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My dear Veronica, it is never easy to accept that all that you had accepted as true is, in fact, false. The extent of the corruption is far greater than you expected. I tried to prepare you, by constantly reminding you that nothing is as it seems. Because people accepted what they were taught without question, they are now having difficulty accepting the truth. It is only when you have the full facts in front of you, that you can deal with the situation that has been engineered so that the corrupt cabal can take full control. Do not expect compassion from them. They are not capable of it. You have each got to be there for each other. Always remember, you are the 99 percent.


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(Weekly Liberation Meditations) 


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 Egg Nebula  



Nr.261“ 2012年6月16日太陽耀斑” 


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We still continue to work hard with our allies to overcome the last obstacles that stand in our way. Once removed, announcements can be made to prime you ready for a series of actions to take out those who have controlled your lives through criminal intent. Many involved are names familiar to you, indeed in many cases very well known including others totally unknown. Once the key figures are removed, it will be the green light for our allies to mount a large scale arrest of those of whom we have sufficient evidence to prove their guilt. They will be treated fairly and given proper trials where they can be represented. The judges will be selected for their honesty and integrity and experience in applying the Law correctly and as was intended.


Some of your existing laws are draconian, particularly those introduced by the last administration. One of our first steps will be to release anyone falsely imprisoned or currently held without trial or a right to appeal. Justice must be seen to be done, and an understanding and greater appreciation of the circumstances that often lead to criminal actions. Much has been caused by improper treatment that has been based on racial differences. That will all change and not because it will be imposed upon people, but through the understanding that you are all One. You sometimes look upon those who are illiterate or deprived as though they are inferior, but they are in physical incarnation for just the same reasons as you - and it is for the experience. It is the soul that remains the same in each new life time.

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Greg Giles 通靈傳遞



The television you are watching, even though you think this technology is new and state-of-the-art is actually very old and outdated. Even the couches you sit on, although the concept has remained the same, many things about it too have changed. These are just a sampling of everyday things that you take so for granted that will change radically in the days ahead for you. There is not too much about the future many of you will be entering that will remain the same for you. We , the Galactic Federation of Light, do not wish to rush any of you into these changes that in many areas will be great. We instead wish to gently escort you out of the current paradigm you are experiencing into a new reality which we feel you will agree is far more rewarding, enjoyable and educational than the current lives you are living.


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Today is The Day 今日即此日
By CM thru Johan

Jun 14, 2012 - 6:58:54 AM



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Esu Speaks for Christ Michael Aton

By JessAnthony

Jun 16, 2012 - 8:16:11 PM

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Greg Giles 通靈傳遞



How often have you gone to bed at night thinking "How far am I away from midlife?" What we would like to see more of you going to bed at night thinking is “How close am I to being young again, possessing a youthful body in function, form and appearance?” This is the kind of mindset we would prefer to see in you, as a more positive outlook will bring to you better opportunities to enjoy your lives better than negative perspectives and outlooks will. 


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整個行星的複製過程會花費9年來完成,而分離動作只在瞬間.在這個銀河週期的末尾,Gaiya已沒有很多時間,分離動作必需進行.這個過程一旦完成, Gaiya 將存在於第五密度然而老Gaiya仍存在於第三密度.這就是為什麼會有如此多的關於2012的混亂說法.有些人說是大災難,有些人說揚升,另一些人則說什麼都不會發生.這些都沒錯!

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轉載自 http://hi.baidu.com/cvn717/blog/item/22074e0b87715942f624e48b .html


Greg Giles 通靈傳遞



How often have you gone to bed at night thinking "How far am I away from midlife?" What we would like to see more of you going to bed at night thinking is “How close am I to being young again, possessing a youthful body in function, form and appearance?” This is the kind of mindset we would prefer to see in you, as a more positive outlook will bring to you better opportunities to enjoy your lives better than negative perspectives and outlooks will. 


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轉載自: http://blog.sina.com.cn/s/blog_6d1491d50102e1pv.html

All around you changes are occurring and are a sure sign that the impulses for change are getting stronger, and so it will continue all the way to Ascension. The good news is that the outcome has been well anticipated by us, and we have taken all necessary action to ensure that you ascend. Our main responsibility has been to assist our allies to remove the dark Ones. It is proceeding well and is splitting the ranks of the Illuminati, who are becoming disorganized. It will act as a restraint upon them where they may have any remaining ambition to empower their plans to disrupt your progress.


There really is an "any day now scenario" as far as major events coming to fruition, and there is no escaping the consequences for the Dark Ones. Changes there will be that shall remove all the attachments that have blighted your lives, for Millennia of time. A clean sweep will give you a fresh start to quickly move into the higher realms where you belong. It will be an almost unbelievable transition in such a short time, with great help from us and other higher sources. We know your potential and how quickly we need to help you move on.

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