轉載自 http://hi.baidu.com/cvn717/blog/item/22074e0b87715942f624e48b .html
Greg Giles 通靈傳遞
How often have you gone to bed at night thinking "How far am I away from midlife?" What we would like to see more of you going to bed at night thinking is “How close am I to being young again, possessing a youthful body in function, form and appearance?” This is the kind of mindset we would prefer to see in you, as a more positive outlook will bring to you better opportunities to enjoy your lives better than negative perspectives and outlooks will.
The way you think is often the way you feel, and the way you feel lays the tracks for the path you will travel up ahead. This is the way it works here in this universe, where your thoughts, feelings, emotions, dreams, perspectives and outlook are all part of the future you are creating for yourself. Try to always remember this as you are going about your day, for it is not only this day that you are experiencing, but it is many more days to come that will bring to you a similar experience if you do not consider and alter your future course by consciously creating it and focusing on more positive, enjoyable and rewarding experiences you wish for yourself.
Search through your files that are stored within your mind and within your heart and choose for yourself more joyful and happy experiences to think about, instead of harboring memories of failures or discontent and experiences that you do not wish to live through again. We have taken notice that many of you harbor such resentment for some of your past experiences, and we wish to remind you that all of these experiences were for very good reason and all were designed to allow you to become the learned being that you are today. We say to you that instead of looking back in disappointment and regret, to instead think about what kind of being you would be today without these experiences. Would you still make the same mistakes today if you had not learned from these experiences yesterday? In all likelihood you would, and you would still be making those mistakes and choices today and tomorrow and as you move on ahead on your journey.
Knowing that you have made poor choices in the past and have suffered the consequences of these choices, you now are free to move ahead on your journey without these obstacles presenting themselves to you through choice. Try to see this as so liberating, for indeed it is, as no one needs to learn the same lessons twice if they have learned from these experiences the first time, and if you are looking back in regret at some of the choices you have made, then dear one, you have learned this lesson already and you will not have to learn it again. This should come as such good news for those of you who live in such regret of your prior choices and the experiences they have led you to, as you now know you will not make the same choices again.
Try to look at it this way, in such a more positive light, for dwelling on regret will only lead to circumstances that will give you more of the emotions that you are sending out into the universe like a pebble * into a still pond. You will receive similar experiences that will issue you the emotion the universe believes you are asking to experience. Do you understand this? This is a very important spiritual and scientific fundamental that each and every one of you needs to fully understand and have stored within the forefront of your consciousness each and every moment of each and every day, as these moments are creating for you your future experiences, and it is important for you to keep this in mind and more consciously create the experiences you wish to live through.
Looking back, there has been no experience for you that was so negative that it has destroyed you, as this is totally impossible. Nothing can destroy you. Nothing can cause great harm to the being that you truly are, and none of your experiences have come even close to this. In the greater scheme of things, these experiences that you felt you needed for your growth and your expansion as an eternal spiritual being of light have only served to make you stronger and wiser, more learned and more experienced, and what you are getting out of this is far more than what you are putting into this or have ever put into this.
Try to always remember this and look at every experience that you have had, no matter how negative, disappointing or bad it may seem to you now, as a wonderful opportunity for you to have learned and that you have used to strengthen your spirit and your will, for indeed that is what these past experiences have done. They have helped you design and craft a powerful, wise and deeply knowledgeable eternal being of great love, compassion and experience, and without these past experiences that you may view as negative, you could not be the being you are today and possess such a wealth of gifts and talents.
Sometimes you may remind yourself of this by asking yourself “What is more important to me? Having lived without these experiences I may view at times as negative, or becoming the being that I possibly can become, reaching my highest and truest potential?” Ask yourself this the next time you're looking back in disappointment or regret due to an episode you have experienced and answer this question to yourself honestly. We feel this may be all you need to see all of your past experiences, no matter how they turned out, through brighter eyes and a more positive outlook, and this is the key to creating experiences for yourself that you will one day look back upon with joy and fond remembrance.
Thank you very much for your time today. We have enjoyed our conversation with you, and we look forward to speaking with you again shortly. We love you, and we always have you, dear ones, in mind and heart at all times.
We are the Galactic Federation of Light.
轉載自: http://blog.sina.com.cn/s/blog_6d1491d50102e1rc.html