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SaLuSa to Me – A Question from Laura - 26 Oct 2011 

Laura: Hello SaLuSa, there are rumours that the Sirians have left the vicinity of Earth, is this correct? 

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We look at your world and see what a marvelous place it has been, as a means of giving you a playground in which to play your games. You have been allowed to do exactly as you wish, but nevertheless with responsibility for the consequences. Through many lives you have created your future, but for a long time were held in the lower vibrations. Once you became ensnared in them, you found the greatest difficulty in releasing yourselves from them. Yet although you plunged the depths of darkness, somehow you found the Light and lifted yourselves up. It took a long time, but today so many of you are awakening to the truth of your being. The beliefs imposed upon you are no longer able to hold you back, and much progress has been made. Now you are rising up in your consciousness levels very rapidly, and realize the power you have to change your reality.

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SaLuSa to Me - 21 Oct 2011- Message to a Friend 


Good evening SaLuSa, here is my friend's question: " The questionis: What are some things that will change in our lives after ascension thatmost people are not anticipating and would be very surprised and delightedabout?"  

SaLuSa ,晚上好,這是來自我的一位朋友的問題:『問題是:在大多數人沒有預期、可能充滿驚喜的揚升以後,我們的生活將產生什麼樣的變化?

SaLuSa: what will change most, dear Fran, is that you will no longerknow fear. Fear is a concept developed for duality alone. It has greatly beenoverused on your world however, has it not? I hope this will make you smile.Laugh is the best way for chasing fear out of your aura. 

SaLuSa :親愛的朋友們,改變最多的是你們將不再知曉(經驗)“恐懼”。恐懼是為了配合二元性所發展出來的概念。它已經在你們的世界過度濫用了,不是嗎?我期盼這將使你們重拾回笑顏。“笑”是從你們的靈氣(aura) 中驅趕恐懼的最好方式。

The other thing, that I find most different in the higher realms, is ofcourse the experience of love. Love, as you know it on Earth, is a very linearand conditional aspect. In the higher dimensions it is an entirely boundlessexperience. Nothing that any human mind could ever comprehend in duality I amafraid. In a way, everything we do, everything we consider only originates fromlove. For us, there is only love. All is done from a state of love. Without love,for us, there is no sense. 


The coldness of the human heart is something we still try to comprehend.But it is too painful to us to explore this in great detail.

What you will also find surprising is that thelevel of consciousness of the higher dimensions will be entirely different thanthat of the human consciousness level. You will have instant knowledge to alland everything you ever desire. There will be nothing that will ever beimpossible for you all, once you ascend.  

你們將驚訝的發現,更高維度的意識水平與人類意識水平全然不同。你們將對所有想望過的事物擁有實時的知識(instantknowledge )。一旦當你們揚升,對你們所有人來說,將不再有不可能的事。

You will have instant knowledge. In fact, as our worlds are merging dayafter day, always a little closer, you must have good insights of what ourworld is like. You dwell with us, all of you sometimes, but the knowledge ofthese experiences does not protrude into the human reality. There is a filter,not allowing for this higher reality to be acknowledged by the human mind. Thisnet will soon be permanently removed however, and you will all see us at longlast! 
Peace and joy within your heart dear friends . 

你們將擁有實時的知識。事實上,當我們的世界日漸融合,一直越來越加靠近,你們必定有了與我們的世界相似的良好洞察力。你們所有人有時與我們共同生活,但這些經驗不在人類的現實世界被突顯。那裡存在著一種“過濾器”,不使更高的真實界(reality )被人類心智發覺。這個網絡將很快永遠移除,你們所有人最終將見到我們!

SaLuSa from Sirius
Laura Tyco

Laura Tyco 傳訊

銀河聯邦SaLuSa 銀河聯邦SaLuSa

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The speed at which matters are moving ahead, means that almost on a daily basis there is progress being made towards changes that will be for the betterment of all people. It will take time to manifest but the foundation has now been firmly laid in place. All issues apart form First Contact draw nearer and that gives our allies every opportunity to push for an early outcome. With the expected big increase in levels of consciousness following 11.11.11, the stage will be set for the outworking of the final needs to achieve success. It can no longer be delayed and you shall be aware of its commencement.


The dark Ones are clearly in retreat, but do not go gracefully and would rather have their last attempts to create chaos. However, they will not have that pleasure as we are already aware of their plans. They are no longer entitled to the level of freewill that they have previously enjoyed. It is with joy that we intercede in their actions, and they know that their freedom is soon to be taken from them. Our allies with our help are gradually putting the dark Ones where they can no longer carry out the heinous acts. They are effectively being taken out of your society so that you may proceed unhindered with the work of the Light.


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The worldwide uprising continues to grow and will result in gains for the people. Not too long ago such demonstrations would have been quickly put down by force if necessary, as governments are scared of situations where you have mobilized yourselves into powerful groups. We have always advocated peaceful demonstrations, as violence begets violence and in such situations you are inevitably the loser. However, we understand that there comes a point when you cannot take anymore, and anger takes over from reasoned thinking. This battle for your future will help to create the energies for change, and not everyone needs to be in the front line, as just by sending out your thoughts of support you are adding to it. This is where the world as a whole has the upper hand if they come together to support a common cause.


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Good morning to you. I am so looking forward to connecting with you today. ​​I am ready to begin whenever you are.


We are ready to go ahead also. In Light of what is transpiring upon your planet , it is safe to say that illuminations are being prepared. The everyday assistance from where you stand is uplifting that which must be in place in order for certain objectives to be obtained. The essence of that which you are now recognizing is therefore allowing a LIGHT to shine from within you and broadcast it throughout to many who have been sleeping in the shadows.


We are showing you of bells ringing ... of celebration ... of jubilance. These most exciting times are proving to be just that! So many of you now are accepting the changes. So many of you are insisting upon TRUTH becoming the mainstream message. All that is transpiring upon your Earth at this time is bringing into fruition that which has been attested to. You have gently persuaded yourselves to come and join the party. You are considering matters which were once disagreeable to you , yet now you find yourselves in the throng and engaging upon missions of which your heart has asked of you.


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Selamat Balik! We return in a state of joy! Progress is being made on many fronts as we put in motion the final directives which will shortly allow the funding to begin. Concurrently, a series of meetings have cleared up certain misunderstandings between our Earth allies and us. These discussions brought up a number of issues that were worrying several groups about how the announcement process was to proceed, and this led to some adjustments to our broadcast agenda. These hiccups are now resolved and we are ready to use our technology to hasten the next phase of bringing forth your new reality. Another matter that was holding things up was various squabbles over exactly how the lead-in to disclosure was to be carried out. In essence, it was all about priorities and how best to wrap up the removal of the dark cabal. Also at issue were various moral and legal points concerning the cabal's final surrender documents, and this too has been judiciously settled. So now the stage is being set for the dark to remove their minions from office.

This present time has turned into an opportunity for us to review everything dealing with disclosure and first contact. The political system that rules your world is, of course, a construct of the dark cabal. Various secret, sacred groups are putting together the procedures whereby many nations in Asia, Africa, and Europe are to be legally replaced by caretaker governments. The purpose of this is to remove every last vestige of the dark control and to bring to power those individuals and groups dedicated to manifesting your new reality. Disclosure will go ahead smoothly once the new governance and those groups long dedicated to the rise of a spiritually oriented consciousness on your world are at the helm. Your Ascended Masters have forged a global network that includes your Agarthan cousins​​ and us. Already several banks around your globe are diligently abiding by the new international financial protocols and these rules will come into effect universally once the dark has been ushered out of power.


The first contact fleet continues to add new human star-nation members to its lists. We are expanding the number of specially trained mentors and matching up your personal mentor to your place of origin, as we have discovered that you tend to be more comfortable with a mentor from the star-nation whose ancestral genes run most strongly in you. This seemed sensible despite the fact that most of you are an amalgam of many different star-nations. We intend to make this final consciousness shift as effortless and gracious as possible , and as you take on your new fully conscious identity, you can begin to recall your ancient antecedents. The dark, too, were aware of and used the importance of ancestral genealogy to control you by creating the concept of hierarchy and making you think that they were 'better' than their commoner subjects. In the first age established by the Anunnaki after the fall of Atlantis, all of you thus became a type of 'mongrel,' which is quite laughable!

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SaLuSa to me – 15 Oct 2011 – Message of Peace from Mother Earth 

Laura: Good afternoon SaLuSa. I was reading a comment on my blog commenting on wars in Africa and concerned about labour exploitation in China. I would appreciate it if you could tell us something about these events.



SaLuSa: yes of course. Your world is in constant transformation, your collective consciousness is constantly in movement, transforming all for the better. While in sleep, your higher self is in contact with other dimensions in a more active way than when you are awake . When you are asleep, you contribute to writing the script of the Earth theatre play. Your collective consciousness sets in motion events on your planet. You are truly in control of your and Earth's destiny, although your conscious mind is not fully aware of it , and is not fully aware of the process required in order to manifest your will directly.


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Matters move on as the pace of development increases, and will continue do so until the energy for change is manifested for the purposes intended. Your expectations may differ and not all of you can be correct, but in principle all will see acceptable changes that will at least fulfill part of them. Debt is the over riding problem in virtually all countries, and it may yet see the fall of Europe. As it is anticipated it will not come as a shock, but will offer the long sought opportunity to completely re -shape the economy and financial systems. So you know what is likely to occur over a period of some weeks, and can prepare for the outcome.


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Laura:  Good evening SaLuSa, my friend would like to ask you the following questions: “I have something for SaLuSa: Will we meet him after Disclosure? Is he a part of the Disclosure announcements? What will he do after Disclosure – continue his message ? Write through the press? Go on TV?


Laura: 晚安SaLuSa ,我的朋友希望你回答下面的問題:我有一些事想問SaLuSa, 我們將在大揭露之後看到你嗎你是否是大揭露通告的一部分?你在大揭露之後將做些什麼— 繼續你的傳訊在刊物上還是在電視上?



SaLuSa:  I will not get the opportunity to meet you straight after Disclosure. I am not directly involved with of the Disclosure process, this part is for the Earth Allies to do, and for them alone. I will continue with the channelled messages after Disclosure . We would have to wait till First Contact has been successfully and peacefully made ​​between our worlds, for me to be in a position where local newspapers would be interested in meeting me and giving me an opportunity for speaking to the general population. After this point , I am confident that I will also be able to give regular updates on TV, as long as your media is no longer controlled or influenced by the cabal.


SaLuSa:  大揭露之後我將不能得到機會直接與你見面。我並不是直接參與大揭露的進程,這部分工作將由我們的地球盟友完成,並且是由他們單獨來做。大揭露之後我將繼續通過管道傳遞訊息。我們將等到第一次接觸和平成功的連接我們兩個世界之後(出現),至於我個人位置的話,將在當局的新聞報紙對我感興趣,願意與我會面並且給我機會與跟大眾說話(的時候出現)。基於這一點,我確信我將會規律的出現在電視上,因為那時你們的媒體(那時)將不再受陰謀集團的影響和製約。



There are subtle differences between Disclosure and First Contact. It is has not yet been decided how long a gap will there be between these two events. It will entirely depend on the speed at which Earth's collective consciousness would be able to absorb the fact that you are not alone in the universe, but also that you have been lied to by your own elected representatives, by your own government. This realization will give way to a renewed questioning concerning government transparency, and the chain of command. Along with these events there will take place a restructuration of your power structure. Once these events take place, and that a trust atmosphere settles in, we will consider discussing with the Earth's Allies when and where to proceed concerning First Contact.





This First Contact procedure will be entirely in the hands and under control of the Earth Allies. We will c omply with the needs and demands of your Authorities, once the corruption has been purged from your political system. You will find it surprising to know how fast and swiftly the changes can be done in that area. Our main concern is for a democratically fair elective system to be rapidly implemented. However, you, Earth citizens, will set the pace for this also. While this takes place, we will make agreements with your various governments around the world for repeated and low fly by, over heavily populated areas, so that everybody can realize that our craft do not represent any threat. 




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Not a day goes by without further developments being achieved by our allies, and that is hastening the time when some positive moves can be made to bring a stop to the activities of the dark Ones. Already they are being weakened by losing control of their command bases, and we will continue to assist our allies until the threat to you no longer exists. Various teams are responsible for dealing with the different challenges that face you, and be assured all is well and proceeding to plan. Defeat is not a word that the dark Ones contemplate as they considered themselves invincible. However, they are having to face up to the inevitable loss of power and subsequent collapse. We offer them a way out and believe they will accept, when it becomes apparent that they cannot avoid the net that is closing in upon them.


The sudden changes in power are as much down to the countries that have come together to fight the last cabal, and prevent their insidious plans to annihilate most of your civilization. That danger has now passed, and in any event would not have been allowed. You have awakened so much in recent times that you earnt the right to complete this cycle with Ascension. The possibility of any other result has long been overcome, and divine intervention has ensured that you will tr​​avel a safe path to the end time. So there is no place for fear as we are soon to take command of the Earth's activities, and you will enjoy the benefits of all that has been promised to you.


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SaLuSa to me – 9 Oct. 2011 -The Love of Creator for You Has No Limit 

Laura: Good afternoon SaLuSa. Would you like to give us an updateplease? 

Laura SaLuSa 午安。你有想帶給我們的新訊息嗎?

SaLuSa: Yes of course. You are light beings covered in a shell ofmatter. Your shell works like your armour. When you are tired, agitated, andnervous or stressed, your entire body tenses up, and looses its texture'sflexibility and permeability. Your density is thicker, more compact, rigid, andit can be as hard as a stone. In fact, the Earth expression of “having a heartof stone” translates this idea very well. The physical heart is also a muscle,a very powerful pump, pushing your blood around your body. When your body istense, the blood flow is also impaired, because your heart organ can notperform as well its function. When your heart is as hard as a stone, your bodyis also tense, and your feelings are tied up in a bundle of nerves. 

SaLuSa :當然囉。你們是為物質軀殼所覆蓋的光之存有。你們的軀殼運作起來像是鎧甲。當你感到疲憊、激動、緊張或壓力時,你的整個身體都是緊繃的,密度變得稠密、緊實、堅固,可能變得像石頭一樣堅硬。事實你們地球上有句話叫“鐵石心腸”,把這個概念傳述的相當傳神。肉體的心臟也是塊肌肉,一個非常強而有力的幫浦,推動你身體內的血液循環。當你的身體正處緊繃,血液流動也會遭損,因為心臟器官無法如預期功能般運作。當心如鐵石,你的身體也是緊繃的,你的感受被一卡車的神經綁死。

Under these conditions, your blood does not supply your body and braincells with the necessary nutrients and oxygen required to perform at maximumefficiency. Your thoughts become erratic, your emotions turn very rapidly intonegativity. When you sense that you are heading towards negativity, we suggestthat you walk away from a difficult situation as soon as you realize what isgoing on. Step aside, make inner space, come back to being grounded andconnected to Mother Earth, remember yourself, remember you are love and lightin human form. It is important that you do not let yourself be pulled intonegative feelings and irritability at this time. We do not ask you to bedishonest with yourself and pretend to yourself that you are happy. This wouldnot help in fact. What we feel would help is you being present and observingthe first symptoms of negativity within. 


Be anchored into your bodies and connected to Mother Earth in order tobe able to do that, and of course meditation practices would help you live inthe moment and catch the first signs of a confrontational situation, or anyother difficult situation you could find yourself in. Catch your breathaccelerating, catch your jaws tighten, your body tensing up, your emotionssending you negative signals and your thoughts taking a certain definite form.What we suggest at this time, is to try to keep yourselves in a balanced andpeaceful state. Harmony and joy are the desired states from now on dear ones.So please ensure you keep yourself in a protected and neutral space, so thatyou can manifest the energies of love and light on Earth at this time. 


You will be faced with increasing challenges in the coming months, asthe cabal is still reluctant in surrounding to the light. Many of them havespent hundred of thousand of years and thousand of lives believing they no longerhad any kind of connection to Source Creator Life Force Energy . They have spentso much time convincing themselves that they are only matter, that for some itstill is a huge effort to see the light, and understanding it. It will takethem even longer to understand that they are also part of the light, if theycan accept it again and let it guide their lives. 

當陰謀集團仍不情願被光包圍,未來數月你們將面臨更多挑戰。他們許多人花費數十萬年與好幾千世的時間,相信自己與【源頭造物主生命力能量】(SourceCreator Life Force Energy) 沒有任何連接。他們用這麼長的時間,證明自己不過就是物質(層次),對他們一些人來說還還很難認識並了解光。他們會花更多時間了解自己也是光的一部分,如果他們能再度接納這個事實,光會引領他們的生命。

As the controlling power of the dark ones will diminish, they will beable to see light manifest all around them and will eventually come to rememberwho they are also. It is not an easy journey, and some will need a slower pacefor integrating light into their life . They may need relocation, on a planetwhich would allow them to undertake their journey back home at their own pace.They will be well looked after whatever their choice is, and every opportunityfor free will shall be respected of course. 


We are aware of the fact that some of you apprehend Ascension forthemselves, as much as for their loved ones. In either case, please restassured that all will be listened to, all considerations will be taken intoaccount, that the decisions will be made ​​with your higher self, and you will bevery pleased with the end result. In the case of considerable karma, whichwould have to be dealt with, we also have the possibilities of downloading someof it into alternative realities. So keep in mind that when we say all ispossible , we mean it literally. 

我們曉得你們有些人擔慮自己揚升(方面的問題)如自己的摯愛一樣多。在此兩種情況請放心下來,一切都會被傾聽,所有考慮將納入考慮,你們的高我將伴同你們做出決定,你們將對最後的結果很滿意。至於可能需被處理的龐大業力,我們亦有下載一些(業力)作為替代現實(alternativerealitie 的可能性。不誇張的說:記得當我們說“一切皆有可能”。(譯:這段理解為業力問題有一定的彈性空間。)

For example, if one soul wishes to Ascend through free will, even if theoriginal pre birth plan had not allowed for the soul to Ascend, and even ifthere is considerable negative karma to deal with for that soul, we have theresources for this soul to be allowed ascending if permitted by the SpiritualHigh Council. In such a case, the soul can Ascend with Mother Earth in thisreality, however, negative karma will be transferred into the same souls'alternative realities. It can be distributed equally in the other realities, sothat it would not represent a huge burden in the alternate realities. 


This is usually not allowed under any circumstances, however, once againDivine Power is making all available for you all to Ascend if you so desiredear friends. Indeed the love of Creator for you has no limit and Creator ishappy to provide all the possibilities for you all to exit the circle ofduality at this time. So please, do not let matters concerning Ascension andbeing separated from your loved ones, trouble you. Rest assured that the planis well carried out, and it has been well rehearsed. You all know your rolesfrom before your birth, and there can always be last minutes adjustments inorder to ensure Ascension for the greater numbers. The Earth experiment hasbeen a worthy experiment, full of good and at times disappointing surprises forus all. However, the end result will please you all. 

這不常發生在一般情況,而親愛的朋友,如果你們希望,【神聖力量】(divinepower )使你們所有人在揚升面前皆有可能。確實造物主對你們的愛無邊無際,造物主也很高興你們免除這次離開二元循環的所有可能。因此,別使揚升成為問題,別與你們的摯愛分離,勞煩了。請放心,計劃正很好的實行著,而且已經充分的被演練過了。自你們誕生以前,所有人就明白自己的角色,為確保最大靈魂揚升數量,永遠都能做最後一分鐘的調整。充滿美好,和有時令人失望的驚喜,對我們所有人來說地球的實驗已成為一場相當值得的實驗。總而言之最後的結果將使你們所有人高興。

I am SaLuSa from Sirius, and I can tell you that we look forward to yourAscension. At this time, we will truly be reunited, we will recognize eachother and we will chose to work with each other again no doubt. Creator and Godrequire much help for the administration of Galaxies and Universes. There ismuch to do dear ones, I am sure you will enjoy working with us again. You willhave full choice of your next adventures, and we are happy to be able to bepart of your Ascension dear friends. 

我是來自天狼星的SaLuSa ,可以告訴你們:我們非常期待你們的揚升。到時,我們將真實回歸一體,認出彼此,毫無疑問的與彼此再度共同合作。造物主與神需要相當多管理銀河、宇宙的幫助。親愛的,有很多事情得做,我很確定你們將享受與我們的再度合作。你們在下趟旅程將有充分的選擇,親愛的朋友,我們很高興成為你們揚升過程的一部分。

Thank you 
Laura Tyco 

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Reserved. You may copy and redistribute this material so long as you donot

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You may wonder at times why different sources of channeling sometimes come up with their own dates for expected events, and yet do not dispute those that are given by others that are different to theirs. Although there is generally a reluctance to give dates anyway, occasionally circumstances dictate that a firm date can be acknowledged, say such as one that has been divinely given. The reason for this is that there are different time lines that exist for most events, meaning that more than one outcome is possible, so the ultimate " correct" date for you is partly dependent upon your choice. Therefore we would be reluctant to deny someone else's choice, as we could affect the outcome by doing so and that would be deemed interference. So as many dates are being given for almost all important events, we would suggest you focus on the one that satisfies your understanding.


Financial happenings still fill the headlines, and at each turn it seems that matters get worse rather than better. We cannot say that we are surprised, as efforts are directed at keeping the old systems going, rather than approaching the problems from a completely new direction . The underlying reason for the meltdown is understood by some people, but they are not necessarily in a position to influence what happens. The sweeping changes that are required will only happen when it is acknowledged that the old ways are no longer workable. That is something we are assisting our allies to bring about as soon as possible. The amount of co-operation we are getting in the different countries is encouraging, and it will reach a point when there will be a vast majority that will support the necessary changes, and then they will go ahead.


The dark Ones are no longer in any doubt that we mean business, and their defeat is simply a matter of time. The Lighted Ones are patient, and realize that providing the right time is chosen to apply the coup de grace there will be a relatively smooth transition from the old to the new. With the energy and consciousness levels on Earth continually growing, there can be no doubt that the changes are imminent. We could talk of weeks rather than months, and that shows our own confidence in the future. However, we would rather you used your own intuition, as you would be surprised how often it is able to pick up the truth. In some ways the exact dates are not so important, as when an event is close to manifesting you will be aware of it anyway.

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Greetings from the Federation:

We come again to fill in the gaps in information you have been receiving of late. It appears that more and more is happening on your world and that those matters you have been preparing for are accelerating at a rapid pace. That is as it was designed to be. You now find yourselves at the beginning of the changes that are taking place that have been discussed for so long. If all seems tumultuous, it is so because that is the way it is.



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There is no doubt that your creative powers are opening up paths to Ascension that are extremely powerful, and that is speeding up the changes. It is happening on more than one level, and bringing forth the first of many preliminary changes that will set things up for the more important ones to go ahead. All is proceeding well and the dark Ones have got the message, that we are no longer prepared to wait for them to move aside. We will remove any person obstructing our efforts, to move the people of Earth into positions where they can start the whole process of Ascension. Much has already been done to lay down the foundation to success, and we are now building upon it.


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You have a saying that many roads lead to Rome, and clearly many paths lead to Ascension. as few if any individuals have travelled exactly the same one, and that has been the result of your own choice. You will have been advised which ones are best to ensure your continued evolution, but in the end it is your decision as to the direction you take. It follows that it is you who has brought you to this particular point in time. The fact that you are even here right now has been your choice, and you should therefore look for what this lifetime is teaching you. Certainly you will have brought karma with you, and that in part will have determined the course of your life. If you are reading this message the odds are that you are one who has chosen to ascend, and you will have a busier life than usual clearing it away. How much Karma you take on is normally approved by you, so regardless of how you perceive your life it has been your choice in that respect. Many believe that have had a raw deal, but that is not the case and it should be understood from a higher level.


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SaLuSa to me – 3 Oct. 2011 – Your Own Personal Disclosure Process 


Laura: Good evening, you wished to speak with us this evening. Soplease, go ahead. 

Laura :晚安,今晚你想和我們說話。那麼,請開始吧。

SaLuSa: We will continue speaking with you all as a group. The dark hatsare continuing their efforts for world control. Although it is a desperateattempt, we wished to give you this word of caution. We are not there yet, asyou are saying. Many of you have the highest hopes for the higher good indeed.This is so very encouraging and we rejoice ourselves at your resolve. However,do not be fooled; do not confuse your own wishes and desires with reality. Stayin the present moment, dear ones . Stay grounded and stay in the now. We keepreminding you of this in all our messages through Laura Tyco. This is one veryimportant part of these messages. We wish to remind you of who you are everyday; we wish to tell you we are with you, by your side every day. 

SaLuSa :我們會持續你們全部人視為一個團體對話。黑暗勢力仍持續不懈作梗想控制世界。儘管這是鋌而走險的嘗試,我們還是想給你們“戒慎”這個字眼。如你們所說“我們還未走到那(揚升)”。確實你們許多人對最高益處(highestgood) 有最高的願景。這十分鼓舞人心,我們對你們的決心相當欣喜。總之,別被愚弄;別打亂你們個人對【真實】的願望和渴望。親愛的,保持臨在。根植(在地球母親)與當下。我們在通過LauraTyco所有的訊息中持續提醒你們此點。這是在訊息裡面最重要的一部分。我們想每天都提醒你們自己是誰;我們想告訴你們:我們每天在你們身旁,伴隨你們。

Dear friends, there is so much love and compassion awaiting you all justone step away from you. We mean this quite literally. We stand by your side dayand night, to protect you and to love you.  If you only had us in your mind and in your imagination from time totime, you could feel our presence. Ask people who are in touch with the higherdimensions how do they feel about us? Ask them how it makes them feel to knowwe are by their side at every moment of their life. We do not do this in anintrusive way, and do not wish to scare you by this. We say this in order foryou to understand that you already have each and every one of you, your ownpersonal disclosure process, and your own personal first contact process.

親愛的朋友,你們全部人與如此龐大的愛和慈悲只有一步之遙。我們說得併不誇張。我們日夜守候在你們身旁,保護並愛著你們。如果時常把我們放在心中和想像,你們能感覺到我們的存在。問問接觸過更高維度存有的人,他 ​​們對我們的感覺如何?問問他們怎麼在生活的每一刻,感知到我們存在他們身邊?我們並不使用侵入性的方式,也不想因此嚇著你們。說這些是為了使你們理解,你們每個人都已經各自擁有個人的【揭露】歷程和【第一次接觸】的歷程。

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Good evening to you my friends. Utter forth that which you FEEL will be most beneficial for those on our planet to hear at this time.



This we are most comfortable in doing and that which we desire to share with you is actually all that you already KNOW. This of course is the factor of so many of you resonating with that which we say, because it is of your knowledge and consent before we even offer words to be transcribed. How brightly you are shining within your souls KNOWING in these times. Is there one of you that can say this is not so? For even those who may FEEL ill at ease ... are also aware of the LIGHT that is deep within and of it's emergence to the surface in order to transcend. Pillars of Light are you indeed.


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