很多朋友還在被動地等待,等待變化的來臨。朋友們,不要再等待了,那是幻覺。新的時代就在你們腳下,等待你們自己去一點點展開。朋友們,一起行動吧,一起去創造吧,一起傳播光的能量吧……,我會一直在這裡支持著你們。_by Cappuccino
Dear ones we come to guide and support as the last of thedenser energies are being transmuted across the planet. Many of YOU may havefelt the strong pull of these energies and questioned what was happening andwhether the new was actually unfolding at all. We guide strongly that the newis now here dear ones, the FEELing of this will get stronger and stronger asYOU get stronger and stronger.
Many of YOU across the planet have been through the traumasof healing lifetimes of emotions and this may have left YOU FEELing exhausted.We guide for ALL to rest and to drink plenty of water to clear the energies. Thiswill settle down very soon for ALL across the planet as the new energies areanchored into YOUr BEing.
Many are still holding on and we guide ALL to detach, whereYOU find emptiness and hopelessness FILL that with LOVE dear ones, for theenergies that have been transmuted may leave parts of YOUr BEing FEELing verydifferent. This is a process dear ones and that process is done by YOU with oursupport. Co-creation is the process that is unfolding across the planet, yetmany are choosing not to co-create and are standing waiting. Dear ones the newenergies no longer support “waiting” for that energy was borne out of theteachings of illusion which taught that “all comes to those that wait”. That isa phrase that has been distorted. For illusion promised you gold and thentaught you to wait for something that was in fact coal. Do you see our analogydear ones? Do you understand our words?
By waiting YOU hand over the power that is YOU, by activelycreating and co-creating YOU use the full power of YOU. Do you understand ouranalogy dear ones? Do you understand our meaning? Many are handing overproblems to the other realms and sitting back, how does this expand YOU dearones? How does this show YOU the power that is YOU? For are YOU not equal toALL REALMS? Do you not stand shoulder to shoulder with ALL realms? Why wouldYOU defer to a “higher “ BEing when in TRUTH ALL are EQUAL?
Do you see how the teachings of illusion still run deepwithin YOUr BEing? Do you see how these teachings still contain and suppressYOUr BEing?
As ALL move into the new energies the abilities that YOUhave increase, the remembering that YOU are able to do also increases dearones, many of YOU may have memories return to YOU in dreamtime and wonder whythe “dream” was so clear, so real? YOU are moving through the transition periodinto the new, as the energies increase then so does the vision that YOU areable to hold and to FEEL. We guide strongly for ALL to detach from thinkingabout this process, this is a process that is felt dear ones and the human mindcannot FEEL.
The heart will open further over the coming days and weeksand many may experience various symptoms associated with this. We guide YOU allto detach from these and to allow the FEELings to move through YOUr body. YOUrbody is the vehicle in which to release the emotions that YOU have storedwhether these be of people, places or events, there is no need to store dearones, for that is not the purpose of the heart. As the people, places andevents are transmuted the space in the heart grows larger, for it has beenblocked with all the people, places and events. As the heart unblocks thensensations of heart palpitations, of pain in the heart area may increase as theheart begins to work once more. Many have spent lifetimes blocking the heartand for these humans the work to clear the heart may be experienced veryphysically. For others the physical symptoms may be less. Please detach fromfalling into the illusion of illness dear ones, YOU will FEEL the differenceand KNOW that its from lifetimes of trauma. Many will experience not only thephysical symptoms but what may be termed “ flashbacks” to other lives and oncemore we guide YOU to detach. These are memories being healed dear ones, pleaseallow them to go.
YOU step more fully into wholeness with each breathe dearones, continue the process, do not allow the teachings of illusion to fool YOUinto thinking that somehow this was not meant to be. We have guided previouslyabout the illusion teaching within the Ascension process and this is where itbegins to reveal itself. Ascension is not always the “fluffy” process that manybelieved it to be, for that robs YOU of the power of YOU. If YOU have sufferedlifetimes of pain and trauma then how does that heal if not through YOU? Howwould YOU expand, grow and remember how powerful YOU truly are if that was notdone by YOU? If somehow it all evaporated how does that show YOU the strengththat YOU have?
Many have queried the ascension process with their mindsand we guide ALL to detach from this teaching. The ascension process involvesthe heart for ALL are connect via the heart; the heart is the pathway to thesoul. The mind will create various scenarios through the teachings of illusionto keep YOU away from exploring the heart, for illusion knows the route thesoul.
We ask ALL during this final transition time to BE, simplyallow that which rises to the surface of YOUr BEing to rise and LET GO. Thereis nothing to be DONE dear ones, for the ascension process is about clearingand BEing, it is not about engaging the mind to unravel that which is FELT bythe heart, for the heart already KNOWS. FEEL the human life experience that YOUcreate dear ones, do not blindly follow the “rules” for there are none, and asYOU move through this process that will be unveiled to YOU. Illusion sought tocontain and suppress through rules and yet there are none.
Many are about to step into a creation that defies the veryrules they were taught; such is the power of the energies that unfold acrossthe planet. These individuals co-create, they have let go and they have healed.ALL can do this dear ones; TRUST and FAITH in YOU are ALL that is needed. Fortoo long illusion has taught YOU to distrust and have no faith in YOU and manyare now clinging on to this teaching, let it go dear ones. For in TRUTH thereis nothing that is not possible if YOU believe it to be. Step out of thecontainment and suppression and take YOUr place next to us for WE are YOU andYOU are WE.
Many believe the angelic realms to have the powers of superheroes yet defy that within themselves. ALL ARE ONE dear ones; YOU have immensepower yet many are still blind to it. TAKE CHARGE of the human life experiencedear ones, many realms can guide and support but NONE can take charge of whatis YOUrs. Do you understand our analogy dear ones? Do you understand our words?YOU are in charge of YOU.
Ask to blend energies with us when YOU need to dear onesand we will answer the call to blend for ALL ARE ONE. Experiment with who YOUare, for so long YOU have been blinded to the gift that YOU are, unwrap it dearones and FEEL who YOU are. For we have waited aeons to greet YOU and now thetime is nearly here.
We are the high council of orion and we come to guide andsupport ALL as they move through this transition phase. It is coming to an enddear ones and the new unfolds at YOUr feet. Look closely and YOU will see thepath illuminated, for it is illuminated by the light that shines from YOUrheart. YOU are that LIGHT dear ones. Step into the brilliance that is YOU. ALLARE ONE.
Copyright Karen Doonan, All rights reserved.
Article may be reproduced in its entirety if authorship and authors website isclearly stated
信息來源:http://lightworkers.org/channeling/144826/high-council-orion- message-28th-october