


We would like you know that your vibrations of Light are reaching a level so high that they can be seen from our position. Please keep this way and do not stop until the green light for our coming will be given.


We want to thank the Lightworkers'  initiative for spreading the message in which they lovingly asked for our coming and  you know the work already done is quite important and it is a wonderful impulse in order each task can be performed.


Please know the work already done is very important and it means to be a fantastic boost for the new tasks that will be performed.


We want to emphasize that many of your world are already prepared to come on board and we want you ready for answering the call. The warning is to be given within each one of you and you should always be in meditation, trying to irradiate all the love around you as much as possible.


Today Mother Earth is relatively calm and we hope that it continues this way without further disorders. We stress once again that is your state of consciousness that determines or not the happening of individual or collective disasters, according to your own vibration.


Regarding this matter we feel reassured and want to reassure you, as we see your vibration's level increasing  each day but we dare to ask you once again to watch your thoughts and do not be lead for the last attempts of the dark ones


You are the needed hands to do the required tasks for the coming weeks and the announcement of our presence is imminent. It is not almost needed due to a lot of evidence that is spreading everywhere, even so President Obama is already under alert and though it can trouble many people, we continue advising you to see the facts through your heart and understand the work that is being played by the Light…


We would also call the attention of our channellers for not being surprised if the quantity of the channeled messages will decrease. We clarify that this fact is already foreseen.


Each day that goes by, a wonderful wave of love turns you even more radiant and this is the reassurance we need to be able to finish our tasks, trusting that each of you will be ready when you will be called to collaborate in a more direct way with us and that you may contribute even more in favor of the Light.


We thank your commitment and we can clarify if we receive your welcoming from the heart our arrival will be easier. We love and appreciate each one of you and we are pleased with the worked performed by all of you.


We are your family from the Stars, we are the Galactic Federation of Light together with the Ashtar Command, united by the Light of the cosmos' Creator.


Be at peace





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