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原文:Melchizedek ~~ light, Light, LIGHT ~~ 21/07/2012 Channeled by Méline Lafont.
管道:Méline Lafont
親愛的朋友們: 更多的東西已經被翻轉,扭曲,被迫到臨界點,並且已經演變進你們世界歷史進程中。從全球的角度來看,在大多數情況下所有這些事態發展是必要的,儘管在某些情況 下有些例外--並不是來自光的源頭。那些顯現出來的已經起到了效果,但仍然有許多觀察不到的事情渴望顯現出來,我親愛的朋友,這已不能再被隱瞞下去了。不可控制的情況千方百計地要顯現在你們的世界,正急切地浮出水面,因為它們已經被隱瞞得太久了。它渴望來到你們的心理現實和現實世界中。 所涉及的變化將不可抵擋地來表達自己。在世界各地將遇到這些根本性的變化,它將大幅度轉化人們的觀點,從社會功能失調轉變為愛,光明與和諧。這些可以看成是,愛--作為上帝/神性源頭的一個巨大能量--的直接影響效果。地表/塵世的一切將轉換為光。每一樣看上去是堅固和物質形態的東西(這實際上是個最大的幻覺),將會轉換為一個更輕的實質和表達--其本質上是光。只是光,這就是全部,永遠如此。僅此而已。 光是一個包羅萬象的概念儘管它本身看上去很簡單。光意味著這麼許多在不同頻率的各種能量振動的表達。光是愛與創造背後的能量。光把有形的轉變為可見的;它是愛/慈悲的表達,能量的表達,它是你的表達,也是無數其他萬物的表達。這就是為什麼我們強調這個事實:簡單地成為光。它涵蓋這麼多的理由!當然,順便說一句,光也是個可愛的現象,它是你喜歡和接近的東西。就拿陽光來說,它使人們輕鬆愉快,並帶來一個好心情,它確實提升了人們的精神!沒有人喜歡住在黑暗的時期,或在黑暗的地方:這使人感到沮喪和生起“恐懼”。就是從這裡來看,光對你們人類也是一個重要的概念,顯而易見,你們喜歡接近光並感受它。 我親愛的朋友們,我強烈建議你沐浴在陽光下,去感受它所有的榮耀。這樣你可以充實自己,給你的能量電池充電,可以這麼說,你的能量電池在你肉體最近經歷的所有改變和所有升級過程中已經快耗盡了。在陽光下散散步,做會兒日光浴,盡可能多吸收些陽光,這樣你會再次充滿活力和放鬆輕快。太陽能不僅是當前家電及其所用科技的免費能源,對人體也是這樣。太陽在太陽系中是非常重要的,它的意義遠遠超過作為你和地球母親的取暖來源這麼簡單。太陽是迄今為止你們太陽系最大的星門,被那些來自遙遠星系的其他文明充分使用。千百年來太陽一直在被如此使用著,在不久的將來,你們對此也會越來越明白。 請讓你自己充滿能量與光。我親愛的朋友們,不要被低振動拖跨--在過去的幾天裡,低振動顯現得比平時要厲害得多。請保持你內在的認識和目的堅定不移,要考慮到這種可能性:這些低振動是通過沿著你的能量場的途徑而離開這個星球。那些堅定地致力於其精神進化的光工作者們可能會成為低振動的目標,因為這是在一個集體揚升的背景之下。所以不要把這當成是個人的事,那些低振動不能再呆下去了,被要求離開地球;這是個將集體發生的過程。我們最衷心地祝福它們,在它們的進化之路上發送愛與光給它們。那也是你應該做的:承認它們的存在,發送給它們愛。然後就繼續過你的日子,不要回頭,不要被它們觸動糾纏。 我是麥基洗德,來自偉大的白衣兄弟會,感謝你把這信息傳下去。合十敬禮。
Dear Ones,
Much has been turned upside down, twisted, been driven to extremes and has evolved in the course of history on your world. All these developments were necessary in most cases as seen from a global standpoint, although in some cases there have been exceptions which were not derived from the Source of Light. What had to manifest was effectual but still there are many more unobservable matters who long to manifest and, my dear ones, this can no longer be withheld. Uncontrollable expressions manoeuver themselves into your current world and must now urgently come to the surface, as it has been withheld for far too long now. It yearns to get to the forefront of your mindset and on your world.
The changes involved will untenably come to their expressions now. Parts of the world will experience these fundamental changes as it will all transform drastically from the viewpoint of dysfunction to one of Love, Light and Harmony. Consider them as the direct effects of what Love can accomplish as a huge power, being the Source of All That Is. Earthly surfaces will convert to light. Everything that seems firm and in the form of matter (but which in fact is the greatest illusion) will convert to a much lighter substance and expression that in essence is of LIGHT. Simply Light; that is all what it is and ever shall be. Nothing more and nothing less.
Light in itself is an all-embracing concept although it appears to be simplicity itself. Light entails so many expressions of various energies vibrating at different frequencies. Light is the power behind Love and behind Creation. Light converts the tangible into the visible ; it is an expression of Love, of Power, of you and of countless other things … That's the reason why we emphasize the fact of just simply BE Light. That covers so much ground! And, by the way, it is a lovely phenomenon, it is something you like to see and be close to. Take the sunlight for instance : it makes people lighthearted and brings them in a good mood, it litterally lifts their spirits! Nobody likes to dwell in dark times or in dark places : it feels depressing and it instigates “fear”. Even in this regard Light is an important concept for you as humans and it is obvious that you like to be close to Light and to feel it.
My Beloved ones, I strongly suggest that you bask in the sunlight in all its glory. That way you can replenish yourself and energize your batteries so to speak which are now depleted from all the changes and all the upgrades your physical body had to undergo lately . Take a walk in the sun, bask in the sunlight and take in as much sunlight as possible so that you are energized and light-hearted again. Solar energy is not only a free energy for the current appliances and their technologies but also for your physical body. The sun is really important in the solar system and is far more than a source of warmth and energy for you and for Mother Earth. The Sun is the greatest Stargate by far in your solar system and is used amply by other civilizations from far away galaxies. For centuries, the Sun has been used that way and in the near future it will all become more obvious for you.
Fill yourself with energy and with Light. My Beloved Ones, don't get dragged by the lower vibrations which were more present than usual in the past few days. Remain steadfast in your inner knowing and purpose and take into account that it is possible that these lower vibrations travel along your energy fields on their way out of this planet. Lightworkers who are firmly dedicated in their spiritual evolution might be targeted since this is a collective context. So don't take it personally, those lower vibrations can no longer go along and were requested to leave Gaia; a process that will happen collectively. We wish them the best and send them Love and Light on their evolutionary path. And that is something you should be doing too : acknowledge their presence and send them Love. Then just go on with your day, don't look back and don't get triggered by them.
I Am Melchizedek of the Great White Brotherhood and I thank you for bringing this message forward. Namaste.
Copyright © 2012 by Méline Lafont. All Rights Reserved. Permission is given to copy and distribute this material, provided the content is copied in its entirety and unaltered, is distributed freely, and this copyright notice and links are included. http://pleiadedolphininfos .blogspot.be