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Clarification about the State of Affairs


Mass Arrests


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轉載自 http://hi.baidu.com/cvn717/blog/item/063237c01a7f0821a18bb7be .html


Greg Giles 通靈傳遞


Expand each day into something new and something creative, as each morning is another opportunity for you and another gift to make a reality what you have come here to experience. Unfolding before you is the roadmap you have drawn up for yourself, and it is this map that will take you to the places and the people that you wish to experience while you are here in this 3rd dimensional world.



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http://kauilapele.wordpress.com/2012/05/07/an-amazing-lesson-in-galactic-history-from-tolec-contractual-agreements-between-the-draco-hydra-reptilians-and-dark- agenda-groups-on-earth-or-howd-they-ever-keep-those-pesky-hum/

有時候,一個問題會浮現在我的腦海:蜥蜴人和"黑暗人士"具體是如何在地球上共事的?現在,我的生活不像要依賴於知道這個問題的答案,但既然問題出現,它就在那裡。所以我向Tolec(andromedacouncil.com)詢問仙女座議會對此的回應。 我給Tolec的問題是: "你有沒有收到過具體信息是關於天龍座-長蛇座蜥蜴人如何在地球上影響或者與那些"黑暗集團"(光明會,共濟會等)工作的? " 以下是他的回复。他收到的這個回答相當詳細,非常令人驚訝。考慮到他的發現,我能理解為什麼有些與"黑暗人士"工作的人可能真的想脫身而出。 感謝Tolec...————————————————————————— 對於你的問題:你有沒有收到過具體信息是關於天龍座-長蛇座蜥蜴人如何在地球上影響或者與那些"黑暗集團"(光明會,共濟會等)工作的?是不是通過心靈感應的思想控制,或者是在世界周圍或者在某些區域內建立一個能量"大氣層",以使這些集團能繁榮發展。 下面是來自仙女座議會指揮官完整的解釋回复。老實說,我對他回應的深度也很震驚。下面是我所了解到的: 天龍座-長蛇座蜥蜴人與黑暗集團定下某些合約協議來交換他們對人類的勞役和食物。 這個天龍座-長蛇座蜥蜴人與黑暗集團的協約如下: 1.他們允許黑暗集團及其家族繁榮興盛,並且在他們自有的暗碼組織內作為重要的弄權者角色。“暗碼”是指那些看得見的標誌,握手方式,信號和圖像,所有這些只有身在每一個秘密黑暗組織的人自己才能認出來。 2.另一個協議是-劃分地球-為這些蜥蜴人建立他們的城市和為黑暗集團建立他們的各種領地。 3.蜥蜴人與黑暗集團之間最重要的協議是有權獲得珍貴的潔淨水和空氣。 還有: 如果一個黑暗秘密社團中的任何成員破壞協議,該成員及其家屬將被抹除。 如果黑暗秘密社團中的任何成員,已經在他們自己組織內的高級委員[各個秘密社團的領導者]面前發誓...而又跑出來警告(一般的)民眾的話-他們連同他們的家屬將被抹除或者關進蜥蜴人的小黑屋中作為食物。 天龍座-長蛇座蜥蜴人不只通過心靈思想控制與黑暗集團合作,他們也控制和通過非常嚴酷的操縱方式,包括電擊折磨,以此與黑暗集團的人類工作,因為很多這些人類已經在身體內植入芯片,能被輕易觸發來讓這些人"聽話"。 記住,曾經有過某些負面門戶區域,比如國內動亂,政治衝突,宗教極端分子,軍事演習等地區,其中一個例子就是中東[亞丁灣海底基地] ,亞洲與東南亞地區[中國東海海底基地] ,在世界各地這些區域中通過各個蜥蜴人地底和海底基地,久而久之已經充斥著負面能量。然而,在這些基地裡面的指示器和調頻器,所有這些地下和海底基地,隨著一個月前由南河三-仙女座議會軍事力量的行動,現在已經被全部被消除。

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轉載自: http://blog.sina.com.cn/s/blog_6d1491d50102dzyr.html

Some days are most auspicious than others, giving you expanded opportunities to grow spiritually and reach your potential for this life. Likewise, certain series of days in a cycle - with their cumulative effect - help you to greatly accelerate openings and leave behind unfinished business. One of those times is Wesak season - here right now.


You may have never attended a Wesak, but your DNA holds a memory of what the ancient Masters taught about the path of enlightenment. That's because of what your ancestors learned and also because of memories in the mass consciousness of humankind. These things are not forgotten , even in the darkest of times.


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轉載自: http://blog.sina.com.cn/s/blog_6d1491d50102dzxd.html

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轉載自: http://blog.sina.com.cn/s/blog_6d1491d50102dzxa.html


So much is happening, but we are not always at liberty to give you the details. It must be sufficient to say that we are well in control and our allies are close to commencing a series of actions, that will show everyone that we mean business . No longer will we put up with being obstructed, and we will quickly deal with those involved. There are a number of trusted allies that are in the forefront of releasing information, that makes clear what our intentions are. In short time we will also play our part in bringing out the facts directly to the public. You are looking at weeks rather than months, for the mass arrests to take place. However it is a big operation that cannot start until everything is in place. Having come this far we want it to run smoothly, with as little trouble as possible.


Our craft are busy monitoring the activities of many countries that have the potential to use nuclear devices, and along with our warnings we will prevent them from being used. Wars have always been for profit mainly for the Arms Industry, who have no scruples and will supply equipment and arms to any side involved in the conflict. They shall answer for their involvement in the wars, as will any member of the Forces who have engaged in crimes against the people. Many atrocities have taken place that you are unaware of, but the truth cannot be concealed. Once the media commence reporting the arrests that are already underway that include many public figures, there will be calls for retribution. We do however ask that everyone avoids their emotions running away with them, as we assure you justice will be seen to be done. Unlike earlier times, no one will be able to cheat justice or buy their way out of it.

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Clarification about Archons




This is a continuation of the intel about the Archons with a purpose of clarifying some ambiguities.

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轉載自: http://blog.sina.com.cn/s/blog_6d1491d50102dzwo.html

Dearest Souls, you must reorganize your tasks at a faster pace. The countdown has already started. The Dark ones are preparing a great “turmoil” for Humans on Earth, through affecting their consciousness, their emotions and DNA.  Be alerted and vigilant.



A more conscious and collective response from people is required in order to speed up Disclosure and First Contact procedure. Humans living on Earth need to recognize first their deep rooted beliefs and their egos before they request help. They should be aware of the artificial memories that have been created on them before they can trigger a collective action by the Law of Attraction and the Law of Reciprocity.

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轉載自 http://hi.baidu.com/cvn717/blog/item/12c65544ca4c407c1038c2b9 .html


Fall of the Archons




I had some doubts about posting this intel as it may be shocking to some people, but I was nevertheless instructed to do so. Events of the last few days have further convinced me that now is the time to release this. I am not posting this to spread fear, but to inform. If we are aware of the situation, our unified consciousness will be able to transmute and dissolve it. This is a fairly complete picture of the state of affairs between the light and dark forces and of the ultimate victory of the Light.


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轉載自: http://blog.sina.com.cn/s/blog_6d1491d50102dzu0.html

There are those amongst you that are now awakening to their missions, as you are approaching a most intense period of activity. These Beings have been waiting for this particular time, to be available for the masses who will need guidance to understand what is going on around them. Events are going to move quite quickly, and there will be some confusion and fear as a result. All Lightworkers can assist in such times, and we ask them to be ready to share their knowledge with others. We shall continue to assist our allies and many Starseeds will come into their own, having been carefully prepared for exactly what their experience allows. There is so much being done to ensure you make the transition with Mother Earth, and that as many of you as possible succeed. Even those that are not yet ready require help, as they too need to be made aware as to what lies ahead for them.

你們中的一些人正覺醒於自身的任務,這是因為你們正接近一個最強烈緊張的行動時期。這些存有們已經為了這個特殊時刻等待了很久,為那些需要指引的群體大眾提供幫助,讓他們理解在身邊發生著什麼。事件就要飛速發展,作為結果同時會導致一些混亂和恐懼。所有的光之工作者都能夠在此刻提供幫助,我們請求所有的光之工作者準備去分享你們的知識給其他人。我們將繼續對我們的盟友提供支持,許多的星際種子都進入待命狀態,並十分謹慎的準備著自己,清楚了解自己該去經驗什麼。有這麼多的事情正在完成,為的就是確保你們取得地球母親偉大過渡的成功,也讓更多的人都能取得自身的成功。甚至是那些還沒有準備好接納幫助的人,他 們也需要明白前方的日子什麼在等待著他們。

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Greg Giles 通靈傳遞


The Justice Journey #7 is a particular journey a soul will incarnate through once it is decided that it is this lesson the soul wishes and needs to learn to continue advancing as a being of light through this journey we call existence. There are many different themed journeys that a soul can partake in, and the Justice Journey is but one of them.



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World Liberation Consciousness Stream


Our mass visualization event has been very successful. Immediately after our global visualization, Japan shut down its last nuclear reactor:



Although we have not reached the needed critical mass of 144,000 people doing the visualization, we were quite close to that and we were strong enough to initialize a stream of consciousness that can not be stopped and will ultimately result in planetary liberation.

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