原文:Saint Germain ~~ Your own Creation and Your own Disclosure are now becomming more visible ~~ 21/08/2012 Channeled by Méline Lafont.
管道:Méline Lafont
親愛的朋友們, 今天最讓我高興的就是對你們說話,此時最強烈的變化正發生在你們的世界上。我很高興前來,在當前即將來臨的這個非常積極的勢頭里。作為一個已經揚升的大師,我真地非常珍視你們的進化進程,因為,可以這麼說-在一個很短的時間內,你們已經移走了許多座大山。現在最重要的是在這些問題上的繼續合作,因為這是真得很有必要把這兩個偉大的工程--稱之為揚升和揭示的--去徹底實現。 揭示本身可以被看作是對那些迄今仍然對你們所有人是秘密的某些問題的解開。剛剛提到的解開現在正十分努力地推進去釋放到你們的世界,我親愛的朋友。無形的障礙正被完全地解除,允許秘密被揭開面紗以找到自己的方式去通過混亂。將會有些混亂,但只有一小會兒。在新的模式能夠浮出表面佔據應有的位置之前,幾個“爆發”不得不首先發生。從集體的以及個人的層面,你們都正發現你們自己目前正處在這個打開階段。有意識地去協助這個打開階段,因為這是必要的。 我們已經到了一個偉大榮耀的時刻,它正等著我們所有人,我真的是指所有!!!這包括已經揚升的大師們,指導者們,大天使們,銀河兄弟們,內部地球文明以及無數的“空靈”世界和住在地球上你們之中的小動物們。這是一個聚集,團圓,合作和相互友愛的時刻。大覺醒將在人類當中和你們親愛的地球母親上展開,這得感謝正在到達的無盡之愛-和光的能量。她將能夠首先顯示她的真實本質,然後你們將跟隨她的腳步。 一切都將改變,從你們的內在自我去看,一切都看上去美得驚人。你將達到純淨之愛的狀態,你將在其中感受到彼此的愛。從這個純淨之愛的狀態,你的感知將發生前所未有的改變;一切過去是重要的東西將不再重要,一切曾經是堅固的,給與你安全感的東西將不再如此。地球母親將轉變成一個美麗的光球,她會輕輕地抖落她的皮膚,這皮膚幾個世紀以來一直把她困在低振動裡。請為之高興和感激吧,因為這個轉變是人類能夠見證和體驗到的最美麗的禮物。你們就是那些被挑選來使這一切真得發生的優秀的靈魂們。去提升一切到一個更高的層次,並啟發了不只是你們自己還有整個人類和地球。你們選擇了甚至於從最困難最嚴重的情況下去完成這個壯舉。 一開始,沒人肯定知道這是否有任何成功的機會;就是說,以前從沒有過要完成這麼個壯舉卻開始於這麼低的振動中--這其中有很多負面的東西猖獗,並且在其中你被輕視,最重要的是你不得不忍受這一切,而居住在一個有限制的身體裡。這個以前真得從來沒有過--在一個揚升過程中。而且因為這是一個自由意志的星球,並不總是顯而易見地知道我們能夠從哪裡介入,哪裡又不能夠。我們被允許在需要的地方介入,很多次我們都是在最糟糕的情況下這樣做的;但另一方面,有時事情的發生被選擇在一個集體的規模上,這些情況 下介入就被禁止…這(集體的意志)被要求尊重。 現在我,聖哲曼,衷心地說:“完成得很棒!”你們已經成功地幾乎完成了整個提升過程,並且順利地走在收穫你們勞動果實的路上--以你們的解救和自我認知為形式--這認知將最終再次是你的了。你們是最傑出的靈魂,能夠成功克服一切可能性並已經前進到達這樣一個程度:不可能再回頭了!現在光在各條戰線上都贏得了勝利,並且沒有一點黑暗勢力能夠穿過而自身不被光所影響。許多的企圖已經被無效化了,仍然有黑暗勢力試圖破壞光的努力,但卻無濟於事;他們不再能夠對你們的世界和光有影響力了。他們的企圖都是徒勞的,並逐漸減弱以至完全消失。 讓最後的這些黑暗的靈魂們離開;你將通過集體的連接感受到他們,他們由此離開。你將很快能夠窺見你的內心世界--這是你已經在你周圍所創造的。你就是這新世界的創造者,你將看到哪些個人的變化會顯現以及哪些遮蓋你們自己新世界的面紗將被揭開。請注意,我指的是集體以及個人的變化。在你的世界裡那些很明顯的變化將在許多方面不同於那些發生在別人的世界裡的變化。因此非常有可能,一個特定的靈魂不會看到對 另一個靈魂來說是很明顯的一些具體變化:一切都取決於你所創造的以及你的意識層次。確定自己想要創造什麼,以及什麼樣的變化將顯現,因為它們是個人化的!從你的內在生命所創造的一切將被體現在你的外在世界裡。 我是聖哲曼
Dear Ones,
I am most pleased to speak to you today while the most intense changes are happening on your world. I like to step forward in this very positive momentum which is currently at hand. As an Ascended Master I really do value your evolutionary process, for you have moved many mountains as it were, in a short period of time. It is now of utmost importance to continue cooperating in these matters as this is really necessary to bring the two great common projects to complete fruition namely Ascension and Disclosure.
Disclosure in itself can be seen as the unravellings of certain issues that have heretofore remained secrets for all of you. Afore-mentioned unravellings are now pushing very hard to get released on your world, my dear ones. The invisible barriers are now fully lifted allowing the secrets to be unveiled to find their way through the chaos. For there will be chaos, but only for a little while. A few 'outbursts' have to happen firstly before the new paradigm can surface to take its rightful place. Collectively as well as personally you are all finding yourselves at present In this phase of opening-up. Assist this opening-up phase consciously as it is necessary.
We have arrived in a time of great Glory that is awaiting us all and I really do mean all!! Including the Ascended Masters, the guides, the Archangels, the Galactic Brethren, the Inner Earth civilization as well as the countless “ethereal” worlds and the little creatures who dwell on Earth amongst you. It is a time of gathering, of reunions, of cooperation and of mutual Love. Great Awakenings will unfold amongst humanity and on your beloved Mother Earth thanks to the arrival of endless Love – and Light energies. She will be able to firstly show Her true nature to you, and then you will follow in Her footsteps.
Everything will change and will look astonishingly beautiful as seen from your inner Self. You are about to reach the state of pure Love in which you will feel and be Loving for one another. From this state of pure Love your perceptions will change as never before ; all that used to be important will no longer be so, all that once was solid, that gave a sense of security will cease to be that way. Mother Earth will transform in a beautiful Light Sphere and She will softly shake off her skin, which for centuries has held Her captive in a low vibration. Be happy and be very grateful for this transformation is the most beautiful gift that humanity can witness and experience. You are the wonderful souls that were chosen to make this all really come to pass! To lift everything to a higher level and to enlighten not only yourself but also the whole of humanity and the Earth. You have chosen to accomplish this feat even from the most difficult, heavy of circumstances.
At first nobody knew with certainty if this had any chance of success ; that is, it had never been done before to accomplish this feat starting from these very low vibrations in which lots of negatitivy were rampant and in which you were belittled and on top of that, you had to endure this all while inhabiting a limiting physical body. This really hadn't been done before in an Ascension process. And since this is a planet of free will, it is not always evident to know where we can interfere and where we can't. We have permission to interfere where needed and many times we do so in the worst cases; but on the other hand sometimes things happen which are chosen on a collective scale and where intervention is prohibited … This has to be respected .
Now I, Saint Germain, say wholeheartedly :”Well done!” You have succeeded in almost finishing up this whole Ascension process and you are well on your way to reap the fruits of your labor in the form of your deliverance and your Self-knowledge which will finally be yours again. You are the most fantastic souls who were able to succeed against all odds and who have forged ahead to such a degree that there's no way back anymore! The Light has won on all fronts now and no amount of darkness will be able to pierce through without itself being affected by the Light. Many attempts have been nullified and still the dark ones try to undermine the efforts of the Light but to no avail ; they can no longer hold any influence over your world and the Light . Their attempts are futile and are weakening gradually to disappear altogether.
Let the last of these dark souls depart ; you will be able to feel them due to the collective link through which they leave. You will very soon now be able to get a glimpse of your inner world which you have created around you. You are the creator of this new world and you will see which personal changes are evident and which veils of your own new world will be lifted. Be aware that I am referring to collective as well as personal changes. The changes that are obvious in your world will differ from the changes that will happen to somebody else's world on so many points. And so it is quite possible that a particular soul will not see specific changes that are obvious to another soul : it all depends on what you have created and on your level of consciousness. Determine for yourself what you want to create and what changes will become apparent for they are personal! All that you have created from your inner being will be reflected in your outer world.
I AM Saint Germain.
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