轉載自: http://blog.sina.com.cn/s/blog_676222b70102dtzr.html
The dark brothers are trying hard to blow the Lemurian Mission
By Eve / Adama of Telos
Oct 6, 2011 - 1:32:23 PM
Pre-story: last week I received an email advertising a work by Nancy Tate done in cooperation with a hypnotist, who asked questions to Adama with Nancy answering them, claiming to channel Adama. A reason, why Adama now wishes to comment publicly on that to make it known that this work is not trustworthy. If you still need to, please inform yourselves about the ways of mind control. The faked messages always contain a certain amount of truth copied from elsewhere, combined with inserted false information placed in a skilled way.
The dark brothers are trying hard to blow the Lemurian mission
Adama through Eve
4th October 2011
Eve: Adama, may it be you called?
Adama: Yes, Eve, I'm very grateful that you heard me and come online now. Our discussions have been mainly of private nature, but this is now something I wish to address publicly - ... you sense it already, since you received that certain email last week. I have to comment on a serious topic and I fear you are right now the only one who is prepared to investigate time into it.
OK, my dear ones, who have long been following the Lemurian mission on this planet...you, who have strived to make direct contact to me but have somehow doubted your ability to do so and not yet manifested to hear me in your heart ...and you... those who still lack the discernment to separate the true transmissions from the faked ones... to all those who are still seekers....
I know of course, that you are heading for the good, for the Golden Age, that you wished to follow to the messages of bliss and lightfulness, to the good news, and that you don't really appreciate to deal with the unpleasant sides of what's going on here. But just according to the fact you don't look at it, it won't go away, it won't disappear. You just think it's not part of your reality as you deny to see it, but splitting things off has never been a solution for the shadow work - not even in old Egypt.
The art of transformation demands being aware of the shadows, working with them, so that they finally may resolve, vanish and return into the original state of undistorted nature. I hope I don't bore you too much with my introduction of many words, but I think they might be necessary to bring you near to the topic I want to discuss.
Beloveds, mother earth seems to have needed a bit longer than we all expected, to fulfill her necessary changes, the breaking up of the tectonic plates - though lots of heavenly and earthly support. Of course this taking longer encouraged several of the shadow kids to go on with their games on the playgrounds of the dark, and they were strongly seeking for grounds till unpolluted, to leave the prints of their unqualified fingers there. Many missions have been captured already and become infiltrated, unfortunately some of the most well-known ones!
The Lemurian Mission has - up to the recent past - been a quite small and unknown mission, which of course - due to it's brightness - attracted more and more readers who rediscovered again their Lemurian roots. The growth and the adding up of readers made the Lemurian Mission attractive to the folks who are - partly even payed for - striving to blow our integrity. You may have noticed my hints already. A long time ago I mentioned that I do NOT wish my name to be misused for selling anything, and so far several people have done exactly this, there is this Swiss lady selling ascension in my name for a lot of money and now there show up those who are selling you wrong information - no charge - via the internet - under the seal of "TELOS" , claiming and suggesting that this and just this would be the official site. Eve has tried to cooperate with them, and they just let her go "into a void of never receiving a reply". Why is this so?
Well, Eve's work with me is a bit too realistic, too much about to the real deal, as they would need it for their "NEW AGE" style. These folks are very much keen on leading people on a path of clouds without grounding and on this path they are integrating false information in a very skilled way. They try to copy my style in the words they write, put some wellness labels on it, and claim this was my energy.
To make a long story short: The dark brothers are trying hard to capture the Lemurian Mission and this should now be the time to make your alarm bells ring. Just because somebody writes a message and signes with my name - this does not make the message having my energy in it.
Presently, a massive effort is being taken via a person who claims to work under hypnosis, speaking on my behalf, - she is well known in the New Age community - the "hypnotist" in her piece asked questions to my person, which she answered as "Adama".
Of course there was a question about the First Contact .... and they now claim and interpret (this was said that way in the email I received, E.) I had stated that there would not be such a thing like Starfleet-Contact , that it was just me and the Inner Earth people making contact to you.
Ok, slowly, slowly. You are pretty well able to observe some big ships operating their work with the sun, just go and look at the space satellite pictures - BEFORE NASA photoshops them. These big giants of ships cannot come close to the earth, as they would greatly disturb gravitation. Our silver fleet vessels are much smaller and can interact in the atmosphere mainly for monitoring and observing. Starfleet has - of course - also smaller shuttles for planetary travelling ... we are all there but it's definitely not just us with me and the silver fleet.
I told you already, I'm part of the Second Coming Crew - and I'm fully cooperating with the celestial specialists like Soltec, Esu, St. Germain etc... and of course Christ in person. Should you wish to cooperate, too, on the correct side of the fence, then please avoid all this material in the net which tells you
the tales of... an ascension around the magic date of 2012, with all people on earth,
the tales of "meditation is all you need to reach the New Golden Age" -
or the tales of opening star gates for the big deal.
It's true that certain days have a special numerology and energy which is nice for energetic work, like the solstices etc., and special dates like 11:11 are calling for joining hands and hearts even more intentional than in your every day routines... .for unconditional support. But these are NOT star gates as you might know them from your TV-Series like "Stargate Atlantis". Some might have mentioned it before.. .the NEW AGE movement has been captured and infiltrated to nearly 95% - which makes it to be counterproductive.. Look upon how people define New Age or demonstrate they belong to this movement... some dress up like Gurus and try to talk as if they were super holy. And the harder they do it this way the more far away they get from the energy of the heart. They are even telling you some fat lies ... but remember, you should not be the classical followers, you ought to wake up about your own thoughts and mind, to be the pillars of light for those who lost orientation.
Don't buy any fraud just because somebody labeled it NEW AGE and signs it with my name. And, please, when you join for a collective worldwide meditation, please spare your spiritual ego from that and do not send energy to a certain point where your mind tells you it should go.... send it to mother earth - so that SHE may decide where to use it best... you must let go your temptation to manipulate the direction of storms or the occurrence of quakes by the forces of your mind. Otherwise you'll be rather a part of the problem than of the solution. In other words: If you label your energy to go to point x, you tell mother earth that you'd know better than her where to use it, but you know pretty well that this is not so, right, dear ones?
No one exactly knows what tomorrow will bring in detail, but still we are pretty much aware of the fact that the big plan of earth changes will sooner or later manifest.
Some of you have difficulties to understand why mother earth needs so long to get into full action. Well, if you think about that closer, you will understand better. Look, many of your "farmers" have tied their cows in the stable all the time. Take one of these which has been tied for years, and try to walk with her. This will be pretty hard for the cow to walk, ... mother earth has somehow been tied, too, for millennia and now it's time for power and action. The long having been tied has weakened her, how shall she manage now to make a jump start right after having been "untied"? Truly, her condition was much worse than assumed, although nobody among the experts had really thought she was in a fine condition. We gotta give her all the time she needs, while going on with our energetic support, according to the hightest order by the Eternal Father / the Creator Son of our universe. I hope you have got my point.. . Eve would of course have explained it with a bit more humor....
你們當中的一些人很難理解為什麼地球母親需要這麼長時間以進入完全的行動。好吧,如果你能想得更縝密,你將會理解的更好。你看,你們許多“農民”總是捆住他們的奶牛。帶走其中一頭已經被捆綁了多年的奶牛,企圖讓她走 。對於這頭奶牛,這將會非常困難的行走。。。地球母親也是以某種方式被捆綁了千年,現在是釋放能量和行動的時刻了。長時期的束縛削弱了她,現在她怎能在“鬆綁”後一下子來一個跳躍?事實上,她的情況比所預想的更糟糕,即使在這些專家小組(指天界二次降臨小組成員)中沒人認為她處於一個良好的情況。我們需要給予她所需要的全部時間,同時繼續我們的能量支持,依據我們宇宙的造物主之子/永恆之父的最高的指令。我希望你明白我的觀點了。。。當然伊芙可以多點一些幽默地解釋這點(注:後文伊芙正在想一部喜劇來詮釋這個觀點)。
Adama, you read my thoughts?
Now, come on, let it out!
Ehm... I was thinking about this comedy piece named "amazing Jesus" by the comedian Mr. Bean. About this excerpt: "And they brought to him a man on a stretcher, who was sick of the palsy. And they said unto the Lord: Look, this man is sick of the palsy. And the Lord replied: Well, if I had spent all my life on a stretcher, I'd be pretty sick, too."
Yep, Eve, and now the readers might replace the word "man" by "Mother Earth" - and we get the picture. Humanity has bound Mother Earth upon a stretcher and Mother Earth has willingly allowed that, but now she is told to get up and go,.... I think I don't need to say more...
Now, Adama, how do you feel personally at this point, where your mission is becoming so badly harmed?
Well, Eve, of course I'm not amused. It's a bit similar to what you feel about the spamming of your Lemuria page. I'm still astonished about the incredible waste of time and energy these people undertake by spamming my mission and in the same way about their being so naive believing this would not sooner or later have consequences for them personally. Everything of that sort is being registered and once they realize they have their balance day - they will face a great nausea. They will find that the short kick of doing bad things will not have been worth the consequences. Regarding this point, they still might enjoy the last seconds of having what they call a free will, but this will be over very soon. Should they ever come to realize that all is ONE and that they, too, are part of that, they will realize that they have spammed and pissed of themselves.
However, the divine core - the holy space of the sacred heart - the Lemurian Mission - can never really be harmed. True divinity will always enjoy to be immune against any attack. But my concern is about those who easily believe everything they are told, who have not yet opened their own eyes and hearts to take just the parts of the buffet of messages which are original and suitable for their spiritual health.
There is much grief in my heart when I observe these many hopeful ones who want to support the Lemurian Mission so lovingly, and then they quickly end up in a side road and dead end, because they were too much focused on the elements of New Age , preventing them from doing the real work.
Please, beloveds, please realize. Ascending is not about escaping and it's not happening from one minute to the next. It will not happen for everybody who's now incarnate on this planet. There is no short cut to ascension (how often have I told you this, already?) and I'm in neither way any big wig or Guru, I'm just the High Priest of Telos, trying to make your path a bit more bright.
I'm wrapping you up in my love, equal where you are or go, and I pray that you may finally realize how the strategy of the dark ones works and collects the ones lacking discernment ... to lock them away in the spheres of illusion. May you still succeed to remain on the last clean spots and may you now hopefully make your own personal contact with me - beyond any personal fears and illusions to be disabled from doing so. I'll help you to carry the burden if you allow me to do so, and if you are prepared to hear my straight words, even if they don't take the turn you might expect or wish.
I greet you all in a very heartfelt way from our underground domain of Telos, looking forward to meet you, dear hearts, in the near future!
And thanks, Eve, for taking this message right away.
Ok, Adama... I already know that some forces will not be pleased by that....
Being a pioneer has never been an easy job! Being a pioneer and a visionaire is always a guarantee for being ridiculed, for suffering from frustration, and for taking risk. But if nobody is courage enough to speak out the truth .... evolution would not really have a chance. Remember... it's always the "makers in light" who propel evolution.... and never the blind ones leading the blind... the ones who just follow the ones who have the most comfortable message or who shout in the loudest manner to get attention. Never forget, Eve, as hard as they might blame you and title you in a not so nice way... as hard as they shout and scream and spam,.... they will not change the content of truth in our work.
Thanks for your courage, for standing in for it, for posting this. I'm standing behind you, covering your back, shielding you with my love.
I sign this in my I AM presence
Adama of Telos
《來自泰勒斯大 祭司阿達瑪的信息》http://blog.sina.com.cn/s/blog_676222b701017pt1.html
這的確不是一篇Feel good 令人舒適的訊息,因為它一針見血、忠言逆耳,它戳破了人們營造的那玫瑰般美好的新時代夢想的泡沫。我覺得它是及時的警鐘,是時候我們全面觀照內心的“黑暗”角落了,那裡面或許裝有恐懼、有懷疑、有混淆、有幻覺。是的,一篇好的通靈訊息的確能讓人振奮激勵人心,但我們這樣的信息還少嗎?除了 對於黃金時代的期盼與期許,更重要的是準備好自己,從物質上,更重要的是從精神上。正如曠日持久的平息路西法反叛,到對黑暗勢力負隅頑抗的戰鬥,有多少光之戰士已經逃離、背叛、或放棄。
從內心問自己,內在上帝會給你答案,如果你100% 的堅信與信任,我們不需要做盲目地追隨者,不需要膜拜或迷信大師高靈,只需要相信你自己,天界高靈、天使自然會在你身邊守護著並幫助你,我們要成為那基督之光,喚醒自己的思想與心靈,照亮並清理自己內心每一處黑暗的角落,成為那燈塔,為失去方向的人們指路。
對於榮耀的未來我們固然要堅定不移,但決不是那幅Rosy Airy Fairy 玫瑰般的海市蜃樓的幻境,還需要很長的、很艱苦的一段路要走,我們一起,與蓋亞母親,並攜手同心地重建家園。正如阿達瑪所說,“ 揚升不是關於逃避,它不會剎那間發生。它將不會發生目前在這個星球化身的每個人身上。這裡沒有揚升的捷徑” 。
這不是一篇悲傷沮喪的文章,如果你足夠靜心讀完;這裡沒有刺激的字眼調動你神經的興奮點,這是中肯地論述、及時的提醒、堅定的希望。無論黑暗兄弟怎麼極力攻擊、無論虛假訊息怎麼蠱惑人心、結果終將是作繭自縛,消失得灰飛煙滅,因為黑暗不會威脅到光明一分,源自它“神聖的核心— 神聖之心的聖潔空間—— 從來沒有真正的被損害過”。這就是貌似輕描淡寫、但卻擲地有聲的堅定,那無限的希望與喜悅。