轉載自: http://blog.sina.com.cn/s/blog_6d1491d50102dzyr.html
Some days are most auspicious than others, giving you expanded opportunities to grow spiritually and reach your potential for this life. Likewise, certain series of days in a cycle - with their cumulative effect - help you to greatly accelerate openings and leave behind unfinished business. One of those times is Wesak season - here right now.
You may have never attended a Wesak, but your DNA holds a memory of what the ancient Masters taught about the path of enlightenment. That's because of what your ancestors learned and also because of memories in the mass consciousness of humankind. These things are not forgotten , even in the darkest of times.
Your true nature, after all, is divine. It is encoded within you to remember this and to awaken to your true self. Each person has his or her own timetable for enlightenment. Enlightened beings like the Buddha, the Christ, and Tapihritsa taught these things - in part by how they lived their lives. When you celebrate Wesak, you can connect tangibly with such beings, receiving their help with your own liberation. There are expanded spiritual energies present, and fewer veils between dimensions, helping you to access abundant blessings. You awakening can then move into a new phase.
The Call for Divine Changemakers
For you as a divine changemaker, it is natural that you have a very strong calling to awaken. You're probably feeling it right now. Tune into that feeling as you read, inviting your higher wisdom to speak to you about this cycle and how to best utilize it for your growth.
The Masters who previously walked the Earth taught the importance of love. Theirs was a simple message. In practice, however, centuries of fear-based conditioning obscures a true understanding of what love is. Therefore, it is not an easy task to shed the old conditioning and live as the Masters taught. It's not enough to simply want a loving world. You must become the love and be it with every aspect of your being. This you are learning in a process over time.
在過去行走在地球上的大師們教導過神聖之愛的重要性。這些曾經都是非常簡單的信息。在練習中,由於幾個世紀以來基於恐懼的條件遮蔽了一種對於【什麼才是真愛】的真實了解。因此,它並不是一件容易的任務,要擺脫舊的條件限制並生活在這些大師們的教導中。僅僅只希望生活在一個有愛的世界是不夠的。你們必須【成為神聖的愛】,在你存在的每個方面都體現出愛。這就是你們通過不斷的努 力而學習的。
During Wesak season each year, it is easier for you to access the wisdom and blessings of the Masters. If you tune in energetically right now, most likely you can sense a subtle lightness of being. Since this energy resides alongside heavier energies and the chaos so typical of these times, you must still your mind and body to touch it. Trust that it is there, in any case. Take time daily to invite a tangible experience of this lightness of being - morning and evening if you can.
During Wesak celebration days and the season as a whole, place yourself in situations allowing you to connect with others on the path of conscious awakening. Spend personal time with such people, and if you can, join in on a group level.
Benefit of Group Connections
One loving person shines a bright light into the world. When two or more gather and focus on a loving world, a great magnification occurs. You can find even more benefit with a larger group, especially when your gathering is specifically focused on enlightenment and the Masters who showed humanity the path.
How to View Today's Chaotic Situation
Regardless of what's going on in your life right now, trust that there is a purpose to each day. Remember why you came and take advantage of opportunities as they arise.
Most likely, you are living with much more uncertainty and stress than ever before. The chaos and oppositional ways of being may be bringing up a host of negative emotions like anger, frustration, even hopelessness.
Still, there is a spiritually grounded way to view today's happenstance - so you can benefit from the Wesak season and the months ahead. If you could see the overall picture as spirit does, you wouldn't want to waste precious time or to miss opportunities presented only once.
Here are three suggestions that will help you stay on track.
First, when you feel discouraged by the lack of love in your world, remember that things are changing. The shift towards a more loving world has been in motion for a very long time. There is a quickening now - that's what you came for - to be at the forefront as a divine changemaker during these pivotal moments when a new type of existence is coming into being. The people who don't yet remember the love may seem in opposition to you, but this is not the truth. At the core of their being, they too are love. Keep coming back to this in your mind and do your best to be loving.
第一條 當你由於世界上愛的缺乏而感覺到氣餒的時候,請記住事情在不斷改變。這些改變正朝向著一個更充滿愛的世界發展,而這個過程也已經進行了很長的時間。現在是即將誕生的臨盆時刻---這不就是你們一直在等待的麼---你來到這裡就是要矗立在最前線,作為一個神聖的改變實現者,在這段關鍵時期把一種全新的存在方式帶入進來。那些還不明白愛的真正意義的人也許看起來會對你產生對立行為,不過這並不是真相。在他們的內在核心裡,他們也是愛的存有。請一直在你的心中持有這份信念,以你最好的方式去愛彼此。
Second, as the pace of life picks up, remember to take time daily to focus on your connection with spirit. There are countless ways to do this, from meditation and intention setting to inviting spirit's view of life dilemmas. When you leave spirit out of the picture, you sabotage yourself. It's like preparing a cherry pie and putting it in the oven without the cherries. Your relationship with spirit needs to become such an integral part of your everyday activities that there's no separation. When you unconsciously put spirit in the background - thinking of it only after you have made a decision - you will miss out on the boundless gifts you could otherwise receive. When you change your fueling system to spirit, you change your present and your destiny.
第二條 由於生活的步伐不斷被你拾起,請記住要每天花時間聚焦自己的意念集中在靈性當中。這裡有無數的方法可以去執行,可以冥想並設定意圖放置在去邀請靈性的方法進入困境中。當你脫離靈性的畫面,你就同時阻礙了自己。這就好像正準備一個櫻桃餅,在沒有放櫻桃的時候就放在烤爐裡了。你們與靈性的關係需要變成你每日活動的主體部分,並且沒有分離感。當你處在無意識中,僅僅把靈性放在你的身後忘卻---在你做了一個決定之後思考下它---你將錯過這能夠通過其他解決之道去接收的無量的禮物。當你改變自己的燃油系統進入到靈性中,你就改變你當前的一切以及你的命運。(譯者:這裡的靈性指的是靈性之愛的生活態度,也就是恆常保持愛的心態,寬容,理解,同情,所有這些珍貴的品質都時時刻刻體現在你的生活中)
Third, as you are reminded of the dysfunctional state of your world, remember the big picture of what's happening and where you want to be headed. Be thankful that you live in a time when secrets and injustices are coming to light. Be happy that you can be informed of problems faced by people and the planet. Only when you know about a problem can you shine your light on it. Only when you become aware that there is a crisis can you become a part of the solution. You can't solve all of the world's problems, of course. However, humanity's future on the Earth is being decided by how you and others live during these times of great change. It is being decided by choices you make each day to be kind and compassionate. Step out of your everyday routine for a few moments today and consider what kind of world you want to live in. Visualize it ... feel it ... breathe it into your cells. Anchor that image into your heart, focusing on it whenever you become discouraged with the status quo. All your light within to show you the way.
第三條 由於你注意到世界中發生的不良情形,請記住正在發生一切的大畫面,以及你希望走向何方。請感謝自己生活在一個時刻,那時隱秘的一切和不公正即將走入聖光中。請開心愉悅的接受你被告知的這些問題,積極面對人群和星球上發生的情況。當你知道一個問題出現的時候,你只需要知道你是能夠閃耀自己的光去療愈它的。當出現一種危機的時候,你只需要知道你是能夠成為解決之道中的一員。當然,你不可能解決世界上出現的所有問題。不過,人類的未來正在被決定,通過你和其他人在這段時期裡如何去生活,在這段偉大轉變的時期裡正確的體驗來實現。通過你每天做出的選擇它就在不斷被決定著,因此請保持仁慈和慈悲。請在每天花一小會兒脫離繁雜的日常生活,正確識別出你內心希望的到底是一個什麼樣子的世界。觀想它。。。感受它。。。把它呼吸進你的細胞中。錨定那幅畫面進入你的心中,聚焦在它之上,不論在何時只要你對於現狀感到失落的時候就這麼去做。你內 在的所有光芒將向你展現出真正的道路。
As you continue the journey of discovering your divine nature, we surround you with our love and blessings. We are The Council of 12.
原文地址 http://spiritlibrary.com/selacia/connecting-with-the-blessings-of-wesak-season