轉載自: http://blog.sina.com.cn/s/blog_6d1491d50102e08m.html
We know that some of you wonder why it seems to have taken so long to get events started. Firstly we must tell you that the activities we are involved in are ongoing, and we have been fully occupied even if you are not aware of what we have carried out. Preparing for these end times is no mean task, and of course circumstances change which we have to adapt to. Plus the dark Ones have been more difficult to remove than we anticipated. However, now that we have been given the authority to take direct action against them, our presence is being felt and our results rewarding.
We have all but stopped the dark Ones in their tracks, and we will not allow them any scope to return to their previous tricks. We must lastly commend you for handling your side of the activities in a most positive manner, so much so that you have carried the battle to the dark Ones very successfully. It has enabled us to give you more responsibility, as we do encourage you to take matters forward yourselves. This is because you have to take responsibility for the situations you have allowed to occur. It does not mean you have to do it all, and that is far from it as we of the Galactic Federation have a most important role to play. We are here to ensure you safely reach Ascension, and introduce you to your Space Family and the many advantages that have been kept from you.
我們幾乎已經在黑暗勢力所有的企圖中停止了他們的詭計,我們不會再允許他們以任何方式回到過去的老把戲上。最後我們必須建議你們做好自身的責任問題,以最積極正面的態度去面對他們,在面對黑暗勢力的戰爭中你們已經取得瞭如此多的成功。它也允許了我們能夠向你們提供更多的援助,而我們也鼓勵你們真正去直面自己該面對的問題。因為你們必須承擔起責任,這些情況 都是在你們允許之後才能發生的。不過並不是說全部都要由你們自己來完成,事件涉及的範圍是遠遠超出你們所能獨自處理的情形的,而我們銀河聯邦也有著重要的角色要扮演。我們來到這裡是為了確保你們安全的抵達揚升,向你們介紹星際家人,並且向你們揭示所有曾經被禁止讓你們知曉的科技優勢。
You now know that everything is coming to a head, and that something is going to break very shortly that you will get to know about in some detail. By now you will have realized that for many reasons, we have been unable to give you much in the way of specific information where dates are concerned. Sometimes even we are not sure when to act, as when we do circumstances must be exactly right for us to be successful. Not least of all, to co-ordinate anything with our allies requires a lot of planning, and we have to bear in mind the risks they take. For example you now have a number of whistleblowers that are prepared to stand up and reveal the truth to you. Naturally we will protect them, but they and their families are under threat and it is an unpleasant feeling.
Dear Ones, the clean up is well under way and it will continue until the main trouble makers are removed. There is so much at stake to take risks, and we clearly have to mount a determined and continuous onslaught to finish the job quickly. To put people at ease there will be announcements to acquaint them with what is happening, as we do not want the wrong interpretation put on our actions. It will be the start of a program of enlightenment that will carry you all the way to Ascension. There will be breakdowns all round as the old reality breaks up, shedding itself of all that has no place in your future. It will be a difficult time, but we are involved and the changes themselves will not take as long as you might imagination. So be patient and understand that the outcome will be to your advantage.
Ascension is a process that comes to all souls eventually, many times if necessary. The fact is that you will not want to remain in the lower dimensions forever. It has its attractions, but once you have conquered it and overcome the low vibration you will want to move on. Regardless of whether you have it now or not, you have an inner drive that is always urging you onwards. The dark powers would prefer that you do not become aware of it, and go to great pains to keep you in the dark. However, many are coming into the Light, and because of them others are also awakening and so it gathers pace. You help each other and once it is accepted that you are All One, and you remove religious differences and beliefs that are not aligned to the truth, you will blossom and find your true path.
揚升是一個過程,它最終將發生在所有靈魂 的身上,必要的話將出現多次。而事實上你們也不會願意永遠的停留在較低的維度。它有著一股吸引力,只要你征服了它並克服較低振動的束縛你就會希望繼續前進。不管你現在是不是擁有了它,你都有著一種內在的驅策力不斷的督促你朝向前進。黑暗之力更希望你完全不去了解這些真相,讓你不斷走入巨大的痛苦而把你困在黑暗中。不過,許多人正在陸續走入聖光中,因為他們,便帶動了更多人覺醒,加快了整體的步伐。你們在彼此幫助,一旦你們接受了【所有人都是一個整體】的事實,清除你們彼此之間的宗教和信仰的分別心,它們與事實完全背離,那麼你們將綻放自己並尋找到屬於自己的真理之路。
Things are always changing and so are you all of the time, and you are subject to many energies that surround you. Most are natural but others are man-made and not necessarily beneficial to you. In fact some are dangerous to your health, yet you continue to allow yourselves to be exposed to them. It is not always your fault, but you tend to ignore warnings when the source such as cell phones is involved. Your greatest threat as you well know is nuclear radiation, but in the future such sources of energy will be clean and safe. Free energy is all around you and will be used to service all of your needs. Many such devices already exist but like much that has been kept from you, has not been released and instead deliberately hidden.
The dream is coming true and you will be lifted out of the daily challenges to survive, into a heavenly abode. It is a gift from God but one you have earnt through your determination to overcome duality. You chose your experiences and have evolved as a result, and will rightly join us in the higher dimensions. We eagerly await your coming and shall first meet you on Earth, and light the way to the next phase of your experiences. From thereon it will be a pleasure to be alive and exciting to plan your own adventures, that will take you around the Galaxy to observe and take part in the many wonders that exist.
Take each day as it comes and do not be fearful of anything. As we so often tell you, all is progressing well, and we and your Inner Earth brethren are so close to openly meeting you. It must however be safe for such meetings, as you will no doubt understand. We have all come a long way to make this finale a most wonderful experience for you, and you will enjoy the days soon to come. Once you are released from the dark Ones, the relief will lift you up immediately. The feeling around you will bring out much happiness, and great expectations for the future which will be fully explained before you ascend.
I am SaLuSa from Sirius, and tell you that your natural existence is not to live in sorrow or suffer hardships, and without the means to have a fulfilling life. Even in your present dimension it could have been so different, but for the greed and avarice of those who sought gain only for themselves at the expense of others. You are beautiful Beings of such loving intent if only you are allowed to be your true selves. The time to show your true colors is just around the corner, so get ready to rejoice and celebrate your greatest achievement for millennia of time.
Thank you SaLuSa.
Mike Quinsey.
Website: Tree of the Golden Light