The floodgates are cracked now and the flow will not be stopped. Michael channeled by Ron Head
現在閘門正在破裂,洪流不能被阻止。大天使麥克通過Ron Head 傳導
譯註:之前我翻譯的大天使邁克爾的信息都是由linda 通過“與天使在一起一小時”節目傳導的,本文是另外一個傳導渠道Ron Head 傳導的,她也是一個傳導大天使邁克爾信息的常規傳導渠道,之前也有其他朋友翻譯她的信息,雖然信息是每週都有,但是翻譯的比較少,特此註明。
As another marker of your progress approaches, and the changes to your energetic make up continue, more desperate attempts to distract you from your purpose are being made. There are those who will panic at every opportunity. Some actually enjoy the drama, some are addicted to fear. We wish this were not so. We can tell you, however, that you are far past the point where it could change the outcome.
The balance of light and dark has forever shifted on your world. There may be efforts made up until the very last, but the Divine Decree has been given and will be manifest. The belief of some in another power will be brought to naught. The Creator of this Universe has long since determined the outcome of this experiment.
The date of the eight and eight approaches, so soon after the full moon that you have not yet caught your breath, so to speak. So much hi-octane energy is pouring into the earth at this time that you may feel it at any moment that you turn your attention to it. We see some lamenting this fact while we wish they would begin to celebrate and welcome it. Those who already have the gift of sight can already see the nearness of our dimensions. Many more will do so in the next weeks. Proximation is not actually changing, perception is.
8 月8 日這個日期正在接近,可以這樣說,它在滿月之後(譯註:8 月2 日滿月)來得這麼快以至於你們還沒來得及喘口氣。此時此刻,這麼多高強度的能量正在傾倒在地球上,以至於任何時候只要你把注意力轉向它你就能感覺到它。當我們希望他們開始慶祝和歡迎它的時候,我們看到一些人對這一事實感到悲痛。那些已經獲得視覺上的天賦(譯註:打開第三眼)的人們已經可以看到我們維度的接近。在接下來的幾周里,許多人將也能做得到。即將到來的事件實際上沒有變化,看法正在發生變化。
If you wish to prepare yourselves, ask yourselves how you will react the day when you begin to see us. Your world will change forever on that day. It would be of great benefit for you to contemplate this. Some, of course, just will not see. That is alright as they must be allowed their free will.
Other more obvious things which we have foretold are happening already. Please note them. We hear every day, “Nothing that has been predicted has happened.” If one wishes to believe this, there is nothing we can do about it. However, there is a great deal of change happening and, just as we told you, some of your media are testing their ability to tell you the truth. Watch with the intent to find these things, and you will find them.
The floodgates are cracked now and the flow will not be stopped. Hold fast to your vision of your new world and it will appear faster than you believe possible. Join your will, your prayer, your dreams, with all of the light, with us , and we will bring you to your inevitable victory in that proverbial “blink of an eye”.
Feel our love and power enfold you now and we will speak again soon. Good day.
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