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Easter message for newcomers
By Eve / CM
By CM through Eve
2nd April 2012
Anthem by Josh Groban
CM, I feel you wanted to adress some words on the occasion of the coming Easter holiday?
Good morning, Eve, indeed this is so. You are into the Easter week already, and with many events people start again to memorize what happened about 2000 years ago. In your neighbor village there is a choir event named „Jesus will come again" .
早上好,伊芙,的確是這樣。你們已經進入復活節週了,人們又再次開始許多活動以紀念2000 年前所發生的事情。在你的鄰近村落有一個合唱活動叫做“ 耶穌將再次歸來” 。
Now, many of you KNOW about already, THAT I AM BACK , and not only since yesterday. My return and presence took place in a hidden way for most who still follow the church teachings, warning about the so called „false prophets". And truely, many disciples of my former son Lucifer have fulfilled this prophecy, as the false prophets have adopted a range you are naming „New Age" and distracted so numerous people from the path I paved for you. When I refer to the glorious times ahead , I name it „the Age of Light and Life".
現在,你們中許多人已經知道了我已經回來了,不只是從昨天開始。我的歸來和臨在以一種隱藏的方式發生了(注:1954 年基督邁克率領星際艦隊悄悄回到地球周圍,以引導人類文明的向上發展,以及為地球的揚升做準備),因為大多數人仍舊追隨教堂的教導,以及關於“ 假先知” 的警告。確實是,我過去的兒子路西法的許多信徒實踐了這個預言,因為假先知們採用了一系列你們所稱的“ 新時代” 教導,導致許多人偏離了我為你們所鋪好的道路(注:基督2000 多年前確實曾說過:“ 我是道路,真理與生命” )。當我提及前方的榮耀時代,我稱之為“ 光與生命的時代” (注:URANTIA BOOK 地球之書第55 章《光與生命的星球》詳細介紹了黃金時代的具體內涵)。
It is a great need to clear up an understanding which has been implemented by church into your minds, and let me again mention this, as I think it cannot be said clearly enough.
While it is true that this civilization on Urantia is the only one who has literally nailed their creator upon the cross on the occasion of the 7th self bestowal it is NOT TRUE THAT I HAVE DIED UPON THIS CROSS , although it looked much like this.
儘管玉苒廈(地球的宇宙註冊名)上的這個文明是唯一一個真正將他們的創造者在第七次自我臨世贈予期間,釘在十字架上的文明,然而我死在這個十字架上的故事卻不是真的,儘管它看起來像這樣。(注:關於基督的七次臨世,請參照地球之書第 119 章《基督邁克的七次臨世》http://t.cn/asCzlv)
Neither have I died upon your cross, nor have I died for your sins.
You are fully responsible for what you do or don't do. By experiencing the torture upon the cross arranged by the dark forces I have not given you any bonus for committing more sins. It is always love forgiving sins, not death.
If you have been following the teachings we provide via AH, you will be informed that I had a double incarnation together with the one you call Sananda Esu Immanuel Kumara, and my name back then was Immanuel.
如果你們一直在留意我們通過無限希望團隊傳遞的教導,你們會知曉我與你們所稱的薩南達· 伊蘇· 伊曼紐爾· 庫馬拉曾一起共同投生為(耶穌),我那時的名字是伊曼紐爾。
The crucifixion marked the end of my 7th and last self-bestowal and I left this earthly body and returned into the celestial realms, and by this act I was gaining sovereignity over my universe of Nebadon. My earthly body was left for use by Sananda Esu , who went to India afterwards.
十字架受難標誌著我的第七次自我臨世贈予的結束,我離開了這個凡人的軀體,回到了天界界域,通過第七次臨世我逐漸獲得了我對我的內巴頓宇宙的主導權。我的肉身留下來供薩南達· 伊蘇使用,他之後去了印度。
Those among you who have read the Urantia-book already might now ask, why this is not told in it. Dear ones, please remember that the book of Urantia, the fifth revelation, was given at a time which now lies back several decades. The first publishing took place in 1955, and the process of implementing the sripts on this plane needed many years. These were still times when the celestial makers did not consider it adequate to reveal certain things, due to reasons of security and also because they wanted to make sure that the publishing would take place. Furthermore, as Eve has stated many times so far when asked by readers or in the UB study group she attends: this is an evolutionary planet, and so also the revelations are to be considered evolutionary. The times now are different from the times when the UB was manifested, so there has to be updating and adaptions. Unfortunately several unauthorized sources have jumped upon this train and started to distort the UB-teaching in very unadequate ways, while other ones are relying upon the UB in fundamentalistic ways and are adding new dogma to the pool. The Phoenix-Journals can be regarded as some attempt to deliver further background beyond the UB.
你們那些已經讀過《地球之書》的人現在或許會問,為何書中沒有講到這些。親愛的人們,請記得《地球之書》— 第五次啟示,是在幾十年前的那個時候被給予的(注:20 世紀初天界開始傳遞此書,1933 年至1934 年地球之書完成編輯整理,由於二戰影響,無法出版)。第一次出版發生於1955 年,在這一層面傳遞這些資料需要許多年的時間。那些時間里天界的傳遞者們認為有些事情出於安全原因還不能被揭露,也因為他們想要確保這本書能被出版。而且,在伊芙參加《地球之書》讀書會的過程中,被讀者問及此事時,曾經說過許多次:這是一個進化的星球,因此啟示也被考慮為是進化性的。現在的時代與地球之書呈現的時代不同了,因此有一些更新和更改。不幸的是,有幾個未經授權的來源已經開始跳上這趟列車,開始了以各種隱秘手段扭曲地球之書的進程,同時其他許多人開始依賴於地球之書的教導,添加了許多的教義教條。鳳凰期刊可被視為在地球之書以外傳遞更多背景的某些努力(注:上世紀90 年代初開始,鳳凰期刊被各位天界大師所傳遞,介紹更多宇宙真理以及地球歷史真相)。
So, after all, the crucifixion turned out to be a message pro LIFE and not pro death,... if you mourn on the friday of crucifixion you should NOT mourn for me, instead you might pray for all of your fellows who have - even in the present days - still metaphorically failed to take me off from the cross.
因此,無論如何,十字架受難傳遞出一個讚美生命而不是讚美死亡的信息。。。如果你們在星期五的受難日悼念,你們不應悼念我,相反你們應為你們的所有同伴人類祈禱— 他們甚至在如今的日子裡— 仍舊未能從象徵意義上將我從十字架上取下。
The symbol of the figure of Jesus hanging upon the cross has turned out to have become a symbol for the dark dominating their creator, for hopelessness ...this is how it was used by your churches, to keep people in despair.
Would it be used for the „good message" as always claimed, the cross had to stand empty and the figure of Jesus standing tall aside, with blessing hands widely reaching out to all the world, with open arms to welcome you home in the kingdom of Christ.
If you feel like pondering in this Easter week, you may ask yourselves „ What have I done to take Christ down from the cross?" „What have I failed to do to take Christ down from the cross?" „Why is it not adequate for a teaching of love to adore a symbol of murder with a dead person..." ..."Why would I need the energy of death surrounding me by this symbol, when it does overwrite the message of eternal life?" „ Why don't you take the „Risen Lord" as a symbol instead!"
如果你們想要在這個複活節週沉思,你們可以問一下你們自己:我曾做過什麼以讓基督離開十字架?我沒能做到什麼以讓基督離開十字架?為何愛慕一個帶有死人的謀殺標記不能充分錶達一個愛的教導?為何在這個標記抹掉了永恆生命信息的時候,我還會允許通過它將死亡的能量環繞在我周圍?為何你不用一個“ 升起之主” 的標記來取代十字架受難?
Walk you planes with open eyes, my dear ones and go „tell it to the mountains".... So many people use this symbol of brainwash, they hang it at their living room walls, inside their cars, inside the churches, of course, .... always keeping you in the energy of mourning, of execution, of desconsolation.... why don't you leave little paper notes there, reading „TAKE ME OFF, I'M ALIVE, I'M BACK ! ".
Go ahead and tell everybody that Christ is alive and has returned... I'm back, knocking at your hearts' doors. Will you finally open me, or will you mix me up with all these false prophets who have knocked there before?
I heartfelt invite you to make the joy about my return a part of your daily life, and by that the energy of resurrection from the dark will become a great light and take a mighty share upon this planet !
Now, help me to make this Easter holiday 2012
現在,幫助我讓這個2012 的複活節變得有所不同!
Big Cheese Hugs
Christ Michael of Nebadon