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Beloved Ones,

As you go about your daily activities, it is important that you continue to stay grounded each and every day and that you devote some alone time to further your connection to your Higher Self. It is also very important to keep every thought focused on that which you want to become manifest in your personal world and upon your Planet. In this way, the Universe returns to you that which you give out and the Universe is totally impartial in its giving you all of that which is in resonance with your dominant thoughts. Discipline your minds, Dear Ones, for you are powerful Creators and you bring into creation what you dwell upon.




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轉載自: http://blog.sina.com.cn/s/blog_6d1491d50102e17k.html


I have promised for some time now that the REAL TRUTH would be exposed when brave men find the courage to demand it. The Vatican is responsible for criminal conspiracy and the most heinous crimes against humanity. The people must demand restitution for the victims. So many countries suffered at the hands of this barbaric institution.


Ireland has taken the first step to banish the tyranny of the Vatican from the island of Ireland. Then the people will be able to reclaim their true heritage. The Vatican is not just responsible for the rape of children; it is also responsible for the rape of the country of Ireland and the rewriting of its history. When the full truth is released, the world will then be free of the tyranny of the evil rules hidden behind so-called dogma.

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轉載自: http://blog.sina.com.cn/s/blog_6d1491d50102e0zw.html


This year you have come a long way in such a short time, and our allies have progressed to the point where their efforts are about to pay off. At times it has been a precarious journey, as the more successful you have been in anchoring the Light upon the Earth, the more the dark Ones have been determined to halt your progress. Yet you have risen to the challenge, and the possibility of you being stopped before you have reached your goal has passed. It is therefore plain sailing from hereon, as our plan unfolds and almost everything is in place for the final thrust. Timing as always is the biggest factor at present, and when we get the signal to go ahead matters will move forward very quickly.


As people have awakened to the Light within, so the Light quotient upon Earth has increased exponentially and has reached a powerful level. The result is such that the lower vibrations are being transmuted, and that a far greater level of consciousness exists than before. It means that all of the planning and hard work to raise such levels has been a great success. Suddenly more of you are receptive to the new ideas that are being put forward, that will lift your civilization up and out of the dark period that you have just gone through. The idea of dramatic changes to your life, ingrained habits and beliefs, is suddenly being welcomed, as you can see the benefits it will bring. Nothing comes without some sacrifices, but as we have often informed you, it is all for your future happiness and wellbeing.

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轉載自 : http://blog.sina.com.cn/s/blog_6d1491d50102e0zz.html


翻譯:浮游天地的客塵 由John Smallman通靈轉達 

當這些大大小小和明顯的變化開始出現在這個世界上,並擺在公眾面前,可以預期的是一定數量的困惑和焦慮會發生。 不要太關注這些困惑和焦慮,但是要把你的光保持在一個高度。如同你把你的安撫和熱情給那些被現在所發生的一切而弄至焦慮和不安的人。 幫助他們去明白正在明顯發生的一切和為他們清晰地解釋我們的目標和所有關係的意圖(個人,政治,國際)如同平靜和和諧般美好。豐足代替了那些長期困擾你的不誠實,衝突和恐懼。

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轉載自 http://hi.baidu.com/cvn717/blog/item/9b9f2096056d369f6c8119c8 .html 




Return of the Goddess - Update


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轉載自 http://hi.baidu.com/cvn717/blog/item/180f990b76792ae8a686694e .html


Greg Giles 通靈傳遞

Free energy zones:

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轉載自 http://hi.baidu.com/cvn717/blog/item/8fc775039b089929c93d6dc9 .html


Greg Giles 通靈傳遞



It is your task as Lightworkers in the field to do what you can to rise above the, at times, negative and even hostile atmospheres created throughout your online social networks. It is not your job to engage in debate and argument with individuals who do not yet understand and practice a more positive way to communicate. You have been trained and have shown that you can ignore the quips, insults and attempts to lure you into argument. You have demonstrated how well you can perform your duties as a bringer of higher ideals and adequately perform your duties even under the fire of seemingly opposing forces who do not, and at times cannot, see the larger picture and understand the importance of positive communication that brings about advancements to each person engaged in these discussions.



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轉載自: http://blog.sina.com.cn/s/blog_6d1491d50102e161.html

《關於大揭露與登陸》 翻譯:山里的小溪

http://blog.sina.com .cn/s/blog_727014b20 1016iip.html

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轉載自: http://blog.sina.com.cn/s/blog_5fc9c4be0102e09i.html



God said:天父說

Whatever you look at, you are seeing yourself. You are the ocean you look at, and you are the waves, and you are the sky and you are the sand. There is only Oneness, and, yet, you are everything. You are My Everything and Everyone, and, still, We are One.


You are the stars at night, and you are the streetlights. You are the moon, and you are a pot on the stove.


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Heavenletter #4136- 實相等著你




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轉載自 http://hi.baidu.com/cvn717/blog/item/83592b3fcc04dadae6cd401d .html


Greg Giles 通靈傳遞


There is a high-speed rail system that has been built by the hands of your labor and your tax dollars at work that connects many major cities and ports of destination all around your globe. This high-speed system of transportation has been designed and built for the pleasure and the luxury of those of your world who call this world their own. It has not been built for its use by the people of your world who have paid for it through their labor and the money that is taken from them through taxation and other means to strip you of your wealth.




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轉載自: http://blog.sina.com.cn/s/blog_5fc9c4be0102e08s.html'




翻譯:Eleisia  http://blog.sina.com.cn/s/blog_a0e0295401013ror.html 

                            Channeled by Ronna Herman

                    Website:  http://www.ronnastar.com/messages-aam/latest.html


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天堂來信#4127  發佈於2012年3月13日 原文地址:http://www.heavenletters.org/be-like-the-moon.html

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轉載自 http://blog.sina.com.cn/s/blog_9e141990010158x7.html





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