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當我們穿過終點線時, 讓愛成為你們的旗幟和標識

By CM thru Johan


Oct 11, 2011 - 3:51:31 PM





I went on to ask for communication with CMAton if there was anything different from the given directive that He wanted me to do or focus on and He asked me to come and sit at the computer, excercise the Oneness Principle, while being in meditative state and in the Christ Consciousness and write :



'' We have warned, we have explained, we are monitoring, but once the dominoes fall, there will be no stopping anymore... One serie of dominoes of one category of life will influence a serie of dominoes of another category because when the fundamentals of your society swing and sway and fall, the rest will collapse like the twin towers in NY. All is ment to go that way, as it was organised by the dark, yet used by us now as a momentum, necessary to prepare the world population to see for themselves. Ignoring still will be impossible, yet a choice that many will make out of fear, and attack more to be revealed in very uncomfortable ways. 




The difference with people Guided, Inspired and in the knowing is that they can prepare themselves physically, emotionally, mentally, spiritually, because of their Spiritual Secure Connection, daily meditations, and be of help to others who panic. This my star seeds and Light workers is the phase we are entering. Panic will bring many to their knees and they will look up for any help possible. Being there as human and as loving as possible will serve the best, but stay vigilant, although protected, do not follow unrational and illogical paths. No time for hero's, but for balanced leaders and people who trust their Inner and Higher Guidance blindly while standing for what you KNOW and have been informed about. 

那些被指引的,受啟迪的,以及處於知曉中的人們所擁有的不同之處在於,他們能從物質上、情緒上、心理上和靈性上準備好他們自己,他們有著[靈性上可靠的連接],日常的冥想,以及對那些恐慌之人伸出援助之手。我的星際種子和光工作者們,這就是我們要進入的階段。恐慌會迫使許多人屈服,他們會不顧一切的尋求幫助。作為人類出現在他們那裡,盡可能的充滿愛意會發揮最佳作用,但要保持機警,儘管受到保護,不要遵循不合理的和不合邏輯的路線。此刻不是逞英雄之際,而是成為那些保持平衡的領導者和民眾, 他們會堅定地相信內在和更高的指引,同時支持你們所[知曉]的以及已被告知的信息。


You are all where you suppose to be, so do not travel in panic, this will not help anybody, but trust that you are where you suppose to be as Guidance has brought you there. Even if news breaks that danger is underway, YOU WILL BE TAKEN CARE OF IF NEEDBE, AS WE ARE ON STANDBY AND FULL ALERT as things might change quickly and all will run its perfect course. Go with your inner flow in TRUST AND FAITH and demonstrate what you are made off to the best of your abilities . Know that your Inner and Higher Self is never in danger, and WE are in control of that, if you let us ...




Ask each meditation and moment of reflection and contemplation WHAT IT IS YOU NEED TO KNOW, as you have been well prepared and TRUST that what comes as answer is more valid and solid than gold. As the level of anxiety is rising everywhere, as nobody sees good fortune in the near and mid term future, your balance and determination to do Good unto Others, to help out, to Serve will outweigh all fear, all negative, all questions and will open your lines of Higher Assistance beyond words. The time has come to cross that finish line. I do not come to panic you, to say stuff is about to hit the fan in the hours to come, but all is possible from now on, its happening already, but impossible for you to see and know all at the same time, so remain vigilant, your twice a day and noon inner moments will prove to be of enormous help to you now and I am proud of those who stood their ground even when things become more fluid then ever. Salu, this is CMAton opening the lines of communications to all of you Light workers even more clearly now and let Love by your banner and your trademark. '' 




in Divine Love, Light and Service, Always and in All Ways, 







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