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SaLuSa to Me – 25th Oct. 2011 – With Your New Bodies, Your Energy WillKnow No Limit
Laura : Hello SaLuSa, here is a question from one of our readers:
“ Iseem to be more emotionally sensitive lately. Heartfelt music, a powerful newsstory, and/or bearing witness to an act of love carried out in some socialsituation, seems to immediately bring me to tears. Is this a part of thechanging energies we are receiving ? Or is this a symptom of 3D stress? I waslistening to a news story about the family deceased organ donors meeting therecipients of the donors and the healing that takes place in the process…..Icouldn't help myself, I just broke out into tears. It felt great but I had towonder if this was normal……because for me, this is not normal. It seems to behappening more often lately.”
Laura :哈囉,SaLuSa ,這是來自我們一位讀者的問題:
SaLuSa: What is going on for you is a reconnection to your feelingcentre. This is a normal process, and a wonderful sign. It is a sign that youare opening up your heart tothe world around you. Your emotional intelligence is opening up, as we are moving higher in the vibrational level. Thisis indeed wonderful news. There is much pain accumulated in your body cells, in yourdormant memory cells. This energyneeds to be awakening, and released. Your tears are contributing to opening up your chakras, it is sacred work you aredoing dear one. You are beginning to see the world for what it is, you arebeginning to understand the bigger picture. You are beginning to feelcompassion for your loved ones, for Mother Earth, and most importantly for yourself.
SaLuSa :正在你們身上發生的是,與你們【情感中心】(feelingcentre) 的重新連結。這是個正常的過程,也是個美妙的徵兆。這是你們向周圍世界敞開心房的徵兆。當我們朝向更高振動水平前進,你們的“情緒智商”正被開通。這真的是美妙的消息。有許多累積在你們身體細胞中的痛苦,在你們休眠的 記憶細胞裡。這些能量需要甦醒,並且釋放開來。眼淚能幫助你打通脈輪,親愛的,這是你正在進行的神聖工作。你們正開始看到世界如“它是”的樣子,你們正開始理解更宏大的視野。你們正開始感覺對摯愛、對地球母親,最重要的是對你們自己的同理心。
Allow your tears to flow freely, without fear or shame; because it ispart of your awakening process, it is part of becoming a Galactic Human Being.It is part of your own Ascension process. Energy blockages are common in yourEarthly bodies, and translate into physical body tensions.
允許眼淚自然落下,不挾帶恐懼或羞愧;因為這是你覺醒過程的一部份,成為【銀河人類】(GalacticHuman Being )的一部分。它是你自己揚升過程中的一部分。能量的堵塞在你們地球性的身體非常普遍,轉換成了身體的緊繃。
Sensation with Mother Earth, connection with your body, direct sensationof your physical tensions will contribute to release these energy blockagesfrom your body. By listening to your body, and your thoughts, you are in factconnecting with your higher self. You are by passing your head centre, which isalways self-absorbed in imagination, in the past and in making future plans.This part of you never remains quiet and still, it must be acknowledged as apart of yourself. However, this part has taken over your true self, and this isthe case for most of the Western World and Developed Countries.
與地球母親一同感覺,連結你的身體,直接感知物理性(身體)的緊繃,將幫助放鬆你們身體內的能量堵塞。藉由聆聽你的身體、想法,事實上就是在連結你的高我。你繞過【頭腦中心】(headcentre) ──總是專注自己假想的利益事物,活在過去並不斷製造藍圖的地方。這部份使你們從未能保持安靜不動,這被視作為你們自己身上一部分。然而這部份已經接管你們的真實自我,這是大多數西方世界和開發中國家的狀況。
The best way to quiet this artificially implanted device, which wasimplanted thousands of generations ago, into your ancestors psyche, is to domorning, evening meditations, to listen to your higher self throughout the day,by connecting to your body. It is also very important to keep doing physicalwork, in moderation of course, which will contribute to relax this device andcalm it down, by preventing from staying into negative damaging imagination.What is meant by this term is when the imagination contributes to creating andattracting negative events, due to anticipated fear, and uneasy emotions. Italso means that this part of your brain, by never finding peace, contributes topreventing you from living in the here and now moment.
The Here and Now moment is present every time you are present into yourlife, dear ones. Every time you are present into your body, and can remain intothe back of your head, which is connected to your spine. When you can remainthere, even for a few seconds, you can have a real look at the world aroundyou, and at the same time you are having a real look inside of you. You arereceiving an accurate picture of what being a Galactic Human Being is. When youcan remain anchored there, if only for a few seconds, there is no need forwords, there is no need for fear. You have knowledge of the past, of thepresent and of the future at once. You can see others and yourself such as youreally are, without even a shadow of a judgement. You are at complete peace, incomplete balance, and connected to your heart also. This is why you cry, myfriend.
Laura: Thank you SaLuSa. I believe you would also like to give us ashort update?
Laura :SaLuSa 謝謝你。我相信你也許同樣有想帶給我們的新訊息?
SaLuSa: Yes, indeed. Your world, as well as your Being is going throughtremendous transformations. As a consequence, you are being excessively tiredand short tempered when this happens. It is important to make as many breaks asrequired when you are working, and to try to relax. Sleep well, and do not beashamed of doing so. The caterpillar also performs its transformation intobutterfly during its sleep period. You are this caterpillar now; you need torest in order for the transformation to take place.
SaLuSa :確實。你們的世界與你們人類正進入通過巨大的【轉變】。就結果來說,當這些事發生,你們正經歷過度的疲憊與易怒的情緒。當你們工作時,需要盡可能多作休息,這點相當重要,並試著放鬆。保持良好的睡眠,別為這件事感到不好意思。毛毛蟲也在睡眠期間蛻變成蝴蝶。你們現在就是這只毛毛蟲;你們為了【轉變】的發生需要作休息。
With your new bodies, your energy will know no limit. You will literallybe able to fly into any place of your Galaxy by thought alone. You will be ableto transport across the time and space continuum with the power of yourthought. Such will be the reality of your world. You must be all noticing theslight improvements on your psychic abilities. Your ability for communion withyour higher self has quadrupled for the best part. It must be very obvious tothose of you who are most sensitive to these types of impressions. Imagine dearfriends , what it will be like to know what those around you are feeling andthinking just by receiving their feelings and thoughts by telepathy. Imaginewhat it will be like to know what a person has been doing since last time youhave seen her or him, just in the space of a split second, just by looking at them.As you are travelling across the higher dimensions, you will be able to hearand feel others by thought alone, no matter how far you are from this person.
帶著你們新的身體,你們的能量將是無限的。只要透過想法,你們將能如字面上飛去你們銀河系中任何一個地方。藉由思想的力量,你們將能傳送穿越時空。這將成為你們世界的事實。你們必定注意到這點在心靈能力的些許改善。你們與高我溝通的能力已有最有效的成長。在你們那些對這類型印象相當敏感的人身上必相當明顯了。親愛的朋友,想像透過心靈感應即能接收周圍的人,他 們內心想法和感受是什麼樣子。想像看看,某個人自你上次看到他或她後做了什麼事情,在該空間的一剎那,就只是看著他們。當你穿越到更高的維度中游走,只要透過思想你就能聆聽和感受他人,無論你與這個人距離多遙遠。
Many of our lightworkers are already living this reality. Many of youhave these abilities because they have already ascended, but know that theyhave a duty to perform here still. Many more of you will ascend with the comingenergies of 11.11.11. Most of you will chose to remain within Earth's realm, inorder to lift the vibrations from their human form. Not all of you realize thatyou have already ascended, and there is no need for you to worry about this.You just know, deep down, if you have already ascended or not. In fact, MotherEarth will need all your higher energy in order to help her make it through thedimension veil. This is why, some of you can see us now, communicate with us,and give our messages of love and comfort to those who appreciate the supportat this time.
你們許多光工作者已經準備好生活在這樣的現實裡。你們許多人擁有這些能力,因為他們已經揚升,但知道自己仍有責任在此履行(義務)。你們很多人將在11.11.11 與到來的能量揚升。為了提升人類形式的振動,你們多數人會選擇留在地球領域。你們並非所有人都體認到自己已經揚升,因此沒有必要擔心這點。你們內心深處知道自己是否揚升。事實上,地球母親將需要你們所有人的更高能量,以幫助她通過維度的帷幕。這是你們有些人現在能夠看到我們、與我們溝通、帶給我們愛的訊息,在這個時候提供支持幫助給那些需要的人的原因。
Know dear friends that your dedication to your task and your love ishighly appreciated in the higher realms. We see your beacons of light from ourspaceships, and admire your greatly. We are aware of the difficult times manyof you are going through, as money issues, and insecurities are building up.You have been entrusted with this mission from the Higher Spiritual Hierarchybecause we knew you would never allow yourselves to fail. You have decided tocarry out your mission on Earth, fully knowing the conditions, the risks, andthe meaning of Earth's Ascension. You would have never been allowed toincarnate into your current life, without the assurance of trust you carrywithin you from above. We know your pure heart and dedication to the light. Weknow how much this mission means to all of you also. We know that nothing willmake you give up at this stage.
親愛的朋友,要知道你們對你們任務和愛的貢獻,在更高境界被高度讚賞。我們從飛船就能看到你們如燈塔般照耀的【光】,並讚賞你們的宏偉(貢獻)。我們知道你們許多人正經歷艱困的時刻,如財務問題和建立起來的不安全感。你們已經為靈性長老團託付任務,因為我們曉得你不想使自己在任務上失職。你們已經決定在地球實行任務,完全明白這些情況 、風險,與地球揚升的意義。沒有你們之前信賴的保證,你們不會允許自己投生到目前的人生。我們知道你們純淨的心靈和對光的貢獻。我們也知道這趟任務對你們所有人意義非凡。我們知道沒有任何事情能使你們在現階段輕言放棄。
We recommend that you relax now, and take it easy, as your mission isnearing its final aim. Take the time for a few conscious breaths, feel the airpenetrating your lungs, feel the air feeding your being, your thoughts and feedyou. Take the time to ponder on the remaining part of your mission and to feelyour self in this reality, contributing to bridging our worlds.
I am SaLuSa from Sirius, and am very pleased to be by your side forassistance. Do not hesitate to call upon us, when you need us. We will assistas much as allowed at this stage. We do not have the right to interfere withyour life plan at this stage, but we are allowed to help you from now on,whenever you require our help.
我是來自天狼星的SaLuSa ,很高興在你們左右提供協助。有需要時,別猶豫呼叫我們。現階段我們會在允許的情況下盡可能幫助你們。現階段我們不被允許干預你們的人生計劃,但我們允許從現在起幫助你們,只要當需要我們幫助的時候。
Thank you
Laura Tyco