轉載自: http://blog.sina.com.cn/s/blog_6d1491d50102e3q2.html
Knowledge is power, and sharing knowledge is essential at this time of great turmoil and change. The Cabal is searching for ways to keep you in the hypnotic slumber from which you are awakening. At the conference you attended, yesterday, you heard some of the most awake and aware people, who devote their lives to serving mankind. Their work is vital and must be brought to the attention of as many as possible. It is a team effort. Every assistance must be given to enable the message to get to everyone . The contacts you made will assist in opening eyes to what the psychopaths who "rule" your world are planning. It is, after all, their last chance to take over and create their New World Order.
They see the Olympics in London as their gateway to the New World Order. They intend to create mayhem; to create such FEAR that the people will agree to almost anything in order to feel safe. This is a TRAP. It is the same old formula : it worked on 9/11, it worked on 7/7.
This is THE BIG ONE. It is their last chance to create the New World Order that they have planned and worked towards for so long. They will try to use Project Bluebeam, fake spaceships; in fact, everything in their arsenal in this, their final attempt, to take over your world.
They failed to take your awakening into account. This is why they are now putting a more deadly fluoride into your water; the water that many of you drink, bathe, and wash your hair in. It is in the ice in your drinks, in the beer, and almost everything you consume. You need to protect yourselves and your families from this deadly assault on all of you. Have you given permission or agreed to this poison? Were you ever asked to okay it? It is a crime against humanity .
Thomas Sheridan has a unique ability to use the right words to paint the picture that instantly awakens people to how the control system works and what humanity can do about it. He is a man of many talents, who is prepared to use them to save his fellow man from the most evil take-over of your planet. Everyone you met is using his skills to investigate and reveal what is happening and how to prevent it.
Nothing happens by chance. It was planned that the Olympics would be held in London so that their dramatic take-over would happen there. They never intended that the so-called "fiasco" of the security firm would come to light. They always intended to use troops to control the masses. As usual, the puppets just carry out their orders the same people who come to you to ask for your vote, and who make promises that they know full well they will never fulfill. Why do you continue to trust them to do what is right for you? Their allegiance is to the Cabal and always will be.
Thomas Sheridan擁有者特殊的能力把恰當的詞彙描繪在繪畫作品中,讓已覺醒的人們能立刻就明白這些控制的系統如何的工作著,以及人類要如何去處理它。他是一位擁有許多天賦的人,他準備好了去使用它們拯救他的同胞,從這種最惡魔般的取代你們星球的罪行中解脫出來。你所遇到的每個人都在使用自己的技能調查和揭發正在發生的一切,以及如何去阻止它。任何事情都不是隨機發生的。它被計劃好在倫敦奧運會執行,以使得他們的取代世界的花招可以發生。他們從未想過“慘敗”這個詞怎麼寫,被完全曝光。他們總是企圖利用軍隊來控制大眾。如往常一樣,這些傀儡僅僅只是執行他們的命令,而這同樣的人卻也來到你們的面前要求你們投票,他們虛偽的承諾卻心知肚明自己從未可能兌現。為何你們還要繼續相信他們,難道真認為他們會服務於你們麼?他們效忠的是陰謀集團,總是如此。
You can trust only those who have devoted their lives to bringing the truth to your attention. People such as David Icke, Ian R Crane, Brian Gerrish, and the many others who travel all over the world to share their truth. They work tirelessly to protect you from disaster. Listen to what they have to say. It is your only chance of survival. The time has come for you to make a choice. Are you prepared to stand up and be counted? Realistically, the 99% cannot be silenced and the Cabal knows this. Their only fear is that you will awaken to this fact.
你們只能相信那些以奉獻自己的生命把真相帶給你們去關注的人。這類的人如大衛.艾克,Ian R Crane, Brian Gerrish, 和許多其他的人,他們在全世界旅行就是為了分享他們的真相。他們不辭辛勞的工作著,從災難中保護你們。聽聽他們必須要說的話吧。這是你們繼續存活的僅有的機會。時間已經到了,你們必須要做出選擇。你們準備好了公開表明立場麼?事實上,這99%的人是不可能被沉默的,陰謀集團知道這點。他們最大的恐懼就是你們覺醒於這個事實真相。
Now the spotlight has turned to the Vatican and how it has managed to secretly control the planet, while all the time hiding behind a MASK of love, devotion and tolerance. As the veil lifted on it and the full horror of its control became obvious, it caused many who had supported it, to recoil in HORROR at how they had been so cleverly duped. The truth can no longer be hidden. All will be laid bare before you, so be prepared for the ILLUSION to collapse before your eyes.
"Ireland is the Key that will unlock everything." It must start there. I say to the Irish people, come together, learn who you are, your real history; then it will become clear what was done so as to create the illusion you find yourselves in today. Discard that which has imprisoned your minds through fear. Become who you were created to become. Be proud of who you are. The ancient Irish knew all the answers. They were complete. Look at your past to learn how to create a better future for all mankind. Remember, mankind is depending on you to do this.
Michael Tsarion has done so much to bring your real history to light. Look once more and listen with your souls to what he says, and you will see the light. He is indeed one of the great men of your time.
Michael Tsarion為了把你們真實的歷史曝光已經做瞭如此多的工作。再次看看吧,聆聽你們的靈魂在說些什麼,你們會看到光明。他確實是當前許多偉人中的一員。
Your friends from other planets have created a crop circle with the date of 4th August on it. It is a date when things could happen. You know that, together with the other beings, we have been successful in preventing an attack on Iran. We will continue to do our best to prevent this atrocity. The Cabal becomes more devious and daring all the time in its efforts to create World War III. You live in volatile times. We need your support to help us protect you.
Those who set up your world in the first place will soon return to your planet. They have found a way to penetrate the shield that the Cabal put in place to keep them out. When they arrive, your lives will change completely for the better. There will be no more fear, poverty, famine, or any of the other catastrophes brought about by the Cabal to keep you in fear and under control. You will taste freedom for the first time and the universe will be open to all of you. Once more, you will take your rightful place in the Family of Life. Your minds have been in prison also. All knowledge will be available and nothing will remain hidden. Have the courage to step into the Light. Come together with your fellow man. Say NO to the control which the Cabal wants to place on you and your loved ones. The changes are ready to begin. It is up to you now. The Cabal will create disasters to distract you and make you fearful. It is what they do , time after time. Do not fall for it, yet again. It is just the same old pattern once more.
My dear, you have places to go and people to meet as you push forward into the Light. To the people of London, my home town, I say, be prepared for what the Cabal may deliver but do not be bowed by it. See it as their last effort to achieve their evil plans. Good people will come together to assist you. This is the final countdown. Know that you are supported on both sides of life. Our purpose is to help you through these difficult times.
Know, my love, that we are always there for you. Your adoring, Monty.
Website: The Montague Keen Foundation