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Greetings from the Federation:

Much is happening on your world these days. You can see the protests occurring all over as you are awakening to the energy of love. There is much going on in your world behind the scenes as well. We have great news to share with you as we keep you forever in our thoughts and send you our love in these trying days leading to Disclosure.




The underground bases, of which we have spoken in the past which harbor those factions of the Illuminati who have created the most resistance to these changes, have indeed been destroyed with no loss of life we​​ have been able to detect. A clear message has been sent to some of the last hold outs to the agreements already in place for the surrender of the Illuminati and their capitulation in your affairs. Other sources have begun to report on these events and the Illuminati needs no confirmation of what has occurred. That message, as we have been able to monitor through the emotions and thoughts of those it affected, has been received quite forcefully. They are now aware there is no alternative and this is their end.


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If you did not know by now that the final days of the dark Ones are here you will very soon, as some of our activities to curtail their attempts to escape justice are likely to become general knowledge. Be assured that we have total control in these matters, and they will not go anywhere without our approval. It is not that they have to ask us, it is simply that we know their intentions and where they are at anytime, and that way we can make certain that they cannot get up to mischief. As you might guess, when the beast is cornered it lashes out with total disregard for the consequences. There may be minor incidents but our main concern is to stop any action aimed at you.


Each joint project that we are involved in is at a point of being ready to go ahead, and we will make sure that once we get the signal to proceed the whole mechanism will swing into place. Much of the groundwork has been completed by our allies , and we are present to oversee it. There is really so much that goes on in secret, but sometimes the size of the operations is such that it is difficult to conceal everything that happens. That means you discover some details and may have a good idea as to its significance. You have your own reliable sources that are trusted, and will know who you can believe. However, once things get started there will be no mistaking what they are about, as you have waited for so long you do know by now what to expect.


What is encouraging for us is that more people talk about us without feeling embarrassed, as the days when you would be ridiculed for doing so are far and few between. Intelligent discussions are now possible, as so much information is available about us. Indeed, we will hardly need any introduction when the time comes for disclosure. We so look forward when we can be with you, and it will be a time of great celebration. After all, we will meet many souls who already know us but have forgotten their links with us. Many are from our Galactic Federation families and are in reality Space Beings serving on Earth.

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Dratzo! We return! Your world is moving swiftly to the magic point where those in power discover that truly "The center will not hold" (to quote one of your poets), and their relentless defiance of the Earth allies has reached the much- awaited breaking-point. Their next move has to involve how best to negotiate a surrender. The past few weeks have seen the dark cabal's associates pulling money seemingly out of thin air. Now, these unbelievable theatrics are about to crash as there is practically no wriggle-room left to them. Those regimes that either openly or surreptitiously supported them are dwindling, and several of their key personnel are secretly angling for a way to give up, and have been shown how to do this. Our goal is to have those individuals in hand who constitute the central governing board of this global organization that we call the dark cabal. Getting them into custody, which enables the setting-up of new governance, is also a main goal of our Earth allies. Happily, this is now ready to become a blessed reality! Only a few steps remain before we can at last put this whole matter to bed.

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In next to no time you will be reaching that magical 11.11.11, when each soul will be lifted up whether they are aware of it or not. It will help calm situations that are causing concern, as we do not wish to see the Middle East conflicts accelerated. What has been happening is the result of people waking up, to how they have been manipulated and used to support the lives of those who rule over them. That energy for change is sweeping the world and with the intent of the people , it is going to be like a tidal wave washing away everything in its path. In the West such movements are gradually gathering pace, and the authorities are trying to stem their impact. They cannot be ignored for long and the people will win this battle .


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SaLuSa to me – 1st Oct 2011 – Remember that You Are Light Beings 


Laura: Good evening SaLuSa. Would you please give us an update today. 

Laura SaLuSa 晚安。今天能否請你帶給我們新的訊息?

SaLuSa: Good evening. We are here, with you in everything you do. We areby your side when you feel troubled, lonely, pain, or even angry. With thechanging in seasons, you feel more tired and tense. Your bodies are preparingfor a slower rhythm; you will gradually feel heavier and heavier. The energiesdirected at your planet are more difficult to deal with, in the way that theyare not as forgiving and compassionate. This is also reflected in your outerworld. As you can see, there is much change on the economic and politicalscene. You, our brothers, are less forgiving for your governments mistakes andincompetence. You are beginning to see cracks through the system's wall andwill fully take advantage of it. 

SaLuSa :晚安。我們在此與你們做任何事情的時候。我們在你們感覺煩憂、孤單、痛苦或甚至憤怒時一起。隨季節轉換,你們將感覺越來越疲憊、緊繃。你們的身體正準備進入一種更緩慢的節律(rhythm) ;逐漸的感到更加沉重。直達你們星球的能量不同於寬容和慈悲這類,越來越不易處理。這些同樣反應在你們外在世界。如你們能看到經濟和政治舞台的巨變。我們的兄弟姊妹,你們對你們政府的過失無能有較少的寬容。你們正開始看到體系城牆的裂縫,並且將掌握此點。

These are truly amazing times for your history. It will be remembered asEarth's corner stone. As we are approaching the pivotal date of 11-11-11,energies will be even more heightened. Those of you who are sensitive will findit difficult to deal with the intense energies. These energies will continuetheir cleansing work for you and Mother Earth, however this will take the formof bringing up many unresolved issues into your life for the remainder periodin duality. You will find yourself changing your mind on people, situations andworld events many times during the weeks to come. Your feelings will beunsettled, insecure, and jumpy. 

這些是你們歷史上難以忘懷的時刻。將成為地球的基石。當接近11-11-11 的重大日期,能量將變得更強勁。你們一些感受敏銳的人會發現難以應對這股劇烈的能量。這些能量持續進行你們與地球母親的淨化,不管如何,這些會在二元性剩餘的時間裡引領出你們生命中未解決的問題。未來數週,將會發現你多次的改變看待人們、情勢、世界等事件的方法。感受將是動盪、不安及急遽變化的。

October, will indeed bring more of these energies, cleansing dark pathand karma in your life. However, for this to take place, these will need tosurface from your subconscious, be seen and exposed. For this to happen, youwill be confronted with many challenges , dear ones. Duality is not for thefainted heart. You knew this when you agreed to incarnating on Mother Earth. Weask you to take extra rest this month, to take your time before making decisions,and to renew the anchoring of light in your bodies . Indeed when you areconnected inside, you are one with your outer world also. You are open tospirit and to love. 

10 月確實湧入了更多這類能量,淨化在你們生活中的黑暗勢力及業力。而為了使其發生,這些將自你的潛意識中展現,被看見並暴露出來。親愛的,為了使其發生,你將面臨許多挑戰。二元性不適合軟弱無力的心。你們在同意投胎到地球母親就已經明白此點。我們建議你在這個月多做額外的休息,做決定前留點時間細想,重新定位在你身體裡面的光。確實,當你向內連結,你也與外在世界同步。你向靈性和愛開放

When you feel unsettled, fearful, and angry, tired, frustrated or inemotional distress, remember to come back to yourself. Remember that you arelight beings, who volunteered for the greatest challenge in the universe. TheBeings from higher planes of existence are watching over you and admire you.Remember that you are never alone, and that you are all loved, no matter howyou feel about yourself. Many of you have a rather low self esteem, as if theyhad failed their part of the mission. We understand this, and ask you to stopplaying being a victim. You are light Beings, who have forgotten who you are.Remember who you are, remember yourself. You are light and love, and nothingcan ever destroy you, nobody can ever judge you, nobody can take away the lovefrom your heart against your own will. 


We encourage you to continue your efforts for living in the here andnow. When you live in the here and now, impatience and fear do not exist. Ifyou are struggling with the coming energies, we encourage you in pursuing yourown spiritual development path and research. Working in a group of lightpeoples will give you back what you feel so far away from. You have each otherand you can create a better world for yourself, you can make things right foryou and Mother Earth. This will be done before Ascension, so you can see thatthe coming year has yet much in store for you. 


I am SaLuSa from Sirius, and wish to remind you to believe in your ownpower of creation, you alone have the right to make the changes you wish to seeon your planet. You are the powerful beings and your weapon is your love andjoy. Don' t forget to ask for help to higher Beings at this time, as we are herefor your benefit. Be a witness to the changes inside of you, weather they arepleasant or not. Do not judge yourself, just be present in your life and bewith what is. Our love for you is endless and will always be so. Be Joy andhave peace of heart.

我是來自天狼星的SaLuSa ,提醒你們相信自己【創造】的力量,你們各自都有做出想要看見你們星球改變的權利。你們是強而有力的存有,你們的武器就是你們的【愛】和【喜悅】。別忘記此時,詢問更高存有的協助,我們為幫助你們在此。不管愉不愉悅,成為你內在變化的目擊者。別批評自己,就只是臨在生命,和事物如其所貌一同。我們對你們的愛無止無盡,也將永遠如此。保持喜悅,在內心長保平靜。

Thank you 
Laura Tyco 

Copyright © Laura Tyco. All Rights Reserved. You may copy andredistribute this material so long as you do not alter it in any way and thecontent remains complete, credit is given to the author, and you include thiscopyright notice link: http://galacticlauratyco.blogspot.com/

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Our craft are seen in your skies so frequently now, that Disclosure is hardly necessary where proof of our existence is required. The days of covering up our presence are pointless, and when some of your astronauts are prepared to acknowledge it we wonder what more the sceptics want as proof. However, that does not really cause us any concern, as those in doubt must find their own truth. But you may nevertheless wonder why your authorities still stick their heads in the sand. It is Dear Ones, the prospect of having to answer for all of the lies that have been told, and their ultimate admission that they have their own Space Craft for many years. Furthermore, they do not want you to know that they have not only had contact with the Grays but have worked with them for almost 80 years, a long time of deception whilst allowing "abductions" and cattle mutilations. The "truth" does not stand very well on their shoulders, and there is also a little matter of bases on the Moon and Mars.


For the dark Ones the truth opens Pandora's box, and not least of all shows where trillions of dollars of your money have been spent on black operations. We could go further, but suffice to say that there will be no hiding place for those who are the guilty of the biggest criminal acts ever perpetrated against their own people. They have so much to answer for that what we have told you is just the tip of the iceberg. We know you will question how it could happen under your very noses with you having little or no knowledge about it. The answer is that the Illuminati have wielded great power and influence, and they have worked towards this time for thousands of years. In spite of all that their days are numbered, and they will reflect on the fact that they have failed at the last hurdle. Your next question will be "why were they not stopped" and that is because it is not anyone else's place to interfere with the evolution of another species. Yes, we have been allowed to guide you and advance your understanding, but the final choice has been yours as the creators of your own evolution.


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SaLuSa to me - First Contact Requires a Minimum Level of Vibrations fromYou, as a Collective Consciousness- 28 Sept 2011 

原文網頁:http://galacticlauratyco.blogspot.com/2011/09/salusa-to-me-first-contact-requires .html#more

Laura: Good evening SaLuSa. This is our first question: 
“ Greetingsfrom Florida! I have only 2 concepts I wished to have cleared up. The first oneis, on the topic of ascension, I understand this is a planetary event, yet fromwhat I see, not many know of it. Are disclosure, first contact, and perhapsactual guided education on ascension to occur BEFORE THE EVENT to ensure a fairequal chance at ascension?

The 2nd question is “do the genetics of ourfamilies affect our personalities? Like if one parent came from a very lovingand expressive family, while the other parent stemmed from a strict and rigidlysuppressive family, would these two very different histories conflict insidethe mind or field of that child?” 

Laura :晚安SaLuSa 這是我們第一個問題:

SaLuSa: Good evening . Indeed many of you are unprepared for Ascension onmany levels. By this we mean that you are under the influence of negativebeings, you are not free, you are stuck in a world of materialism andmechanicalness, and you live in a constant state of anxiety, completely unawareof your own divinity. I do not speak of lightworkers here, but of the state ofbeing of the majority on your planet. As we have said previously, Ascensiononly requires love vibrations from you, as well as your to desire to ascend.However, the resonance of what you perceive as love now, is different from whatAscended Beings perceive as Love. True Love is free, unselfish; it wants onlythe highest good for others. What many on your planet refer to as love at themoment, is different from one person to the other. There exists the actual actof physical love, which some of you mistake for lust. There is also the feelingof love, with some of you mistake as emotional dependency. And there existsconscious unconditional Love. So you see dear friends, even when we speak oflove, there are in fact several levels. 

SaLuSa :晚安。確實在許多層面很多人未沒準備好【揚升】。這個意思是你們還處在受負面存有影響,不是自由的,困頓在唯物主義和機械論,活在一連串焦慮,完全不曉得個人神性的狀態。這裡不是講光工作者,而是你們星球大多數人的狀態。如我們先前說過揚升只需來自你們愛的振動以及你們想要揚升的意願。然而你們目前理解的愛的共振,不同揚升存有覺知的【愛】。真正的愛是自由、無私;只需對他人最高的善(益處)。目前你們星球上許多人面對不同人時愛有其差別。地球存在實際行動物理性質的愛,被你們一些人誤解耽溺沉淪。這也是一種愛的感覺,但被一些人誤解成為情感附屬品。但這裡也存在一種有意識的無條件之愛。親愛的朋友,因此可以看到當談到愛時,事實上存在許多層次。

The most favourable vibrations for Ascensions are the vibrations forconscious unconditional love. At the moment, it is a difficult thing for yoursocieties to envisage such a thing as conscious unconditional love. Those ofyou, who had loving conscious parents, know this kind of love from theirchildhood . It will be a matter of reconnecting with this part of your heartwhich has closed as you were growing up. The living conditions on your planetare closing your hearts as you grow into your adult life. Others will have tolearn and experience conscious unconditional love as a total novelty, becausethey have never experienced it before in this lifetime. However, they willunderstand with our help very rapidly. You have all been Ascended Beings in thepast; therefore once you will recover memories of yourselves as AscendedMasters in the past, the feeling of unconditional love will flow naturally foryou all. 


This of course, will be true for those who choose to ascend and who willbe willing to be in our company and receive our gentle guidance. As we havepreviously said, we are not here to force any of you on any path and we helponly when we are asked to help. You will always be treated with the respect andlove you deserve, dear friends. You are spending hours in traffic; you must dounfulfilling jobs in order to pay the bills, while others are worried of nothaving a job and do not know how to survive another day. Most of you are livingin your head all day long; you are unconnected to the rest of yourself. Theconnection with your body is missing and you have no idea about your ownfeelings most of the day. We do not say these things as a reproach, for none ofthe above are in fact your direct fault. 


These conditions have been created by yourselves and your ancestorssince the Fall of Atlantis. Ever since that time, you have been living induality. Ever since, you have been cut off from your true self, since thattime, Man on Earth has a double nature. Dark entities have taken control ofwhat is taking place on Mother Earth for ten thousand years, dear ones. Withthe return of the Golden Age on your planet, there is now need for all of youto get rid of what has served you and your ancestors in the past. This processof transformation is done through generations indeed in usual circumstances. Asyou know, you do not have this path. Since your Fall from Atlantis was due toan accident initially, and you and Mother Earth have both asked for help, inorder to raise your level of vibrations to the required level for Ascension,Creator has indeed granted your request. You are to regain your previous statusas a Galactic Civilisation and we have been authorised to help you to thisintent. 

這些情況 ​​來自你們自身與你們祖先亞特蘭提斯沉沒以後被創造出來,自此你們生活在二元性中。從那個時候你們開始切斷與真實自我連結,人類在地球上擁有兩種天性(nature) 親愛的,黑暗實體已經接管地球母親的主權上萬年。為重返你們星球的黃金時代,目前需要你們全部人脫離那些服務你們和過去祖先的(黑暗實體)。確實在一般情況,轉變過程需經過世代進行。你們知道沒有別條路走。自從亞特蘭堤斯的沉沒源自一場意外,為了提升你們的振動達到揚升水平,你們與地球母親呼求幫助,造物主已經確實授予你們的請求。你們正在拿回先前身為銀河文明的身份,我們也為這個意圖授權來此協助你們。

As you know, we are working with Divine Beings, such as Angels andArchangels, in order to help you through this difficult time for you, as wellas for your planet. And it is Divine Decree that we are to help you cleanseyour no longer desired baggage . Indeed we have been sent to help you preparefor Ascension as you put it. However, you also have your share to do. We areonly here to show you the way, but you are the ones who will have to walk thepath to Ascension, dear ones. This implies that in order for First Contact totake place, there is a pre-required level of vibrations from you as CollectiveConsciousness. This is what we are waiting for. Once this pre-required level ofvibrations sets permanently on your world, the rest will follow automatically.Disclosure will follow, Free Energy will be common knowledge, and people willno longer feel greedy, afraid, jealous, possessive, and aggressive or feellonely. Once this settles permanently on your planet and is understood enoughin order to become common knowledge, love and unity will inhabit your worldagain. 

如你們所知,為了幫助與你們星球通過艱困時期,我們和神聖存有一起工作,如天使們和大天使。這是神聖法令,我們幫助你們淨化不再需要的包袱。確實,因應你們提出的請求,我們被送來這裡幫助你們準備揚升。然而你們也有自己一份工作。親愛的,我們只在此指示你們方向,你是那個將需走過揚升歷程的人(譯:師父領進門,修行在個人)。這意謂著為了使第一次接觸的發生,有個“你們集體潛意識的振動水平”的先在要求。這是我們等待的。一旦先在的“意識水平”永久在你們世界設置好,其餘的人將自動尾隨跟上。【大揭露】跟著發生,【免費能源】將成為普遍知識,人們將再也不需感覺貪婪、害怕、嫉妒、佔有、好鬥或感覺孤獨。一旦這些永久發生在你們的星球並被足夠的理解成為共同知識,【愛】與【整體】(unity) 將重回你們的星球。

I am SaLuSa from Sirius, and am glad to see that this level ofcollective vibrations is rising exponentially on Mother Earth. We are monitoringthe rise in your conscious levels daily, dear friends. From the higher realms,we do have a good perspective on your progress . As we often remind you, you arereceiving help as no civilisation or planet has received before. There is noroom for failure and Ascension is assured for all those who chose it in theirpath. Be at peace and carry love in your hearts. 

我是來自天狼星的SaLuSa ,很高興看到地球母親身上集體振動的水平指數成長。親愛的朋友,我們每日探測到你們意識水平提升。從更高領域來看,我們對你們的進展有良好預景。像是我們經常提醒,你們接收的幫助是其他文明或星球沒有過的。沒有失敗的餘地,揚升對那些選擇他們(生命)路徑的人是被保證的。保持平靜並心維繫著【愛】。

Thank you 
Laura Tyco 

Copyright © Laura Tyco. All Rights Reserved. You may copy andredistribute this material so long as you do not alter it in any way and thecontent remains complete, credit is given to the author, and you include thiscopyright notice link: http://galacticlauratyco.blogspot.com/



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The dark Ones are losing their power and the Lightworkers are closing in on them. The object is to keep them from delaying the changes that are so near, so that our plan can take off with all speed. As you might realise, immense organisation has gone into it, and our allies have been taking up their positions for quite some time. Each project is a massive undertaking, but with our advanced technologies we can progress even the tiniest detail. When we give the signal to go ahead, it will work like a military campaign and it will overwhelm any opposition. As you may guess, matters will proceed much better when the right people have replaced those in authority who do not truly represent you. Attending to that is high on our list, and about to take top priority.


You are handling the changes so well, and it is helped by your understanding of your involvement and how important you are to us. We want you to see that whatever happens now is all part of the breakdown of the old, and its interface with the new. Indeed so much is new, that little of the old will remain as you know it now. You are to take a great leap forward into the Age of Surprises, giving you all of the advantages that should long ago have lifted you into the New Age. You have heard so much about energy saving devices, and once these are introduced, you will no longer be dependent on the Oil Industries. At a stroke, they will end poor standards of living whilst at the same time massively reducing pollution. In general the basic needs of people will be covered and starvation eradicated. The changes in transportation will take time, and the systems will be unrecognisable to what they are now. Speed​​ of contact and communication will be accessible to all, and distance will be of no importance.

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Laura: Good evening SaLuSa. It is so nice to hear from you. Here is ourfirst question: “SaLuSa, You have already referred to us as Ascended Beings inprevious times. Being so, why cannot I feel like that? I am sure that I am in adifferent stage of evolution from the brothers with whom I am related to (I wonderif I am not estimate me too high). In fact though having been aware of mydegree of evolution and trying the best to evolve and expand my consciousness,I am always in doubt if I will have the gift to ascend also this time. How canI know if I am doing all the needed to achieve it? Light and Peace”.


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Dratzo! Much has been happening on your world. Many minor issues are delaying temporarily the distribution of your prosperity funds and the much-awaited broadcasts. These delays are the last in a long line of impediments that have dictated the pace of change for your world . They determined that what could have been easy and rapid finally ran up against the time limit set by Heaven. What is important to remember is that the coming events are inevitable. The precious-metal depositories are set up across the globe and the primary components of the new financial system are in place. The final push we mentioned recently has turned into a major secret conflict between the dark cabal and its staunchest adherents, and a determined group of armed forces that is removing these obstructive beings so that the changes can happen smoothly. This struggle has reached a point where we are now ready to intervene and end the cabal's last-ditch stand. Our Agarthan cousins​​ have begun to assist the pro-reformation forces to ensure absolutely that there will be no sudden turn of events in the dark's favor. We say to them, On to victory!
Our forces continue to adhere strictly to the guidelines issued to us by Heaven, but we also look forward to the time when we can do more than merely assist our Earth allies in putting together a new reality. This is no simple assignment. You are tasking yourselves with completely reforming a world that has existed for millennia, which means, in effect, that you need to bring about a huge series of changes largely unheard of in the present reality. However, this amount of change is something that our Agarthan cousins​​ are prepared for, as they fully expected that the dark would not be allowed to complete its illegal machinations for preventing your return to full consciousness. Heaven had a divine timetable which proclaimed that the time for the return of the Light was upon you, and that it was to be sparked off by a massive first contact with the Galactic Federation. The present goings-on are simply part of the run-up to disclosure. Amazing things will be associated with disclosure and we look forward to participating in these events with you.
The road to disclosure has had m​​any strange turns. Recently, several major governments agreed to be on board with disclosure and then abruptly withdraw from that agreement. This taught us that only the caretaker governments could ensure disclosure. Therefore, over the past few months we started to increase our assistance both to our Earth allies and to those willing to actively pursue the use of coercion to drive the dark cabal from its underground bases, and this was successful. Further, our defense forces have discombobulated the 'advanced' technologies which are sequestered at these bases with the intention of denying the dark ones any possibility of last-minute mischief, which they still persist in plotting. The leadership of the dark needs to accept that its time in the catbird seat is at an end and that the moment has arrived for all the dark ones to face the music and formally surrender to the various forces that are waiting to create the new temporary governments. These are the legal instruments to produce disclosure.
The final steps in this last act of mass defiance by the dark are now underway. As their alternative courses of action shrink by the minute, the time comes for their leadership to bow to the inevitable. Surrender can prevent a lot of unnecessary pain and sorrow for their families and especially for them. You are standing on the very brink of a golden age for humanity, and your return to full consciousness completes the prophecies decreed by the Light at the fall of Atlantis. This time is meant to be one of great joy, and the dark is prolonging the time of chaos unnecessarily. Heaven is now advising us that we are to intervene in ways that we were formerly disinclined to, and have assisted those who 'cleaned out' a number of major dark underground bases. We have also disrupted or destroyed several devices used by the dark as part of its complex operations to prevent your rise to full consciousness. The time for our arrival on your shores is close at hand!

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Greetings from the Federation:

We come again to bring more news to you in these days leading up to Disclosure. We have often talked about what is occurring on your world behind the scenes. Today, we wish to primarily discuss what is happening here, with us, at the Federation .



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There is no doubt that not only time is continuing to speed up, but events important to the necessary changes are also reaching a climax. It bodes well for the immediate period which is highlighted by the Love Wave of 11.11.11. Good news travels faster than ever amongst the Lightworkers, and the network of information continues to expand. It all points to an exciting time ahead and the fulfilment of your expectations. The energy for change is unstoppable and we will ensure that it flows uninterrupted by those who oppose it. We are in regular contact with your leaders and even if some reluctance is shown, they are generally co-operating with us. The world teeters on the brink of collapse, and they realise that only a completely new approach will provide a way out. The dark Ones believed it would be to their advantage and their aims to take over, but we have turned the tables on them to bring about Ascension.

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SaLuSa to me – Ascension Only Requires your Vibrations to Resonate withLove – Sept 18 2011 


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Greetings from the Federation:

We now deliver to you our preamble to the greatest event in human history. You are about to undergo those changes which have been discussed for so long and for which we have been preparing on our side for a very long time indeed. These preparations will be lost to some in the moments after Disclosure as a whirlwind of activity and events unfolds on your planet. To others, the preparation will have been well served. Whatever level of preparedness at which you find yourselves in the days and weeks following Disclosure, remember always to help each other to the best of your abilities.



We have continually told you that Disclosure is a seminal event in the movement of the human species forward and into galactic citizenship and ultimately your Ascension. This shift in consciousness is a great event which has been looked upon in the cosmos with much excitement for a very long time.

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SaLuSa to me – More of You are Beginning to Question the System – 15thSept 2011 


Laura: Good evening SaLuSa. You have seen questions for this week andcomments. Would you like to give us on update, perhaps taking into accountrelevant questions and touching on them also. 

Laura :晚安SaLuSa 你已經看過這禮拜的問題和意見。有想帶給我們新的訊息嗎?或許可以考慮回答這些相關問題。

SaLuSa: As time continues to speed up, you find yourselves on the fasttrack to Ascension dear souls. More and more of you are beginning to questionthe system and their government around your planet. Young people are leadingthis change in approach, so we would advise you to listen to them with greatlove and respect. They are new to this world and to the way you live your lifeon Earth up to now. Many of them are wise beings who volunteered for thesetimes, just as you did. You will now soon enjoy working together and respectyour various approaches. 

SaLuSa :當時間持續加速,親愛的靈魂,你會發現自己走在【揚升】的快速軌道。你們更多人開始質疑你們星球的體制和政府。年輕人引領即將即到來的變遷(change) ,所以我們建議,帶著大量的【愛】和【尊重】聆聽他們(的想法)。截至你們目前在地球生活的方式,他們是這個世界的新手。如同你,他們許多是自願為了這個時刻到來的智慧存有。你們將很快享受在一起工作,尊重彼此的不同方式。

The 9/11 anniversary has shaken many souls and every family has at leastone person who feels deeply drawn to analyse what happened on that day and whoare not satisfied with the official answers. Soon the cover up coming from themedia, politicians and various parties involved will be exposed. This willcause a serious wake up call for the entire globe, and the collectiveconsciousness will make a further leap forward. Once people will realize howthe official story was pure fabrication, they will no longer want to put blindfaith into others hands without questioning what will be done with the powergiven to those in charge. 

911 紀念日震驚許多靈魂,每個家庭至少有一位會深深為想要分析“那天究竟發生了什麼”吸引,並且無法滿足於官方說 ​​辭。不久來自媒體、政客、有關各方(黨派)的掩蓋手法將暴露出來。這會帶給全世界重要的意識覺醒(wakeup call) ,集體意識將近一步飛躍。屆時人們會認知,官方說 ​​法僅僅是被製造出來,他們不會想再盲目信仰那些經不起考驗,不對被賦予權力負責的人。

There is much talk of the comet Elenin, we have said through MikeQuinsey previously that there is nothing to fear on your side concerningElenin. Perhaps look at the comet as a bringer of a new dawn and hope. Eleninis announcing the coming of the Golden Age dear friends. We would like toremind you that we are here to ensure your Ascension along with Mother Earth'sAscension. While the dark ones are still trying to alter the end scenario, itshould be clear to you by now that there is nothing more they can do to preventAscension. We are here to help, so please do not be hesitant in asking us andyour guides for assistance and protection at any time. 

有很多人提到彗星Elenin ,我們先前在Mike Quinsey 的管道談過,不需害怕你們附近的Elenin 或許把它視作帶來新的黎明和希望者。親愛的朋友,Elenin 宣告黃金時代到來。我們想提醒:我們在這裡確保你們與地球母親的揚升。儘管黑暗勢力仍然試圖改變最終章節,目前對你們來說應該很清楚了,他們完全無法阻止揚升的發生。我們在這裡協助,所以任何時候,請別猶豫向我們和你們的指導靈詢問協助與保護。

We still encourage you not to pay much attention to fear based news,reports or even messages. While we do encourage you to be in the know, considerwho you are giving credit to when it comes to news reports. Many people havelimited understanding of what is happening now, so do not react negatively totheir ignorance and fear. We continue to encourage you to use discernment inanything you watch or read. So we would like to see you question all you arereading. Ask yourself who is saying what and what the motivation behind theirwords is. Also what consequence does it have for you on a personal level andhow can it be received by the general public. 

我們一樣提醒,別投射過多的注意力在以建造恐懼為基礎的新聞、報導、甚至消息上面。說到新聞報導,我們鼓勵你們了解、細想你們將“ 信任” 交付給了誰。很多人對目前為止發生的事情了解有限,所以不要負面對待他們的無知和恐懼。我們持續鼓勵你們洞察所有看到、讀到的事物。因此我們希望看到你們對所有書籍提出疑問。問自己:是誰在說什麼,以及他們文字背後隱藏的動機。還有對於你個人的層面,它們影響導致的結果有什麼,大眾又是如何的接受它們。

Many of you are living in stressful conditions. It seems many of you areoverworked, tense, and tired, while others are suffering from lack of money andstruggle financially. We are looking forward to the new monetary system whichwill soon be in operation. As you see politicians going deeper and deeper intodebt, there will come a time when it will be self evident that those in chargedo not have your best interests at heart. We are almost at the pivotal point asfar as your financial system is concerned. What has now started in terms ofaccountability, will continue exponentially in the coming months. We will see areal purging of the finance and political system dear friends. 

你們許多人生活面臨龐大壓力。許多人似乎工作過度、緊張、疲倦,還有一些人受困於貧窮及財務困難。我們期待不久將運行的新貨幣系統。當你看到政客們越來越深陷債務(問題),將會有個不言自明,明白那些該負責的一點也不把你們最高利益放在心上的時刻。我們的話題聚焦在金融體制方面。現在已經開始實施責任制度(accountability) ,未來幾個月將成指數成長。親愛的朋友,我們即將看到金融和政界系統的洗淨。

In terms of spiritual evolution, we will be able to work with you alldirectly if so is your wish once Disclosure takes place. Shortly after that, wewill land our crafts on you wonderful planet and we begin interacting with youopenly. At this time, we will be delighted to meet you and assist you with allthat you will need in material terms, as well as in spiritual understanding andgrowth with Ascension in mind. We are planning to put each and every one of youin direct contact with those closer to you and who you will recognise fromprevious lives. Some of these beings have been working with you for some timealready behind the scenes, so you will feel a great joy to finally be able totalk openly and directly. They will seem like old friends to you, while otherswill meet their star relatives. 


In the meantime, we would like you to be cantered in your heart, to beat peace and present in your daily lives. The best way to achieving this is byremaining anchored in your body. Your bodies connect you to Mother Earth; theyalso transmit the higher energies from above into her. When you are aware andconscious of your role at this time, this also contributes to your awakening dearones. The more conscious you are, the clearer and purer the energy transmittedto Mother Earth. 


When you remain connected to your body, you are present in the here andnow. Everyday your head and your emotions are racing. You are rushing in orderto get things done and to look after your family. In the midst of all theseactions, we would encourage you not to forget who you are and why you are hereat this time still. Sense your body; be aware of your breath of life, of yourvibrations, and of the rhythm of your heart. 


We all have our own inner song, dear ones, but we usually only hear ourcommentator. These comments or thoughts are like the clouds in the sky. Theykeep moving, are being swept by the wind. However, you forget too often thatbehind the clouds, there is blue sky, space and the Sun. This is the illusionwe often speak of. You must learn to allow the clouds to pass, but not to gowith them. Remain with the sky and the Sun. Remain anchored within your body,feel your body tensions and something will come to you progressively. 


I am SaLuSa from Sirius and am happy for our communication today. I amlooking forward to our next conversation. Until then I will say goodbye andsend you my love dear friends. 

我是來自天狼星的SaLuSa ,很高興我們今日的交流。我期待我們下 ​​次的對談。親愛的朋友,在此之前與你們說再會,並送給你們我的愛。

Thank you 
Laura Tyco 

Copyright © Laura Tyco. All Rights Reserved. You may copy andredistribute this material so long as you do not alter it in any way and the contentremains complete, credit is given to the author, and you include this copyrightnotice link: http://galacticlauratyco.blogspot.com/

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Our mission has been linked with you for a long, long time. We have followed your progress even going back to the earlier civilisations, of which Atlantis and Lemuria are the most recent ones known to you. We have always had some influence on your evolution , but that is only to the extent that we are allowed to do so. The freewill factor has played an important part in your experiences, and we would not interfere with what you have created for that purpose. Guidance is permitted, and assistance to Mother Earth that has been more direct in recent times. The Creator decreed that Ascension would complete your cycle of duality, and we have the honour and responsibility to see you through to completion.

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Laura: Good morning SaLuSa . This is the first question: 
“ My question/concernfor SaLuSa is since none of us is really aware of our 
soul's contracts, how do we know if we will be ascending with MotherEarth 
or not.   I feel I was lead to thisinformation for a reason, but part of me is concerned because in my heart Ifeel the desire to ascend however I'm concerned that that may not be my soul'splan for me, I really don't know and I'm not sure how to handle thesefeelings.   If you could shed some “light”on this, I would really appreciate it. Thank you for all that you do.”

Laura SaLuSa 早安。這裡是第一個問題:
「我要向SaLuSa 提出的問題/關心的是,我們無法全然察覺我們的靈魂合同,如何知道我們會不會將與地球母親一起揚升?我覺得我問這個問題是有原因,一部分是因為來自內心想要提升的渴望,然而我渴望的可能不是靈魂計劃上的事情,我真的無從知道,也不曉得如何處理這些感受。如果你能在這件事指點迷津,我會相當感激。感謝你做的所有事情。」

SaLuSa: We understand why this gives you concern. We are all the accumulationof our experiences in a way, as well as being light. Living in duality meanshave two polarities. While you do have freewill, the matter resides in seeingthrough the illusion. I am speaking of the illusion built around you, in theouter world. What is often forgotten about is your own illusion aboutyourselves. You are not what and who you think you are dear ones. You are notwhat the system boxes you about yourselves. Do not have fear on this matter anddo not put limitations around yourselves. 

SaLuSa :我們知道你為何關注此事。我們某種程度都是由經驗及身為光累積的總和。生活在二元性代表擁有兩種極端。儘管你有自由意志,卻透過幻像看待事情。我指的是在你的外在世界周圍所建造出來的幻象。經常遺忘關於你「自己是誰」蒙上的幻象。親愛的,你不是你想的誰或者什麼。你不是體制裝箱出“你是誰”的東西。別害怕這個問題,別在自己身上加上限制。

It is important that you find out for yourself answers to this question:Who are you? “Know thyself” is the key to your freedom. While it is not a newconcept, it is an eternal truth. We would like you to really put your mind andheart into this idea. There are many levels of depth one can explore, thedeeper you go, the more you will know about yourself, others and the universe.Look at this as the wonderful adventure and exploration it really is. Think ofthis as if you were exploring a new land and enjoy the experience. 


There will come a point where you will have to choose, really choosewith your heart in oneness and your whole being. There will come a time whenyou will just remember much and you will know the right decision for you,perhaps it will happen without you realizing it; perhaps it will be lead byyour subconscious. A decision will be made, according to your vibrations and yourexperiences. This decision will be guided by your higher self and will takeinto consideration your soul's needs and development. There is alwaysflexibility concerning Ascension and nothing is set into stone for the vastmajority of people. 


Your higher self is in perpetual contact with the Spiritual Hierarchy.Your Higher Self is aware of your life contract and also knows what is best foryou. Do not look at Ascension as good or bad, right and wrong. All that mattersis your development and your needs. You are all multidimensional beings; thepart of you living in duality is only the tip of the iceberg. Please understandthat you are not only what you seem to be. You are far more. As well as that,you have a group of guides and guardian angels looking after you, helping younight and day. They are part of the work going on behind the scenes dear ones,as are we. Acknowledge them and ask them for help anytime. They will befulfilled by your attention and requests. 


I am SaLuSa from Sirius. Believe in the unseen dear friends. Your eyescan see only a small part of the spectrum at this time. Your eyes are stillclosed as it were. Soon you will be able to see what remains now in the domainof the invisible for you. You loose at a very young age dear friends theability to see the world as it is, with all the subtle energies and subtlematter. Soon all of you will open your eyes to a new world. 

我是來自天狼星的SaLuSa 親愛的朋友,相信肉眼看不到的。你們的雙眼這時看見的只是光譜中的一小部份。你們的雙眼和過去一樣緊閉。很快你將有能力看到目前眼界看不到的事物。親愛的朋友,你們在非常年輕的時候就受到細微干擾的能量和物質作用,失去看待世界如它所是的能力。很快你們將睜開雙眼看到新的世界。

Thank you 
Laura Tyco

Copyright © Laura Tyco. All Rights Reserved. Youmay copy and redistribute this material so long as you do not alter it in anyway and the content remains complete, credit is given to the author, and youinclude this copyright notice link:http://galacticlauratyco .blogspot.com/Translations:Translationsof these messages into various languages​​ are posted at http://despertando.me/

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