轉載自: http://blog.sina.com.cn/s/blog_6d1491d50102e1u9.html
We still continue to work hard with our allies to overcome the last obstacles that stand in our way. Once removed, announcements can be made to prime you ready for a series of actions to take out those who have controlled your lives through criminal intent. Many involved are names familiar to you, indeed in many cases very well known including others totally unknown. Once the key figures are removed, it will be the green light for our allies to mount a large scale arrest of those of whom we have sufficient evidence to prove their guilt. They will be treated fairly and given proper trials where they can be represented. The judges will be selected for their honesty and integrity and experience in applying the Law correctly and as was intended.
Some of your existing laws are draconian, particularly those introduced by the last administration. One of our first steps will be to release anyone falsely imprisoned or currently held without trial or a right to appeal. Justice must be seen to be done, and an understanding and greater appreciation of the circumstances that often lead to criminal actions. Much has been caused by improper treatment that has been based on racial differences. That will all change and not because it will be imposed upon people, but through the understanding that you are all One. You sometimes look upon those who are illiterate or deprived as though they are inferior, but they are in physical incarnation for just the same reasons as you - and it is for the experience. It is the soul that remains the same in each new life time.
Attitudes are already changing where the different races are concerned, and most importantly it is the ability to see them as your brothers and sisters. All of you are evolving together, and are able to help each other to progress towards a greater understanding of the purpose of life and your part in it. Be proud of your achievements, but do not let them get in the way of accepting that all souls have the same rights as each other. Some people seem to be gifted with everything that makes life comfortable, but remember that it still only an experience. What you do with your life and how you treat others is a key factor in determining your understanding of life, and how you choose your next incarnation as it could quite easily be a complete contrast. Poor man, rich man, what does it matter except that you learn about yourself and others to uplift your consciousness.
對於種族差異性的態度已經在不斷改變中,最重要的就是把這些人都視為你們的兄弟姐妹。你們所有人都在共同進化,也能夠通過彼此的幫助在發展的過程一起朝向對於生命本質的更高理解,你們都為此而共同參與。請自豪於你們所達成的成功,不過不要因為它們而障礙了你去接受所有靈魂 都有著彼此相同權利的本質。一些人看起來是受到了某些特殊照顧而在生活的方方面面都很舒適,不過請記住這一切都僅僅是一種體驗。你如何去經歷自己的生活,你如何去對待其他人才是關鍵的因素,它決定著你對於生活的理解,你如何選擇下次的轉生體驗,因為下次的生活很有可能將與你今生有著完全相反的經驗。窮人,富人,這些都無關緊要,除了你從自己和其他人身上學到了什麼可以提升你意識的知識。
All of you are benefitting in one way or another from a whole series of lives, and it is reflected back out into your society. When you look at your last 100 years immense industrial progress has been made, but it does not look as though the Light has grown very much. You have had two World Wars and numerous other ones that have created so much negative energy, that the Light has had difficulty in shining through. However, we are pleased to tell you that in the last 30 years the Lightworkers have changed the balance, and the Light is now to be found all around the Earth. It has taken a lot of effort to achieve it and much help has been given from the spiritual realms. That is why Ascension is now a certainty when once it looked very doubtful.
As the end times approach all is in place for a wonderful finale, so do not worry too much about the seeming lack of activity, as you are assured that behind the scenes a great deal of work is going on. To say the least there will be a few surprises along the way, and it will be an exciting period in your lives. It will take little or no time to realize that we will be true to our promises and there will be a tremendous involvement with you. To people only learning about us in the latter stages it will seem too good to be true, but there will quickly be ample evidence to prove the direction in which it is all going.
Can we say that people of good intent will be equally ready for Ascension, as those who have been knowledgeable about it for many years. You do not have to belong to any group or practice any particular beliefs, and it is the degree to which you have been able to treat others as yourself. If you have a love for your fellow Beings and put it into practice then you are certainly a Being of Light. Once you have awakened to your true self and your purpose in life, progress in your evolution will go forward in leaps and bounds. Most of you will have been subject to some period of religious teachings, and in many instances resulted in a belief in God. That is a good starting point to a greater understanding providing you allow for a different concept of God to come forward. People with rigid mindsets are likely to be stuck with what they have got, and are clearly not ready to expand their understanding. That will prevent them from ascending, and they will continue to move in the same vibration.
我們可以說帶著良 好意圖的人們都能以平等的方式準備好揚升,因為這些人已經了解很多年了。你並不一定要從屬於任何一個團體或者從事於任何特殊信仰的練習,重要的一點是你是否能夠像對待自己一樣對待其他人。如果你對於同行的同伴擁有愛心,那麼就把這種態度帶入行動中,隨後你就當仁不讓的成為了一個光之存有。只要你覺醒於真正的自己和你生活的目標,那麼你自我進化的步伐將取得巨大的飛躍。許多人一直以來都受到了一段時期的宗教方面的教導,在許多情況下就導致了一種對於神的某種信仰。(譯者:通常是錯誤信仰)。那麼一個很好的開始就是允許自己得到更多的理解,讓自己允許有種對於神的不同概念。思維僵化的人通常都死死的粘附在他們過去的理解中,很清楚還沒有準備好去擴展自己的理解。這會阻止他們的揚升,那麼他們將繼續在同樣的振動中生活。(譯者:這也說明為何敞開心靈是如此的重要,開放你的心靈你將了解生命的本質)
Evolution is about your soul and its progress towards the higher dimensions from which you came. Every soul is bound to reach a point of realization when the truth becomes apparent, and it is often preceded by a great deal of soul searching. At such stages you are accompanied by a number of Guides who do all they can to uplift you. Often they have been with you over several lives and take a personal interest in your progress. It is also likely that on occasions you meet them as out of the body experiences when you are asleep, but normally remembrance of it is difficult to recall. Such meetings can give you so much help and confidence that you awake refreshed and happy, without realizing the reason why. Sometimes they seem as dreams, and you may suspect there is more to them than you can recall.
Your travels in the Astral regions can seem unreal, as the there are different laws at work and you seem do things that are impossible on Earth. You are beginning to understand that your experiences are far more extensive than you imagine. When you ascend they will grow even more and a completely new life experienced quite unlike what you are used to now. Just the technological changes alone will result in so many changes, but it is your elevation into the higher vibrations that will act on you personally. We of the Galactic Federation are an example of what you will be in the near future, and It will not be long before you walk with us as equal and respected partners.
I am SaLuSa from Sirius, and pleased we can have these discourses and share our knowledge with you. Blessings to you all.
Thank you SaLuSa.
Mike Quinsey.
Website: Tree of the Golden Light