轉載自: http://blog.sina.com.cn/s/blog_6d1491d50102e4nh.html
Beloved Ones,
The energies of Love are all around you and those of you who have been preparing for these times are beginning to experience many moments of clarity and insight about your purpose for being on this Planet. These insights come to you as flashes that come and go, sometimes so quickly that you wonder if you were imagining them. Trust in the knowledge of your own destiny that is coming through for you and have faith that all is unfolding just as it should in perfect, divine timing. Many assistants both on Earth and in the higher dimensions are preparing you for the greatest experience of many lifetimes and many galactic cycles, the experience of Ascension.
The energies that you have been transmuting on a continual basis come in cyclic waves and right now the Cosmic energies have been pouring down upon this Planet and then the process of clearing and releasing will start again. Each wave of new energy moves each person into a deeper purge than before and this is an uncomfortable process but one that must be experienced by all. Humanity as a whole is not in a state of waking awareness yet of what is occurring to them, however, the energies affect all upon your World and on a higher level of their Beings, all have chosen this experience and all desire to ascend.
Those of you who carry the Light are asked to remain centered and calm as you go about your daily activities. It is important to remain focused upon the grounding of this Light into the core of the Planet so that you are always in equilibrium. Be observers of that which unfolds around you, rather than participants, and look for signs in all places that changes are taking place. Your intuitive faculties and power of discernment will be much employed in these times. Go within daily to commune on a deeper level with your Divine Presence and listen to the still, small voice that guides you unerringly to your destiny.
Ensure that you start your day with your energies cleared of all extraneous influence so that you can remain aware when in the company or vicinity of others around you when additional clearing and centering needs to be performed. Remember that everyone is experiencing the cleansing of their emotional bodies and can leak this dross into the energy fields of others around them, so vigilance and awareness is necessary. Know that you have the power to change the energies within your auric field simply by intention and that you also can upgrade the energies of those around you by intending only that only the highest good can manifest for all.
Remember, as you observe the World around you, that you have already surpassed the challenges that are now gripping the lives of Humanity as a whole and you do not need to partake of it except to intend the Light of God in any situation that comes to your awareness. Call upon your Holy Christ Self of the Light to manifest through you and practice being your higher essence with intention. The qualities of compassion, kindness and helpfulness will lift the hearts of those around you who need to know that they are not alone . You can make a positive difference.
Until next week….
I AM Hilarion