




Therehave been periods throughout your lifetimes when things just didn't seem to beworking out for you, and then you came full circle and may have come out of itall better for the experience. Such may be where you find yourself today, withso many obstacles that seem at times to fall from the skies and find themselvesin your path. Try to look at these bumps in the road as learning experiences,for indeed they are. More of your life than you may be aware of has beencarefully planned. This goes for the good times as well as the difficultperiods. We say to you to try to find the best way to rise above theseobstacles and persevere. Only through your determined efforts will you move onand through these detours along your journey's path.



Throughthe many long years you have worn many hats; sinner, saint, victim, predator,robber baron, law man, militia man, and philosopher. All the parts in thistheatrical production were co-scripted and performed by you, as only you knowwhat is truly best for your learning and growth, and although there are manyothers involved in your play, it all comes down to you which act will follow,decided by the choices you make along your way.



Seeingthings from this perspective may give you a better idea of why you findyourself in a particular situation today, and how you can avoid landing in thesame spot again. The final curtain is soon to come down on this particularshow. You have all done a wonderful job in your supporting roles that you haveplayed for each other. You are all the stars of your show. No one takes centerstage but you in your show, as there are billions of performances being actedout on the Earth stage. In time, a grand cast party will be thrown forperformers, writers, directors, producers, set designers, and special effectsartists. You will be there and so shall we, and all the behind-the-scenessecrets will be revealed to you.



5DEarth is a place where you can experience life beyond the challenges you facetoday. What a joy this will be for you, where all your learning experienceshere in 3D can be utilized for their utmost potential. Beyond the boundariesand limitations of the physical realm, you will be so free to follow yourhearts call and pursue your dreams and all of your creative desires.



Takethis time to look back in careful reflection of what you have learned and whatyou may have overlooked. All your experiences here were carefully planned foryour upliftment, and much can be learned from thoughtful examination. Try asbest as you can to shield yourself from any negative emotions some of thesememories may bring you, and instead review these experiences from the safedistance of detachment. In time, all of the memories that cause you pain ordistress can be cleansed from your memory, leaving the wisdom of the lessonlearned without the residue of the lesson itself . Today, you have an innerknowing of many lessons previously learned from past lives, but with no consciousmemory of these experiences. The purpose, of course, is to allow a soul totravel on in their journey acquiring great knowledge and wisdom without beingforced to carry along the heavy burden of lessons hard learned.



Oneday soon it will be entirely clear to everyone of you just what each of yourlessons were for and how important they all are for your advancement. Youunderstood just how important all of these lessons were and this is why youchose to undertake your long journey into the physical . Many may be amazed atthe enormous wealth of knowledge and wisdom you have attained since you leftyour homes in the spirit realms. Your experiences could fill volumes of bookslining the shelves of the library of you. 



Weare your Family of Light from the stars.



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