Summer Stalemate Continues But Lots Going On Under The Surface In Preparation For Autumn Regime Changes
by Benjamin Fulford, July 31 , 2012
本傑明富爾福德 2012 年 7 月 31 日
War and rumors of war continue to be promoted by terrorist states like the US, Israel and their secret ally Iran as the desperate criminal cabal that seized power in the West continues to hope they can trigger World War 3 and thus avoid bankruptcy. There are also continuing rumors of horrific new terrorist attacks by the cabal and their “Al CIAda ” subsidiary (a nuclear attack on London being one possibility) in a desperate attempt to implement their plan for a fascist New World Order world government.
Their desperation and cynicism has reached the point that corporate propaganda media outlets do not even seem to notice as they report their governments are fighting “Al Qaeda” in Afghanistan even as they finance it in Syria and Libya.
The 150 nations BRICS alliance, for its part, continues to refuse to support terrorist financing groups like the European Central Bank and the Federal Reserve Board and is instead promoting the universal human goals of peaceful, environmentally friendly development.
當媒體報導他們的政府正在與“基地組織”戰鬥的時候,甚至在他們在敘利亞和利比亞提供財政經費的時候,企業宣傳媒體似乎沒有註意到,陰謀集團的絕望和憤世嫉俗已經達到了頂點。150 國家金磚國家聯盟,在他們那一方面,繼續拒絕支持恐怖主義金融集團,比如歐洲央行、美聯儲,相反地,金磚聯盟促進普世人類目標,如和平、環保地友好地發展。
Under the surface, meanwhile, power struggles continue in preparation for regime changes in China, the US and the EU this fall.
同時,在表面之下,權力鬥爭在繼續,為金秋中國、美國和歐洲政* 權變化做準備。
The cabal controlled Western governments are beating the war drums in part as a negotiating strategy first to get them past the September 31 fiscal half-year financial deadline and second to strengthen their hand in ongoing negotiations about the new financial system.
陰謀集團控制的西方政府正在敲打戰爭的戰鼓,以此作為他們談判策略的一部分,(陰謀集團)首先想讓他們自己度過9 月31 日的上半財年金融截止期限,其次想在正在進行的有關新金融系統的談判中加強他們的勢力。
The situation for many Western governments is similar to that of an individual trying to postpone an inevitable bankruptcy. In this case, instead of bills piling up, all sorts of countries are trying to cash real bonds issued by members of the Western banking cartel only to run into a wall of excuses and delays.
For example, when an international group of investors tried to cash a large amount of Brazilian bonds recently, some key lawyers involved suddenly got violently ill while others recused themselves following death threats. The bonds are real but that does not help their case.
In Japan meanwhile, in addition to the 7000 trillion yen sitting frozen in the Bank of Japan's computers, another 5000 trillion yen batch of bonds has turned up. The 5000 trillion yen worth of bonds in question were issued in the 1970's when Prime Minister Kakuei Tanaka of Japan restored diplomatic relations with China, according to Chinese government sources. Tanaka offered the money to China's Zhou Enlai but he refused to accept them and said the Japanese people should use the money instead. These bonds then went into limbo but an Asian group now has them and is planning to cash them at the Bank of Japan and use the money for humanitarian projects.
同時,在日本,除了7000 萬億日元凍結在日本銀行的電腦里之外,另外一批5000 萬億日元的債券又出現了。據中* 國政* 府的消息來源說,提到的價值5000 萬億日元的債券是在1970 年代,當日本首相田中角榮恢復與中國的外交關係時發行的債券。田中角榮將這些錢提供給中國的周恩來總理, 但是周總理拒絕接受這些錢,並說日本人民應該使用這部分錢。然後,這些債券就被棄置了,但是一個亞洲的組織現在活得了這批債券,正計劃在日本銀行兌現並用於人道主義項目。
Other large denomination US dollar gold backed bonds have also surfaced. The owners welcome legal scrutiny of these bonds because they are confident they are genuine, sources close to the owners say. This group would also like to use the bonds for humanitarian purposes.
Once again though, all they will be doing is to bring a real bill to a dead beat borrower.
The fact of the matter is that although these bonds are all real, the amounts of money involved are too big for it to be possible to simply cash them.
A Rockefeller family representative is now in Asia trying to come up with a solution that staves off the Federal Reserve Board bankruptcy that cashing the bonds would involve. Instead the bond holders would be given “realistic” sums of money in exchange for allowing massive humanitarian projects to be undertaken by Western interests.
The White Dragon Society, for its part, has been invited to send a representative to North Korea to try to sort out the situation in the Korean peninsula and Japan in a harmonious manner. The visit is expected to take place in August but may be delayed until September depending on what preliminary Tokyo negotiations conclude.
白龍會,在他們那一方面,已經受邀派出代表去朝鮮,試著以一種和諧的方式來清理朝鮮半島和日本的局勢。根據初步的東京談判的結果,這一訪問預期在8 月份舉行,但是也許會被延後到9 月份。
The new regime in North Korea is ready for a fundamental change in relations with the West and their Japanese and South Korean puppet regimes. The Japanese and South Koreans are also preparing for independence from the West meaning that the biggest changes in East Asia since the end of World War 2 are becoming a very realistic possibility.
Desperate cabal war-mongering over tiny little disputed islands may inflame a few hot-heads on all sides but is unlikely to derail anything. As the central Asian saying puts it “the dogs bark but the caravan rolls on.”
In any case, no real breakthrough is expected during the summer months. Instead, negotiations, punctuated by the occasional bouts of shouting and threats, will continue until at least September.
無論如何,預期在夏季的月份裡不會有任何真正的突破。取而代之地,談判將會繼續,至少持續到9 月份,(雖然)不時被偶發的大喊大叫或者威脅而打斷。
Regime change is also expected in Europe this fall but it will be a change in the financial, rather than the political regime. What happens there depends in large part on the esoteric financial negotiations going on between Asia and the West over the summer.
政* 權變化也預期金秋在歐洲發生,但是它將會是在金融政權方面的,而不是政治政權方面。在那裡所發生的事情很大程度上取決於整個夏天都在進行的亞洲和西方之間的秘密談判。
轉載自“ xiaohaozi0716 新浪博客”