轉載自: http://blog.sina.com.cn/s/blog_6d1491d50102e436.html
Beloved Ones,
Take time out often to be kind to yourselves as there is much happening upon the inner planes for each of you. The work that you do is multi-dimensional with many dimensions involved. As you continue to come into greater alignment with your Oversoul, so too, do many higher aspects and qualities of your multi-dimensional selves. The work of spiritual progress is one that is ongoing and as most of you who read these messages are aware, goes well beyond the planetary initiations. Most of you are working on Cosmic and Galactic initiations as well.
Many of you have teachers that are only now coming into your sphere of activity as you have risen in your frequency levels. These teachers have been with you for eons and are standing by waiting for your awareness of their presence. Take time to open yourselves to their guidance and direction. We are all working as One and there is only the highest goodwill and cooperation between we of the Planetary Ascended Ones and those of the Cosmic and Galactic Ones, with peace and harmony prevailing. We too, are working on higher initiations as we seek to serve the Planetary Logos and Prime Creator, for upon 5th dimensional and higher worlds, it is service to others that moves us forward and as has been said before, to whom much is given, much is also required.
It is important to continue to persist in the raising and maintaining of your frequency levels for this will make your way easier as the Cosmic energies increase in the atmosphere of your Planet. It requires perseverance and dedication to stick to your highest vision and trust that all is well, no matter the outward appearances in the World around you. As the Awakening Ones become aware of their greater potential, their initial reactions are to let others know what they have discovered and they are in the process of learning that Awakening occurs when a Soul is ready and cannot be forced to happen, although usually the Awakening happens through some event in their lives that shocks and confounds and causes a great deal of inner searching and discovery.
Make a practice of visualizing yourselves as the true you, the magnificent Being of Light and Love that is coming into greater alignment with your human self. This requires complete Love and acceptance of Self just as you are without making comparisons with others around you. Many of you are finding this phase of work difficult because of lifetimes of putting yourselves last rather than first. Give yourselves great Love and honor and align with your Great I AM Presence often during each day. Listen to music that causes upliftment of your heart and Being . You will know which music does this for you and we counsel that you make use of this most pleasant tool for increasing and maintaining of your frequency levels.
Seek to spend as much of your time in 5th dimensional energies as is possible while still being grounded into the Earth's crystalline diamond core. Your presence and your highest intentions are most important at this time, as the human will surrenders to Divine Will, for your own highest good and for the highest good of All. As more and more people do this, the overall energy of the new Planetary grids increases in frequency and this in turn, uplifts all Humanity. Remember to honor the needs of your body physical with all that it needs to go through the ongoing changes with greater ease and grace. Turn your face to the Sun in silent praise and gratitude as you affirm that you are the Master of your destiny striding towards the horizon to victory. Stay focused and centered as you go about your daily living.
Until next week…
I AM Hilarion