


原文:Melchizedek ~~ Disclosure and Ascension, 2 important events... Which one is the most important for YOU? ~~ 01/08/2012 Channeled by Méline Lafont.
管道:Méline Lafont 

親愛的朋友們, 問好!我是麥基洗德,今天特別高興地歡迎你們。我正在代表全人類去參加一個非常重要的會議的途中,這將在全球範圍內帶來巨大變化。正如你最近已通過無數通靈管道通知,大揭露將至,我們清楚地知道現在即將發生什麼。因為我們和銀河兄弟們的緊密合作,他們也是你們的兄弟,我們靈界目前也積極參與這個巨大項目的定稿,把演化成就帶給地球。 由於揭露是如此迫在眉睫,你將終於開始體驗到,這個項目將在你的世界帶來的巨大變化。這將是個“大事件”所以別害怕;不妨這樣說,這個事件將把你們的世界和世界觀都顛覆掉。你會知道真正的真相,你會看到舊體制自身的崩潰,因為你已經撤回了對它的信心。舊政權自生自滅並正在給嶄新的覺醒的新世界典範讓路。我們朝著揚升前進,而揭露工程本質上就是它的一部分。揚升的揭露部分將建立許多的改變並將提升人類意識水平的程度。揚升,正如我已經保證過的,是非常緊迫的而且不可能被忽視的;不管發生什麼,一切都將按神聖的頒布進行。 很快即將發生的是一個世界範圍的事件,將影響整個地球歷史。我們已經達到了一個里程碑,這是應該在前一段時間就達到的一個點。雖說這樣,目前我們還是已經正式抵達了這個神聖的和最終的時間表,它不能再被延遲了。你們現在就將集體開始意識到銀河存在,就在你們的此時此刻。讓一切按它應該的那樣發展,我親愛的朋友們。不要試圖強迫這個發布--這是我們所承諾的:你可以肯定,它會在神聖的時刻通過。揭露項目的發展沿著它自己的道路進行,它涉及了這麼許多方面。這將關係到許多的靈魂,光工作者們已有充分準備,但不要忘了也還有一些靈魂對目前在你們世界上所發生的還沒有一點概念。我們甚至還要考慮到那些仍然什麼都不知道的靈魂,我們非常清楚地知道我們必須做什麼,所以請充滿信心,高高興興,但別再想它了,把這一切交給我們! 我敦促你們繼續安住於完美的和諧與安寧之中,每天繼續冥想並發送愛給全人類和地球母親。快樂地期待我們的第一次接觸,但盡量不要強迫它,盡量不要固定它。我真得不得不強調這個忠告,我親愛的朋友。你們的自我揚升進程,如果是至關重要並且要求你的完全認定投入;那最好還是把你的精力集中在你的揚升上。銀河聯邦和我們已經完全掌握了揭露工程的韁繩,並且我們一起重點把精力放在那上面。所以你們沒必要去考慮它或者積極地從事這項工作。那些光之工作者--他們在其中做自己的一點貢獻的,涉及到這些靈魂的靈魂契約--他們在契約裡選擇了這個工作並且知道他們為什麼在這兒。。。還是把這工作留 給他們這些有能力的手中,因為他們知道自己的任務,這是他們來地球的首要任務。每一個靈魂來到地球都有他自己的目的,並且每個靈魂都有自己獨特的靈魂任務要完成。在這些重要的時刻,涉及到的工作和貢獻的方式是均勻分佈給許多靈魂的。甚至那些還沒有醒來的靈魂也有他們在這兒-地球上的目的。 我們唯一請求你們的是,請你們充滿愛心與慈悲,並將愛發送給地球上每一個活著的靈魂。由於那些所謂的和自封的領導人仍然充耳不聞,你們對於自由和揭露的要求和需求,我們現在將接過這方面的韁繩,這是給你們的一個援助。你們都是平等的,那種有關領袖的觀念--一個人把他/她自己凌駕於眾人之上,這是不符合神性的。領袖欲是小我參與的一個面向,並以絕望為基礎。請繼續你們的提升進程,我們將繼續努力於銀河文明存在的宣布工作。歸根結底一切都是有關於揚升!你們會被有關揭露的新聞和公告通知到的,就在你們的當下時刻,請相信我,你不會錯過它! 我是偉大的白衣兄弟會的麥基洗德,謝謝你這個機會傳遞這個信息。合十敬禮。


My Beloved Ones,

Greetings, I Am Melchizedek and I am most pleased to welcome you today. I am on my way to a very important meeting on behalf of all humanity which will bring huge changes on a worldwide scale. As you have been informed recently through numerous channelings, Disclosure is approaching and we know full well what is to be done now. Because of our close cooperation with our Galactic Brothers, who are your Brothers also, we of the Spiritual Hierarchy are presently actively involved in the finalization of this enormous project to bring it to fruition on your Earth.

As Disclosure is so imminent you will at last begin to experience the enormous changes that this project will bring about on your world. This will be a “biggie” so don't be frightened; this event will turn your world and your worldviews upside down in a manner of speaking. You will get to know the real Truth and you will observe the old regime collapsing in on itself as you have withdrawn your faith in it. That old regime has run its course and is making way for the new and enlightened paradigm of your New World. We move upwards to Ascension and the project of Disclosure is intrinsically a part of it. The Disclosure part of Ascension will establish a lot of changes and will elevate the degree of humanity's consciousness level. Ascension is, as I have already stipulated, very imminent and can not be overlooked ; no matter what happens, all will proceed as Divinely Decreed.

What is to happen very shortly is an event of worldwide impact in the whole history of Earth. We have reached a milestone, a point which should have been reached some time ago. Nevertheless, at present we duly have arrived at the Divine and ultimate timeline and it can no longer be postponed. You are just now collectively beginning to become aware of the Galactic Presence in your moment of NOW. Let it al evolve as it should my dear ones. Don't try to force the issues to which we are committed : you can be sure that it will come to pass in Divine Timing. The Disclosure project has to evolve along its own path and it involves so many aspects. Many souls are involved and the Lightworkerss are more than ready but don't forget that there are also souls who have no clue as to what is transpiring at present on your world. We even take those, still ignorant, souls into account and we know perfectly well what we have to do, so have faith, be in joy, but let it go and leave it all to us!

I urge you to remain in perfect harmony and serenity, to keep on meditating daily and to send Love to all humanity and to Mother Earth. Be joyfully expectant of our First Contact but try not to force it, try not to fix it. I really have to stress that piece of advice, my beloved ones. Your own Ascension process if of the utmost importance and requires your full commitment ; so it is far better that you only focus on your Ascension. The Galactic Federation and we have taken full reins of the Disclosure project and together we all focus on that. You don't have to think of it or be actively engaged in it .  Those of the Light Workerswho do their bit to contribute therein, concern the souls who have chosen this job as a soul contract and know why they are here .. Leave this work also in their capable hands as they are aware of their tasks for which they came to Earth in the first place. Every soul has its own purpose for which they came to Earth and every soul has its own unique soul tasks to perform. That way the work and the contributions involved are evenly distributed amongst many souls in these important times. Even the unawakened ones have their purpose for being here on Earth.

The only thing we ask of you is that you are loving and that you give Love to every living soul on Earth. Since the so-called and self-proclaimed leaders remain deaf to your request and demand for freedom and Disclosure,we now take the reins in that respect and this is an assistance to you. You are all equal and the notion of leadership, of 1 person placing him/herself above all others, is alien to God. Leadership is a facet of ego-involvement and is founded on despair. Just continue on with your Ascension process and we will continue to work on announcing the Presence of the Galactic Civilizations. It is finally all about Ascension! You will be notified of the news and the announcement of Disclosure in your NOW moment, believe me , you will not miss it!

I Am Melchizedek of the Great White Brotherhood and I thank you for the chance to bring this message forth. Namaste. 

 Copyright © 2012 by Méline Lafont. All Rights Reserved. Permission is given to copy and distribute this material, provided the content is copied in its entirety and unaltered, is distributed freely, and this copyright notice and links are included.
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