


Welcome dear ones we are the High Council of Orion and we come to guide andsupport as the major structures of your civilisation begin to dissolve and todisappear. Much of what has been guided has been on the edge of your vision forsome time but now events will start to unfold in the physical reality in whichyou live. These events should be viewed for the confirmation of the newenergies that they are in TRUTH.






We are moving our channels and our emissaries into place over the next 24/48hours with many now holding the space for the rest of the human race. This is achallenging time and we appreciate this but we ask for you all to find balanceand to find that reservoir of calm that exists in the deep part of SELF.



在從現在開始的24-48 小時中,我們正和我們的信使們一起搬入新的地點,和我們在一起的還有很多正在為地球上的人們守護著空間的存有們。這是個充滿挑戰的時刻,我們對此充滿了感激,同時我們也請求你們所有人找到那深藏在你們每個人心中的平靜的港灣。



Those who are part of your human life experience who are not aware and notawake will now begin to display behaviours that may have many of youquestioning their sanity. We guide for you to hold in YOUr space and YOUrbalance as those who are unaware of the depth of changes begin to make wavesfor those who are aware. We wish to guide further for this and we ask that youprocess our words and our imagery through YOUr heart.






Those who are now in the process of dissolving the 3D world are being showna vision of TRUTH, that vision is now moving them to a place where they areable to be in this world but not of this world. This level of consciousness isnow being seeded within the human race in general and this will filter throughthe consciousness that ALL connect to on planet earth in due course.






As the systems that are in place and have been for aeons begin to dissolve,to break down and to be shown for the containment and suppression they are inTRUTH many will fall into disbelief. This disbelief will be followed by actionsby many to keep the structures alive , to keep hold of that which is in placefor FEAR of what will be replaced. This is a natural state of awareness giventhe vibration that many live within on planet earth. This is the “main stream”section of the human race, those who have embraced and anchored the teachingswithout question. It may seem almost insane to many who are now awakened tokeep hold of a system that is to the detriment of the human race but we ask foryou to have compassion and to realise that it is not possible to see somethingthat is not questioned.






Many believe that the end of the world is now, that it starts, for they havebeen told it was foretold, they have been taught to look for the signs of thecollapse of the human world and the smoke and mirrors are now in operation tohave them believe this. The ability for all to see beyond the smoke and mirrorsis vital, in your role dear ones of those who have awakened we now ask for youto stand in YOUr TRUTH, to live the way that YOU KNOW how to live and to detachfrom those who would convince or try to convince you that the planet earth isat the end.



很多人相信,現在是世界的末日的開始,因為他們被告知,這一切都已經是預言好的, 也因此,他們已經試圖花了很多年嘗試尋找人類社會崩潰的信號,而即將散佈在這世界空氣中的迷霧和鏡像會讓他們確信自己的判斷。對於你們中的所有人,看透迷霧和幻象的能力是極其重要的。對於你們中已經醒來的人們,我們請求你們站在自己的真實中。以你們認為正確的的方法生活,並遠離那些嘗試讓你們相信地球的末日已經到來的人們所作出的,將你們引離航線的人們的話語。



The “end” dear ones is the financial and energetic tyranny that has plaguedplanet earth for aeons. It is the dissolving of the systems that have kept youenslaved and your vision dulled and contained. That which is YOUr birthright isbeing given back to you but in order to see the birthright for the freedom itis in TRUTH we ask YOU dissolve the teachings that are in place to make itsomething it is not. The smoke and mirrors placed around the planet earth willshow destruction, it will show loss, it will show a breakdown of society but itwill show only what it needs to show and no more. This is to fuel the lowervibrations of those who are not awake. The full picture would show the seedsthat are planted, that are growing at unprecedented rates and the beauty thatis blooming across the world. The smoke and mirrors will not show this for theteachings of distortion require lower level frequencies in which to operate. Weguide for you to anchor this and to process this. Where there are low levelfrequencies there will be disharmony for it is created by these frequencies andFED by those same frequencies.



親愛的朋友們,真正" 結束" 的是已經污染了你們世界上萬年的經濟和能量的暴政對你們的控制。是一直嘗試奴役你們,蒙蔽你們雙眼的系統的崩潰。你們生來所帶的權利正在歸還給你們,但是為了看清你們與生俱來的自由的權利,我們真真切切地請求你們讓放在你們眼前的扭曲的教導徹底瓦解,因為那教導在讓一些無足輕重的東西在你們面前顯得至關重要,而讓一些至關重要的東西在你們面前顯得輕如鴻毛。圍繞著這顆星球表面的幻象會以破壞,損失,會以社會結構的崩潰的形式表現出來,但它只會向你們展示它想展示的,而不會更多。這一切是那些仍未醒來的,處在低層次振動的人們的需求的一切的迴光返照。完整的畫卷會向人們展示,那已經被埋藏了許久的種子,正在以不可思議的速度極速生長,那美麗的枝葉正在整個世界綻開。迷霧和幻像不會向你們展示這些,因為扭曲的幻象需要低層次振動能量的支持從而才能運作。我們引導你們錨固這些,用心去體會這些話語。在低層振動能量的地方會產生不和諧的能量。因為不和諧的能量是由這些低層次的能量產生,而低層次的能量又能吞噬不和諧的能量,從而讓不和諧的循環繼續惡化。



The tendency for many on planet earth may be to defend their position and weguide for ALL to detach from this viewpoint. The defending of belief is akin tolowering your vibration and will feed the very energies that you seek todissolve in the old world. The dissolving will happen, it has already startedto happen across the world, many are now FEELing this in earnest. The FEELingsof disquiet, of discomfort are all the dissolving of the old.






There is a sadness that is released as the energies are dissolved for thesadness is borne out of the dreams that were created below these energies. Manyheld dreams within these energies that have been fuelled by the lowerfrequencies for so long they are at a loss of how they dreamed them. We guidefor ALL to have LOVE and compassion for ALL over the next 24/48 hours as theworld is plunged into the clearing and cleansing process.






This is needed in order to dissolve the residue. How much residue isconsumed by those who are now being fed solely on low frequency and vibrationis up to the peoples of planet earth. The process can a long, drawn out one ora short one, it is entirely YOUr choice. The more you hold onto a system thatis out of sync with the energies that now flow through YOU and around YOU themore painful the experience will SEEM to BE. Remember dear ones smoke andmirrors are at play. These are roles being played out across planet earth. NOONE is lost, NO ONE dies and NO ONE suffers other than in the role that theyplay on this earth in this incarnation.






The human body is but a vehicle in which to experience this the physicalreality of the human race on planet earth. It is NOT YOU dear ones and we callout to all who are now ready to stand in TRUTH. The time of the dissolving ofthe old is upon YOU, the ability to ground and to anchor TRUTH at the deepestlevels is now upon YOU. To stand in TRUTH is to connect to the deepest part ofSELF and to KNOW that all is perfect and that ALL is AS IS.






We guide in order to pull your attention to the new and to brace for thechanges that are now coming into the reality in which you physically reside.Many have called for these changes and asked for them not realising how theywould affect the world in general. We are now working with all races and realmsto support in all ways. For the dissolving of many of the accepted ways ofBEing and of living on planet earth may cause some panic in those most deeplyasleep. It may also start to cause panic within those who are awake but notable to TRUST in SELF. At a deep level dear ones YOU are creating thesechanges, the world is responding to the dreaming that has created the newearth. This new earth is not given to you it was CREATED by YOU and as such theevents that are unfolding are doing so in response to this dream.






KNOW dear ones that ALL that YOUinteract with YOU affect, KNOW the thought process that YOU go through in youreveryday waking reality are affecting ALL that IS. YOU are anchoring the light,YOU are not at the mercy of those who have been taken off the planet for theyhave been removed some time ago. It is the teachings of distortion that aretheir legacy and we ask now that YOU dissolve them. POWER is something that YOUhave been taught to FEAR, we ask that YOU now embrace the POWER that YOU AREand to allow the new to unfold around YOU, within YOU and through YOU for it isYOU.






TRUTH just IS dear ones, TRUTH is what is left when all is dissolved foronly TRUTH can exist in the new energies that have been anchored on planetearth. Never before in the human race has this been created and we are honouredto walk this path with YOU as YOU now rediscover who YOU ARE in TRUTH.



真實就是那無所不包的一,親愛的朋友們。真實是當所有的一切都瓦解後剩下的東西,因為只有真實可以存在已經被緊緊錨固在地球上的在新的能量中。人類此前從來沒有創造出這種新的能量,我們很自豪可以和你們一起走過這段旅程- 你們重新發現自己本質的旅程。



We ask for YOU to breathe over the next few days in YOUr reality, take timeto BE. Listen to the KNOWING that exists within YOU for it calls to YOU, do youhear it? It is the vastness of YOUr BEing, it is the DIVINE SELF that now callsto YOU, we ask for YOU to have TRUST and FAITH and answer the call.






We have put in place on planet earth rainbows who now anchor the newenergies and the new codes. These rainbows will now begin in earnest thecreations that will bring the new earth together as ONE. They will begin tobuild as the architects, magicians and builders they are in TRUTH. They willbegin a new way of BEing that the human race will begin to harmonise and syncwith for they are anchoring TRUTH. Allow TRUTH to show YOU the LIGHT that YOUARE, for YOU are creating in unprecedented times dear ones.



我們已經將彩虹戰士安置在地球表面,他們正在錨固著新的能量,新的密碼。這些彩虹戰士們現在正開始熱切地期盼著,新的地球和" 一" 融為一個整體。他們會像建築師,魔法師,和建造者一樣在真實中建造。他們會成為新道路的引導者,一條充滿和諧的,將真實深深錨固的嶄新道路。請讓真實向你們展示那光吧,那光就是你們的本質,因為你們正處在一個前所未有的時刻,親愛的朋友們。



We are here for YOU at all times. Other channels will now begin todisseminate further information and guidance from other realms for we are awareof the impact of the dissolving on the mass population. There are now systemsbeing put in place that will allow for greater clarity and greater connectionsacross and within planet earth. This is the dawn of the new age in earnest dearones. We wish YOU the LOVE that IS, may it flow freely around YOU , through YOUand within YOU for the human race is now about to reveal the family that it isand that WE ARE. We are the High Council of Orion and we welcome YOU home.




信息由Karen Doonan 提供



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