue with us to begin on a global basis. There is so much that needs to be said by each one of you and by us , and so much needs to happen prior to your move to Inner Earth and your transformation into full consciousness.


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Please do not let the reports of incidents caused by the activities of the dark Ones, distract you from your focus upon the year 2012. As you are finding out they are defiantly hitting out, to make a desperate last stand but it will not achieve anything for them. Now that you understand how they operate, you are able to prevent the fallout which usually causes fear. You are now wise to their method of operation and have become much more discerning, and deny them the outcome they set out to create. We of the Galactic Federation play our part in protecting those of you under threat, and in some instances have appeared to them personally to give that assurance. Be assured that all Lightworkers are known to us, and along with their Guides are led along a path that is least likely to lead to confrontation. It cannot always be avoided, but there are occasions when the dark Ones are those who are at a disadvantage instead of you. The publicity that they receive is welcomed as it reveals the nature of their modus operandi , and helps others recognize them.


It was not too long ago that you tended to accept whatever those in authority told you, and they used your trust to hoodwink you whilst carrying out their covert operations against you. Almost on a daily basis you are now learning about the truth behind many events that have been the work of the dark Ones, but hidden behind legitimate activities. The truth goes a lot deeper than you really know, but over the coming months it is going to be revealed to set the historical records right. It will be presented in such a way, that no amount of denial will change the facts that support the accounts we will give you. We also need them to substantiate the actions that are planned, when many persons in authority are removed because they have participated in criminal activities against you . At this point our concern is to get them out quite lawfully, and not waste time before they are replaced by those who are of the Light.

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Nibiru, Elenin最新情況更新2011年12月20日-來自仙女座朋友對提問的一些回答2011-12-20 14:51 
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Beloved Ones, 

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Please do not let the reports of incidents caused by the activities of the dark Ones, distract you from your focus upon the year 2012. As you are finding out they are defiantly hitting out, to make a desperate last stand but it will not achieve anything for them. Now that you understand how they operate, you are able to prevent the fallout which usually causes fear. You are now wise to their method of operation and have become much more discerning, and deny them the outcome they set out to create. We of the Galactic Federation play our part in protecting those of you under threat, and in some instances have appeared to them personally to give that assurance. Be assured that all Lightworkers are known to us, and along with their Guides are led along a path that is least likely to lead to confrontation. It cannot always be avoided, but there are occasions when the dark Ones are those who are at a disadvantage instead of you. The publicity that they receive is welcomed as it reveals the nature of their modus operandi , and helps others recognize them.


It was not too long ago that you tended to accept whatever those in authority told you, and they used your trust to hoodwink you whilst carrying out their covert operations against you. Almost on a daily basis you are now learning about the truth behind many events that have been the work of the dark Ones, but hidden behind legitimate activities. The truth goes a lot deeper than you really know, but over the coming months it is going to be revealed to set the historical records right. It will be presented in such a way, that no amount of denial will change the facts that support the accounts we will give you. We also need them to substantiate the actions that are planned, when many persons in authority are removed because they have participated in criminal activities against you . At this point our concern is to get them out quite lawfully, and not waste time before they are replaced by those who are of the Light.

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Everything is speeding up now and people are coming forward to reveal the truth. Yes, it does take courage, but the knowledge that your actions will assist in the removal of the Cabal that have been destroying your planet and your fellow man for nearly 2000 years , is what drives them forward. Though the Cabal will use every trick in the book to prevent the Awakening, ultimately there is absolutely nothing that they can do to prevent it. There are many who consider themselves to be AWAKE. They do have problems accepting that the religion they followed and the history they had studied was complete fiction. For some, it is a step too far. They are still clinging to the past as they cannot get their heads around the fact that it is all based on lies. They must learn to free their minds, so as to enable them to see through the smoke-screen of deliberate misrepresentation of truth.


Just when the Cabal thought that all their plans would be realised, mankind woke up and questioned what he had, in the past, accepted as fact. Of course, the Cabal will fight hard to keep its ill-gotten riches and power - this is understandable - but the will to rescue the planet, on both sides of life, is far greater. You have also been made aware of your friends from other planets who are now circling your planet. They are assisting in the prevention of illegal acts relating to the invasion of other countries. You are no longer at the mercy of those who control your world. You are, at last, seeing the bars of the prison you have been living in for so long that you had thought that this is all there is . Now, real freedom beckons. It seems so inviting. With it comes peace, harmony and love, and the removal of all artificial boundaries and differences.

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Faith can really move mountains if sufficient of you get together, and as you progress through the final year to Ascension, it will become more powerful and way beyond you present ability. Yes, Dear Ones you are in for quite a ride, but one that is very desirable and will fulfil your wishes to ascend. There will be a total mix of surprises, so be prepared to reconsider any long held beliefs. Some experiences will involve the Earth changes and depending upon where you reside, will determine how much you become involved. Most likely the known earthquake areas will be at the centre of such activities, but as you know the repercussions are usually felt some way from it. Whatever happens precautions will be taken to protect you, but it is your responsibility to look ahead and also be prepared.


At a conscious level there is a separation taking place as those of the Light are continually increasing their vibrations, while those held in the lower vibrations are often oblivious to the opportunity that is presenting itself. It would be true to say that if they are subconsciously trying to achieve a greater understanding of the purpose of life, they will be helped. There will certainly be many announcements that will make it clear as to what is taking place, and our involvement in it. Our intervention is needed, and will give the answers to your immediate problems that are to be solved. We are speeding up the final moves that our allies are taking, to present us with the ideal opportunity to press ahead with our plan to reveal the truth about us.

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Earth has long extended her loving arms to warmly welcome manybeings from many different worlds throughout this and even other universes.Some of the beings who have journeyed here did so in their own interests. Theyhave systematically plundered Earth's resources and their plan was to continuethis process until they bankrupted your planet and then leave here to plunderanother world. We, The Galactic Federation, monitored this situation andstepped in to end this cycle of abuse. Today, your planet is free from theseuninvited and harmful intruders. 


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基督邁克艾頓:' 結局就要到來',新的黎明就要降臨到你們身上

By Johan and CM

Dec 11, 2011 - 4:25:58 AM


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Dearest Ones, I Am AA Metatron!



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Dratzo! We return on this eve of your numerous global holidays! Your reality continues its upward path into the 5th dimension. This progress can be charted by the ever-rising base resonance of Mother Earth. Gaia is going through a series of swift birth pangs which parallel a similar change happening throughout our galaxy. The galactic core is rapidly increasing the amount of zero-point energy that she is flinging out to every farthest corner, and the amount of Light is reaching a point where many 3-D realms are being compelled to change into 5-D ones. This sacred scenario is another cosmic sign that the dark ones on your world do not have much time left to enjoy their dominion, and it is imperative that they accede to the realities of the situation according to their highest freewill choice. As you know, your solar system is preparing for the switch to a monopolar state, which explains the Sun's rather peculiar behavior and the much-heightened activity on the planets in your solar system. We have observed these dramatic changes in detail and know just how little time is left until the birth of your new reality!


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