




My name is Adama. And, I am talking to each one of you that will hear this message about this famous date in December 2012 that everybody is talking about. I do not really care about this date, personally. I care about you. How will you prepare yourself for this famous date based on the Mayan Calendar? That is the true question. If you are ready, everything can come towards you and you welcome it. And, it does not throw you off of your balance. I am telling you: do not care about this date. You know that it is part of a great plan for this planet, for this universe, for all of the creation. It is part of a magnificent plan.


How this plan will unveil to you is very dependent upon yourself. You have this capacity now to prepare yourself – to synchronize your energies with these energies of the 5th dimension that are soon to be knocking at your door. I'm telling you: prepare yourself; be ready.


How can you be ready for this famous December 21, 2012 specific date? By welcoming who you are at all levels – by loving yourself at a deep level. Stop criticizing yourself. Stop judging yourself. Stop comparing yourself. Be yourself. Accept yourself. Love yourself.


Why am I asking you to do this? Because the 5th dimension is a dimension of love. If you do not love yourself, then this dimension will not be able to come towards you. You will not be able to synchronize your energies to this level of love that will soon manifest itself around you, inside you, and on all of the planet.



The how, and the when, and the why should not bother you. What should bother is: am I ready? Am I ready to trust life? Am I ready to love unconditionally myself and everybody around me? Love all of the beings around me that belong to any of the kingdoms: animals, insects, birds, and fish. Do you love them? That is the key question, my children.



My beloved and so precious children, are you ready to live and love fully – trusting yourself – trusting life – trusting this new society that you are creating all together? Only those ones that have sufficient love in their hearts will be able to harmonize themselves with the 5th dimension consciousness.



So, that is my answer to you. Do not care about three months from now, one year from now, or ten years from now. Care about how you prepare yourself in the now moment for this gigantic quantum leap that his humanity is about to go through. I wish all of my love will bloom in your heart so that this love will help you to accept yourself as we do accept you – each one of you, in our hearts.


We of Telos love this humanity at a deep level. We love you so much that we are ready to emerge among you, when you are ready, to show you the path of love. In your structure, in your dimension, this physical dimension, I am telling you that what is coming in front of you is so magnificent that it is impossible for you to dream about it.


So, prepare yourself. Be love. Act with love. Think with love. See with love. Do everything based on love from now on. This way, your vibrational level will accelerate in increments and you will be able to face this new era: the era of freedom, peace, joy, happiness; the era of love and light on this planet in this dimension.



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