轉載自: http://hi.baidu.com/u2%BE%F5%D0%D1/blog/item/61a0a900ef3bc2181d9583e9.html
1. This is Matthew, with loving greetings from all souls at this station. In these first few days into your new year, we are seeing that the energy streamers of most people are moving slowly—for some this may indicate sighs of fulfillment now that all holiday preparations and celebrations are over, and for others, the ebbing of sadness that intensifies during your traditional season of holy days and family time. In any event, there is the settling back into the rhythm of life's usual pace of responsibilities and interests.
1. 這裡是馬修,代表生命這頭的所有靈魂問候大家。在進入你們新年的這幾天,我們正看到許多人的能量波紋變得移動緩慢--對一些人來說這表示,現在假期就要結束,慶祝也到了尾聲,對於其他人來說,悲傷的情緒在你們的神聖節日與家庭時光裡得到了緩解。不管怎麼樣,這都讓生活節奏回歸到了正常的責任與興趣的節奏中。
2. From other quarters, however, energy streamers are surging straight forward with steadily increasing momentum or they are frantically dashing hither and yon. Those movements reflect, respectively, the purposeful activity of the light forces and the frenzy of the dark ones, whose mere toehold on former strongholds is slipping away.
2 其他方面,能量的波浪正帶著穩定增長的勢頭在直沖向前,或者是狂暴的猛擊這里和那裡。這些運動各自分別的反映出了聖光力量有目的性的活動,對於黑暗勢力的狂暴,僅有的小小立足點也在不斷的消逝。
3. The vast majority of your populace has no idea whatsoever about those energy extremes. They see your world as tumultuous, and their thoughts range from despair to guarded optimism about short- and long-term outcomes. The outlook of many is heavily influenced by your analysts—individuals you consider experts in their fields of economics, national affairs, foreign relations, military readiness, electoral processes or religious ideologies—and their predictions of the future are based on recorded history. Nothing in your history applies even to this day at hand!
3 民眾的絕大多數對於能量的極端表現完全不知情。他們把世界的形式看作是騷動不安,他們的思維模式來源於對於短期和長遠結果保守的絕望看法。許多的展望受到了嚴重的影響,通過你們的分析師--這些你們認為是磚家的個人,對於金融,國家事務,外交關係的看法,軍事準備,選舉進展或者教派觀念---以及他們對於未來的預測都是基於被記錄的歷史。只是在你們的歷史中沒有什麼可以符合即將到來的時刻!
4. Therefore, neither the masses nor the analysts have the proper knowledge to assess what is to come, much less the scope and speed of changes, as this unprecedented era in the universe continues to unfold. They don't know what you know: At the end of this magical year 2012, Earth will be at the threshold of fourth density, where nothing with the low vibrations of darkness can enter.
4 因此,不論是大多數群眾,或者分析師都沒有適當的知識去評價即將到來的一切,更不用說視野或者改變的加速了,因為這是宇宙中史無前例的時代的揭示。他們並不知道這些已經被你們知道的事情:在這魔法一般的2012年的末尾,地球將進入第四密度的開端,在那裡任何的黑暗較低振動都無法存在。
5. That is why the months ahead will be challenging to lightworkers. You will be dealing with others' confusion and anxieties as monumental changes come one on top of another, with little respite for people to assimilate and adjust to any. As way-showers , simply by BEING who you are will impart a sense of calmness and confidence to persons around you, and those who are interested in hearing what you know can share your exhilaration about what is transpiring.
5 這也表明為何前方的歲月對於光之工作者們來說也是挑戰。你們將要去處理其他人的混亂與焦慮,由於極為重要的轉變即將進入另一個高峰,會讓人們在吸收和調整任何突變情況時起到緩解作用。作為引路人,簡單的成為你所體現的樣子就會給予你周圍的人一種平和與信心的感受,並且那些願意並且有興趣傾聽的人也能夠對正在發生的事情分享你的快樂。
6. Yet, some in the lightworker ranks doubt that everything we have told you will be accomplished by the end of the year can be. While this holds a measure of disappointment for us and other lighted beings who also have said that Earth's Golden Age is imminent—and already exists in the continuum—we do understand. You still are dealing with third density's linear time, and it is only within that framework that you can calculate how long life-changing developments will take in terms of how long they would have taken heretofore.
6 但是,光之工作者們中的一些人也在質疑著我們已經告訴你們的每件事情,這都將在今年的結束時得以完成。同時還存在對於我們和其他光之存有們的失望的估算,他們也已經說過地球的黃金時代即將到來--其實在時空連續體裡它已經存在了--我們當然了解。只是你們依舊在處理著第三密度的線性時間,在這個構架裡,你們只能算計生命有多長--轉變發展至今,還要再花費多少時間。
7. Please leave the past where it belongs—in the past! And do not doubt for a moment that everything that must be accomplished will be!
7 請把過去都留給過去吧!任何一刻都不要質疑那必定完成的每件事情!
8. It is Earth's destiny to leave third density when a universal cycle opens an astral window at the end of this year, and by then no one with a dark mind and heart will be left on the planet. That may seem unduly harsh, as if some arbitrary judgment process simply will eliminate them, and that is not so. There are persons who have amassed fortunes dishonestly, achieved power ruthlessly, and consistently have refused the light constantly available to them, and both their souls and their bodies will “pay the price,” you could say.
8 離開第三密度是地球的使命,當宇宙的循環在今年的結尾開啟一個星光層面的窗口,在那以後,不論誰,只要帶著黑暗的意識與心靈的人都將離開這顆星球。這聽起來有些殘酷,就好像一些武斷的裁決程序簡單的消滅了他們一樣,其實並不是這樣。這些人已經積累了不誠實的財富,瘋狂的追求權力,至始至終都在拒絕著聖光力量對他們的救贖,他們的靈魂和身體都將“付出代價”,這也是你們的說法。
9. It is the light within a body that transforms its carbon-based cellular structure into the crystalline form that enables the body to live in the high vibrations of energy planes beyond third density. In antiquity, strong civilizations with darkness at the core deliberately altered the DNA of weaker civilizations to reduce its people's capacity for intelligence and spiritual awareness. That affected their bodies as well—crystalline cells degraded into the carbon structure that can be, and was, programmed with vulnerability to all forms of illness and a much shorter life span than in eras long, long ago in your concept of time.
9. 在每個人的身體裡,就是這股聖光的力量在轉變著碳基結構的細胞組織,進入到水晶形態中,這可以允許身體生活在能量的更高振動中而超越第三密度。在遠古,佔據主導地位的文明是由黑暗主導,他們蓄意的修改了柔弱文明的DNA基因結構,以及他們的智力和靈性覺知力。這同時影響了他們的身體--水晶結構退化到了碳基結構中,還曾經被植入了對於所有疾病無法抵抗的弱點,以及更短的壽命週期,以你們的時間概念來說這發生在很遙遠的過去。
10. The infusion of light that enabled Earth to survive death throes some seventy years ago is restoring the “stolen” DNA in light-receptive individuals, and not everyone is. A body without any light except the spark that is its life force cannot live in the vibrations prevailing on Earth—it will die from any one of the reasons that death has long come to Earth's residents, and some influential individuals you see in TV film clips are clones of the persons who have died. Bodies with a small degree of light beyond the spark can last a bit longer, but they too will give out as vibrations become increasingly more powerful the closer Earth approaches fourth density's doorstep.
10. 聖光力量的注入允許地球從死亡的邊緣存活下來,在大約70年前恢復了“被偷取”的DNA,並植入到善於吸收聖光能量的個體中,而不是每個人都可以。那些除了基本神性火花之外沒有任何其他光之力量的人的身體,以他的生命能量是無法生活在主導於地球的更高振動中的--那麼,這具身體載具將以任何原因死亡,並且你們在電視節目上看到的一些具有影響裡的人物都是已經死去之人的克隆體。這些肉身只有少量的光芒,僅僅比基本的神性火花強一點,因此將可以維持一段時間,但是也將由於振動的不斷增加而顯得更有力量,會在接近第四密度的門檻的時候精力衰竭。
11. What happens to the souls who fashioned those bodies to serve them in this lifetime is another matter. As long as Nirvana has been Earth's spirit world, the lifetime energy registration of persons who chose dark ways automatically drew them to the corresponding energy in the lowest of Nirvana's flexible layers. The darkest beings have gone to the tiny orb near your moon—this is what some religions call hell—where the density matches that of the souls' lifetimes. Because they fear light, only a pinpoint is constantly beamed to them. If they receive it, they move to Nirvana's lowest layer, where the light is stronger, and if they choose to receive it, they take the next step back up the ladder of intelligence and spiritual awareness. And so on.
11 在今生,發生在那些靈魂已成型的身體上的事情就是另一回事了。既然涅槃已經成為了地球的靈性世界,那些選擇黑暗方式生活的人所攜帶的生命能量,就會自動的驅使他們進入到相對應的最低級的涅槃彎曲層面。而最黑暗的人已經去到接近你們月球的微縮球體中--這就是一些宗教稱之為的地獄--在那裡稠密度符合這些靈魂在世時的狀態。因為他們恐懼光明,僅僅只有針尖一般小的光在支撐著他們。如果他們接收它,他們就進入了涅槃的最低層面,而在光更強的地方,如果他們選擇去接收,那麼他們的下一步就會回到智能與靈性覺知的階梯上。然後繼續成長。
12. However, Nirvana is ascending with the planet and her light-filled residents, and soon those low layers and that tiny dense orb no longer will be needed as part of your spirit world. Through divine grace, souls in those low placements are being given extraordinary opportunities to absorb light so they can embody in civilizations in consonance with the degree of light each soul accepts. Souls in the tiny orb will be energetically transferred to equally dense placements that serve as spirit worlds to low density civilizations. After the orb is relieved of its former inhabitants' density, it can begin a new orbiting pattern or dematerialize itself.
12. 但是,涅槃伴隨的是地球母親與她充滿光明的居民的揚升,很快那些低級的層面,以及那些微縮的球體將不再被需要作為你們的靈魂世界。通過神聖恩典,那些處於低級配置的靈魂都被給予了特殊的機會去吸收光明力量,以使得他們能夠轉生在與每個靈魂攜帶光商相似的文明中。那些處於微縮球體的靈魂將全部的轉移到同等的稠密配置中,相當於那個靈魂世界的低級稠密文明中。在這些球體被解除了它從前稠密的居住者後,它就能夠開始新的軌道模式或者使得自己消失。
13. Souls—perhaps billions—who do NOT have dark proclivity also will be leaving during the months ahead. Some chose in soul contracts to actively participate in the transitional stages of Earth's ascension and to view from Nirvana the entire panorama of the planet's triumphal entry into fourth density. Others embodied to take advantage of this unique opportunity to achieve balance by completing third density karmic lessons, and when they do so, they'll eagerly leave to start spirit lifetime as higher evolved souls.
13. 這些靈魂--也許數十億--那些沒有黑暗傾向的也會在前方的日子裡不斷離開。一些靈魂根據靈魂協議的選擇,積極的參與了地球揚升的過渡階段,為的是從涅槃中觀察地球凱旋進入第四密度的整個全景。其他化身的靈魂則利用這次獨一無二的機會去達到一種平衡,通過完成第三密度的業力課程,當他們做到了,他們會作為更進化的靈魂急切的離開而開始靈魂週期。
14. Many millions, like the millions before them, will be requesting soul contract amendments so this lifetime can be over sooner than their contract's longevity provision. Their requests will be honored to end suffering that exceeds what they had chosen to experience and to reduce the planet of the negativity their suffering causes. They will beam light to the planet from Nirvana, where they will receive full credit for contract completion and continue progressing in soul evolvement.
14. 數以百萬的人,就像之前的幾百萬,將要求靈魂協議的修正,好讓這次的轉生能夠超越自身的協議而增長壽命。他們的請求會被尊重,因此不再會遭遇到那些他們已經選擇的體驗,並且減低由於他們負面的遭遇而導致的地球負面性。他們會以涅槃的方式給地球帶來光明,在這裡他們將以協議的完成而接受全部的聲望,並繼續靈魂進化的發展。
15. Many whose religious or scientific beliefs are the foundation of their lives will choose to depart rather than accept the forthcoming truths that differ profoundly from what they were taught. People whose wealth came under the old systems may be so fearful of losing everything when the global economy collapses that they will leave before they could know that new systems will function smoothly and fairly under knowledgeable managers with moral and spiritual integrity.
15. 許多人的生活基礎就是僵化的宗教或者科學信仰,也會選擇離開,而不是接受即將來臨的與他們過去被教導的相異的真相。那些基於舊的系統而致富的人也許是如此的恐懼,害怕在全球經濟崩潰的時候失去他們的一切,那麼他們將在自己能夠理解新系統之前離開,而這個新系統將運行於平穩與公平的基礎上,在那些帶著道德良心與靈性正直的學識淵博的人管理下。
16. There will be no mass exodus, but rather throughout the year greater numbers of people will be dying than heretofore, and it is likely that among them will be members of your family, friends, colleagues or neighbors. If they are especially dear to you, be comforted in knowing that along the ascension pathway through fourth density into fifth, there will be joyful physical reunions between souls on the planet and those in Nirvana.
16. 不會存在大批的人同時離去,更確切的說,在整個這一年中,大量的人將比起今天更多的陸續死去,他們中的人可能會是你們的家人,朋友,同事或者鄰居。如果他們和你非常的親近,請安心的知曉,隨著揚升的道路,從第四密度進入第五密度,將會出現喜悅的重聚,那些處於地球上的人和那些已經涅槃的人。
17. With that, we return to the assurance that all darkness on the planet will be gone a year from now: The people who still are on Earth then will be light-filled, unified in peace and mutual respect, and life will be in harmony with Nature.
17. 緊接著,我們回歸到這個保證上,那就是在這個星球上的所有黑暗從現在開始的一年後會全部消失:依舊處於星球上的人在那時將被光充滿,處於和平中統一並且彼此尊重,生活將變得與自然完全和諧。
18. On-site and off-planet assistance of our universal family members is another factor that will enable dramatic changes to be accomplished swiftly. Their technologies and the emergence of your own that the Illuminati have kept hidden will eliminate all forms of pollution; hasten environmental recovery; produce an abundance of nutritious food; end disease; moderate the climate globally; introduce new forms of power, transportation, building materials and healing modalities. None of those benefits will reach its zenith within this year—once living in the Golden Age , you will continue to expand in consciousness and manifestation capabilities—but between this day and the end of December, progress in those aforementioned areas will astound you.
18. 實地的,和星球外的來自宇宙家人的支持是另外一個因素,將使得戲劇化的改變迅速的完成。他們的科技,以及你們一直被光照派隱藏的科技出現將終結所有形式的污染;加速環境的恢復;生產出豐富的有營養的食物;結束疾病;緩和全球的氣候;介紹新的能源,運輸系統,建築材料和醫療樣式。所有這些利益都不會在今年就抵達至高點--一旦生活在黃金時代,你們將繼續的擴展意識狀態與顯現的能力---但是從今天到今年的12月,上述提到的領域在發展上將讓你十分震驚。
19. Because the bulwark of Illuminati control has long been in the United States, everything of economic and political importance happening in that country has significance for the rest of your world. People in all countries are speculating what that government will do relative to Iran and North Korea, so we say that you can expect more tough rhetoric, but there will be no escalation into armed conflicts.
20. Also there is keen interest in what is transpiring within the Republican party, who will become the party's candidate, who will win the presidential election, and what will happen with the country's economy in the intervening months. By November so much will have taken place throughout the world that the current political scenario in the United States will be as insignificant as a speck of dust in a whirlwind and the economy globally will be stabilized.
20. 這裡還有著對於美國共和黨消息的強烈興趣,誰會成為黨派的候選人,誰會贏得總統大選,在期間的月份裡這個國家經濟將如何走向。在11月之前,有這麼多的事情將會已經發生,橫掃整個世界,那麼當前的政治格局對於美國來說將變得如灰塵一般無關緊要,以旋風般的速度,全球的經濟將會穩定下來。
21. Some doubt that Barack Obama is the highly evolved light being that we and other messengers in high stations have told you he is, and he is perceived as following in the footsteps of the Illuminati. You will see for yourselves the truth of what we have said, but because his role in your world is of paramount importance, we shall speak about his position vs the Illuminati agenda.
21. 一些人在質疑巴拉克.奧巴馬是不是高度進化的靈魂,我們和其他處於高級層面的信使已經告訴過你們,他是的,他看起來好像是在效法光照派的指令。而你們將自己親眼看到我們已經說過的真相,但是因為他在你們世界的角色是最重要的,我們必須談談關於他對付光照派議程的定位。
22. First, though, my mother has been inundated with emails from people who expressed grave concerns about the ominous-sounding defense authorization bill, so we shall address this issue. Obama signed the bill not because he favors it, but because he knows it will not be in effect long enough to have much, if any, application.
22. 首先,雖然,我的母親已經被許多的郵件淹沒,這些人對於不吉利的預兆表示出極大的關注,關於國防授權書,因此我們必須陳述下這個事件。奧巴馬簽署的這份授權書並不是因為他喜歡,而是因為他知道沒有足夠的時間使得它生效。
23. We have mentioned in several messages that all enacted or proposed laws in any country that were devised with dark purpose will be stricken. Nullifying all unjust and injurious laws, regulations and policies and ending all harmful systems and practices are integral aspects of clearing the way for Earth's Golden Age.
23. 我們在幾次的信息中提到過,所有的裁定或者被提議的法律是出自於黑暗的目的的話,將受到挫折。所有不公正和有害的法律,規程和政策都將無效,結束所有有害的系統和慣例都是為迎接地球黃金新時代而清理道路的整體部分。
24. Now then, at one time Obama had the staunch backing of some individuals in one of the two factions within the Rockefeller group of the Illuminati. To give some background here, the name Illuminati, which means “enlightened” or “illumined,” dates back only to the late 18th century, but the darkness that inspired the original members had its roots in antiquity. That little band of Europeans simply gave themselves the name they felt they deserved, and in time, Illuminati became the “umbrella” name of the many disparate organizations or groups that successive members infiltrated or formed.
24. 那麼,過去以來奧巴馬一直有著忠誠的個人後備力量,他們處在洛克菲勒光照派家族團體兩個派系的其中之一里。在這裡給出一些背景,光照派這個名稱,意味著“已啟蒙”或者“被照亮的”,日期回溯到18世紀晚期,僅僅是黑暗性激發了原來成員的靈感,而他們起源於古代。來自歐洲的一小撮人給予了自己這個名稱,而只是覺得他們應得這樣的稱號,很快,光照派成為了許多不相干組織或者團體的“庇護”,承繼的成員被陸續滲透或者被重塑。
25. In accordance with the Illuminati's intent to attain positions of superiority over the masses, they expanded their outreach to the “New World.” Members in Europe became known as the Rothschild group and those in the colonies, the Rockefeller group. The two groups worked in unison to dominate countries economically and politically, and within only a few decades after the United States won independence from British rule, the Illuminati had gained firm foothold in the nascent government. From then on they have been that nation's “silent government”— not all presidents have been members, but others who were have controlled the even more powerful Congress.
25. 根據光照派的意圖,就是為了獲得超越大眾的優勢地位,他們將自己的範圍延伸至“新世界”。在歐洲的成員作為羅斯柴爾德家族被知曉,而那些處在殖民地的,就被成為洛克菲勒家族。這兩個家族一起合作,支配著其他國家的經濟和政治,僅僅在幾十年後,美國從英國殖民者那裡獲得了自由,而光照派則在最初的政府中得到了堅實的立足點。從那時起,他們就成為了這個國家的“影子政府”--並不是所有的總統都是其成員,但是其他已經被控制的人則有著更多的國會權力。
26. After ego, greed and lust for top billing destroyed the cohesiveness of the two groups, both continued pursuing the same goal of world domination and this common quest led to bloody battles for supremacy. Eventually those characteristics that caused the rift between the two groups created infighting within each group. That resulted in animosity and struggles for dominance in the group's opposing factions, and when fighting broke out within the factions, they splintered into smaller units.
26. 為了贏得頭牌地位,自負,貪婪和淫欲破壞了兩個團體的凝聚力,同時繼續的追求著同樣的控制世界的目標,這共同的追求導致了因為霸權的血洗的戰爭。最終,這些特質導致了兩個家族之間的裂縫,製造了團體內部的內鬥。這導致了敵意和鬥爭,因為相對派系的支配而鬥爭,當時在派系之間爆發了戰爭,他們分裂成了更小的單位。
27. Whether the groups' factions and the splinter units within the factions are headquartered east or west of the Atlantic Ocean, they operate around the world and the name Illuminati applies to all. They don't speak of themselves by that name, there is no membership roster per se, and their only point of agreement is entitlement to rule the world by whatever means it takes.
27. 不管是家族派系和派系間的微小單位,總部都設在了大西洋的東邊或是西邊,他們操縱世界,而光照派這個名字則是他們的統稱。他們並不會用這個名字說自己,也不存在會員的花名冊,他們協議的要點就是通過不擇手段的方式號令世界。
28. Going forward now, one of Rockefeller faction's splinter units was determined to have Hillary Clinton become US president. Naturally another unit was opposed, and in exploring prospects with the potential to become the public's choice, they decided that Obama was the best. Yes , elections have been manipulated for 200 years more or less, but after the split in the Rockefeller camp emerged, both factions and later their splinter units have had a hand in the rigging. After the outcry when the Supreme Court declared George W. Bush the victor in the 2004 election, candidates' popularity with voters was a consideration in 2007's primary election—people had to return to believing that their voices and votes counted.
28. 時至今日,洛克菲勒派系的小單位之一曾經決定要任命希拉里.克林頓作為美國總統。自然其他的單位反對了,為了尋求一致性達成共同的選擇,他們決定奧巴馬是最佳人選。是的,或多或少200年來選舉一直是被操縱著的,但是自從裂縫出現在了洛克菲勒家族陣營之後,主派系和後來的小單位都插了一手。由於在2004年選舉時最高法院任命喬治.W.布什為美國總統導致了強烈抗議,之後,候選人受選民的歡迎程度被納入了2007年主要選舉的考慮範圍中---人民必須再次相信他們的聲音與投票被計算在內。
29. Without the power of any Illuminati behind him, Obama could not have risen to become the Democratic party's nominee, the essential first step to his election as president, and this was known to the master planners of Earth's Golden Age. The soul who embodied as Barack Obama, the souls who would back him many years later, and all of you who clamored to participate in Earth's ascension process knew that too, but none remembers.
29. 如果沒有任何在他背後的光照派成員力量,奧巴馬是不可能提升成為民主黨的候選人的,關鍵性的第一步就是他當選為總統,這曾經是被地球黃金時代主要規劃者們所知道的。這個轉生為巴拉克.奧巴馬的靈魂,這些靈魂都該回歸到許多年之後,你們所有吵鬧著要參與地球揚升的靈魂也都知道這個事情,只是沒人記得起來而已。
30. Also it was known that the infusion of light to Earth would raise the collective consciousness and spiritual clarity. That would precipitate the peoples' focus on ending wars, injustices, deceit, corruption, impoverishment and tyranny, all of which have been perpetrated, perpetuated or assisted by the Illuminati.
30. 還有曾經被知道的事情就是聖光力量的注入,地球將提升集體的意識和靈性的明晰度。這將促成人們把心力放在結束戰爭,不公正,欺騙,腐敗,貧窮和暴政上,以及結束所有由光照派犯下的罪惡,或者由他們支持和援助的行動。
31. If linear time prevailed throughout the universe instead of only on Earth, none of that foreknowledge could have existed and none of the detailed planning could have happened. In the continuum, where past, present and future are NOW and all lifetimes are happening simultaneously , the highest council in the universe could make the master plan and set the stage for Earth's Golden Age.
31. 如果線性時間橫跨整個宇宙,而不僅是在地球上,那麼就不可能有先知與預見存在了,也不可能出現已經發生的詳細計劃。在時空連續體裡,不管是過去,現在和未來都是【當下】,所有的人世經歷都同時發生著,於是宇宙的最高議會能夠制定主要的計劃,設定地球進入黃金時代的階段。
32. The plan calls for Obama to take leadership of his country and initiate wide-reaching reforms without hindrance during these last stages of third density life. Instead, he has had to deal with both Illuminati factions and their units. It was right after he won the primary election and his backers laid out their complete agenda that serious disagreements arose, and before his first day in office, everyone who had opposed his nomination, all who had selected him, and the controllers of the Republican party regarded him as the ultimate foe. The mantra of the candidates for that party's nomination—make Obama a one-term president—came from the Illuminati.
32. 計劃要求是奧巴馬取得美國的領導力,以及開始這廣泛且意義深遠的改革,並且在這第三密度生活的最後階段期間沒有妨礙。相反,他卻不得不對付光照派派系和他們的聯合單位。就在他剛好贏得了主要選舉之後,他的讚助人安排了他們的全部議程,嚴重的分歧產生了,在他正式上任的第一天之前,每個人都反對他的任命,包括所有已經挑選他的人,還有共和黨的操控者們都注意到他是最終的敵人。因為這個黨派任命而出現了候選人的咒語--讓奧巴馬成為一個任期的總統--來自光照派。
33. The Obama family is surrounded with Christed light protection and the several assassination attempts on Barack have failed. So, Illuminati members in Congress and those whom they control by bribery, death threats or blackmail fight him tooth and nail; some reforms he envisioned for his country and the world are in tatters and others haven't seen the light of day.
33. 奧巴馬家庭是被基督之光圍繞保護的,幾次針對奧巴馬的刺殺行動都告失敗。因此,那些在國會中的光照派成員,以及那些被控制的人,通過賄賂,死亡威脅或者黑色郵件拼命攻擊他;一些他為他的國家和世界預想的改革都被撕毀,其他的更是永無見天日了。
34. What went awry? Why didn't the highest council in the universe know this could happen? The peak of the Illuminati, highly evolved souls the council trusted to return to the light forces after playing “dark” roles so massive numbers of souls could complete third density karma, became captivated by their power, spiraled into darkness and refused to honor their soul level contracts. Although their deeply entrenched global network has been uprooted, the US Congress is one of their few remaining pockets of influence.
34. 到底那裡出差錯了?為什麼宇宙的最高議會沒有預知到這個事件的發生?光照派的最高層,高度進化的靈魂是被最高議會信任著的,應該在扮演完“黑暗”的角色之後將回歸到光明之中,這樣能夠使得大量的靈魂能夠完成第三密度業力的課程,然而他們被權力所迷惑,盤旋下落到黑暗中,並拒絕尊崇他們自身的靈魂合同。不過他們根深蒂固的全球網絡已經被連根拔除,美國國會是他們僅剩下的有影響力的口袋。
35. We love all souls unconditionally and judge none, and we are apolitical, to use your word. Thus it isn't comfortable to speak of issues that are politically divisive in nature, but we must. However could we help you consciously and spiritually prepare to physically accompany Earth into higher densities if we never mention that she is through with everything you think of as evil, and all of it has sprung from darkly inclined individuals in ruling bodies or the ones who control them from behind the scene?
35. 我們無條件的愛著所有的靈魂,不會批判,用你們的話說我們並不關心政治。因此,道出這些與自然不合的政治事件對我們來說是不舒服的,但是我們必須這麼做。如果我們從未提過地球母親是以每件你認為是邪惡的事情而完成過渡的,而這一切都是從傾向於黑暗的個體那裡滋生出來--那些以控制者的身份或者是在幕後控制他們的人,那麼我們又如何能夠幫助你們有意識的,有靈性的在物質上伴隨地球母親進入到更高密度中呢?
36. You need to know why your world became a hotbed of corruption and deception and bloodshed, why Earth reached the point of near death and called out for help, why other civilizations came to her rescue, why the Golden Age was planned. All of that is why you are where you are!
36. 你們需要知道,為什麼你們的世界會變成一個滋生腐敗和欺騙,殺戮的溫床,為什麼地球會接近死亡的邊緣而請求宇宙幫助,為什麼其他的文明會到來拯救她,為什麼黃金時代曾經是被計劃好的。所有這些---都是你現在身在此地的原因!
37. Our beloved brothers and sisters, look forward with exaltation to this dynamic year when truths and changes will be coming lickety-split. You are surrounded by unseen helpers, and other lighted souls throughout the universe also are showering you with love and respect— never before in this universe has anything been as momentous as the world you are co-creating!
37. 我們摯愛的兄弟姐妹們,帶著得欣喜的心情去展望這巨變的一年,那時真相和改變將全速的到來。你們都被看不見的幫助者們圍繞著,還有其他光明的靈魂,橫貫整個宇宙都在給你們帶來愛與尊重---在宇宙中,從未發生過任何如此重要的事件,而這個世界你們正一起聯合創造著!