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摘自:http://blog.sina.com.cn/s /blog_9e14199001012t5n.html 

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Despite some of the rumors you may have heard, the relocations of some individuals who currently live in certain areas that have shown themselves prone to flooding will be a very simple and easy procedure that will be concluded well before these areas become affected. We are here to assist with this procedure, and through our experience and advanced technologies this process will be completed smoothly and efficiently. There is absolutely nothing to be concerned about in this regard, and we will do all we can to make certain every individual who lives within these areas is given plenty of opportunity to relocate to the areas we consider safe. Through our advanced technologies, no one will have to rely on their own resources for this relocation. This is what we will offer, and it is up to each individual who lives within these areas to accept our assistance or to decline it.


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轉載自: http://hi.baidu.com/u2%BE%F5%D0%D1/blog/item/7af57cd80d9a2ac939012f81.html


When we speak of our allies we generally refer to those who are Lightworkers, at the front of activities that are occurring with our backing. They are the ones who are preparing the way for the greater advancement of our programs, that are restoring your sovereignty and opening up the way to Ascension. Yet in essence every Lightworker unbeknowingly or not is part of the Divine Plan, ensuring that it is successful. What our coming will do is enable us to provide the details of why we are here, and reveal that we will speed up the changes to complete all tasks as quickly as possible. We believe that will put peoples minds at rest as to our intent, and clearly indicate that we come in peace.


Our mission has recently changed from passive roles to ones that directly engage the dark forces, and we are enforcing the edict given to your military authorities that the use of nuclear weapons is not going to be allowed. We are paving the way for a declaration of world peace, from which point the use of any weaponry will be banned. As a precursor to such happenings, we need honest and trustworthy people in positions of power who will abide by such rulings. Hence, after the dark Ones are removed, we will support such appointments as we need them to get fully behind the changes. As a result you will be propelled into a new era when your rights will be restored, and power returned to the people.

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轉載自: http://hi.baidu.com/u2%BE%F5%D0%D1/blog/item/1af7c3fc2f8ab865d6887d80.html

Yes, my dear, you are all ascended Beings of Light. You chose to be on Earth in these days of change so as to ignite the Divine Light to rescue your fellow man from the clutches of the Cabal. The energy they use to keep you down is fading. They are losing their grip on control. Of course, this is when they are at their most dangerous; after all, as they see it, what have they got to lose that they have not already lost?


We, along with your friends from other planets, are preventing the wars from escalating further. The Cabal is at a loss as to how they can overcome this problem. I always said that they will go down fighting. Now you are seeing this happen. They had managed to convince the world that they, alone, were in control, and that you were subject to their commands. They actually believed their own propaganda. They foolishly believed that riches, alone, would win the day. Now they have to face the fact that you enter the world with nothing and leave it with nothing. They systematically destroyed all that was pure and good. They created the disaster in which you now exist, where GREED is the order of the day.


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轉載自: http://tw.myblog.yahoo.com/oneness-blog/article?mid=7986&prev=8064&next=7976








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轉載自: http://blog.sina.com.cn/s/blog_537dd4360102dxxn.html

【天使長麥達昶】2012年4月訊息:2012年夏至的嗡OM波 The 2012 Solstice of OM
Channeled by: James Tynerronn 
Translated by: Eleisia 
Website: http://www.earth-keeper.com/EKnews_70. htm




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轉載自: http://hi.baidu.com/u2%BE%F5%D0%D1/blog/item/a9f63bc653d6defcd0006022.html


Beloved Ones,

The challenges that have beset you for such an extended period of time are now in their completion stages and the end is in sight of these rather disempowering situations. Your tenacity and sincerity in your quest for greater insight and spiritual growth has enabled you to amass great strength as you called upon your inner reserves to see you through these periods of friction and opposition that you might bring into manifestation your own unique and personal power. This you have been accomplishing and soon these situations you have experienced will be known to you as the 'good old days' as you move into a greater focus of your true purpose here on Earth.



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轉載自: http://hi.baidu.com/u2%BE%F5%D0%D1/blog/item/5488cb12e2072f03dd5401ca.html


Greetings from the Federation:

There is a great sense of hope developing on your world today as your collective thoughts focus on the arrest of the Illuminati and the restructuring of your financial systems. These are as have been intended. They are being played out all over your world in an orchestrated manner that would overwhelm you in its strategic development if you could know its depth and breath. We are here to speak about that which we can without jeopardizing actions already in play that you will see come to fruition over the coming weeks.



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Good morning to you. It's very early yet I couldn't sleep . So I thought I would see if you are awake also?


We have no need for sleep as you do. Yet we enjoy resting and rebalancing.


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轉載自: http://hi.baidu.com/u2%BE%F5%D0%D1/blog/item/e3102df44a598605bd310966.html


There is nothing that you cannot do inasmuch that you have much more power than you realize. You are not yet at the level where you can achieve instant results, but the energies you put out for change will bring about a response. More so when many of you are working towards the same end, the power increases exponentially. So Dear Ones, as more and more people seek changes for the good of all, you are bringing about a quicker manifestation of what you have in mind. We find that as you gain understanding of how to best help yourselves and Mother Earth, the emphasis moves away from self to all life forms. After all, the changes are affecting them and not just your solar system, but Universe and Galaxy. It is a tremendous change of scope beyond your imagination, and involves Beings of unlimited power and love. They carry out the Will of God and in that lies your assurance that all will proceed according to the Divine Plan.


In the scheme of things you may feel very insignificant, yet you are so important to the final outcome that is eagerly awaited throughout your solar system. To play out the cycle of duality you were especially chosen, and you have overcome the darkness that descended after Atlantis disappeared into the depths of the Atlantic Ocean. From seemingly impossible positions you have brought the Light back into existence, and today it stands as the major force upon the Earth. You will have had every conceivable experience that duality could challenge you with. Yet you have managed to establish the Light upon Earth, that has grown in strength and brought about a higher level of consciousness. Now you can congratulate yourselves on a job well done, and claim the rewards in the form of Ascension. All around the Earth and far beyond, different sources are concentrating on sending higher Light emissions to you, and by now many of you can feel the changes within.

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轉載自: http://hi.baidu.com/u2%BE%F5%D0%D1/blog/item/0e1360584f71cc0a2834f0d3.html







“ 分隔世界的水,......”

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轉載自: http://tw.myblog.yahoo.com/oma-heartyoga/article?mid=15345&prev=15347&next=-1

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最終編輯 ccx512693854




Beloved Ones,


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As the word spreads about the changes, so more of you eagerly await the first acknowledgement through the media. Also as the details of the exploits of our allies and the Galactic Federation become known, so more of you hold a strong belief in the outcome. After all, it has become patently obvious that unless changes take place, Man would sink further into the mire and eventually into oblivion. Those changes are being speeded up by our intervention, and intent to ensure that Divine orders are followed that will result in your release from the dark Ones. It only remains to arrest those who exercise the most power, so that the Illuminati can no longer function as a single unit.


Everything is in place for a whole series of events, so much so that you will be hard pressed to keep up with them. What we want to be able to do is to keep the masses of you well informed, so that there is no misunderstanding as to our intentions. Some people with religious expectations and desires will not accept us, as they will see our coming as different to what they have been told to expect. Indeed, some have been given to understand that we are in league with the Devil . We wish to dispel those feelings and doubts, as we are God loving and serve you in order to bring you out of enslavement.

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