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Jesus Sananda  

等待覺醒對你來說是困難的,因為它似乎是說你一直等了很長一段時間— 而你確實如此— 但你別無選擇,而是繼續等待。這是對你來說沮喪的及具有挑戰性的,而那些在靈性領域的正在做他們所能的一切去在這偉大的事件發生之前的最後時刻協助及啟發你,因為它將最肯定會是的。




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轉載自: http://hi.baidu.com/u2%BE%F5%D0%D1/blog/item/d68a0f2591c49f13c89559da.html


First, my dear, I want to say a big thank you to your children, grandchildren and friends, who ensured that your birthday was a very special and happy occasion. Your birthday cake was a work of art, lovingly created by Abigail. You are blessed, my dear, with a very special family. I was happy to join in with the celebrations and prove my presence to your friends.


Now, my dear, to more serious matters. The fact is that your planet is proving every day that it is going through the many changes that are necessary for the Transition. Even the most sceptical amongst you, must surely see by now, that this is all part of the great plan. There are those, of course, who refuse to face the truth of what is happening. They lack the courage to embrace change; because of FEAR they are locked into a false sense of security. They have failed to look into their own hearts and go with what is right and just. Though the Cabal are busy buying islands and land, in readiness for a quick escape, I tell you there is no escape from justice. As money will no longer figure in your lives, and that is all that they have got, they will not be able to buy forgiveness. There is no excuse for what they set out to do to your planet and the human race. Already, they are responsible for the deaths of billions of human beings and they continue to want you to be complicit in the killing of many more and the destruction of countries. They thrive on war - they care not with whom. Learn to see the evil behind the smile and the reassuring words. They tell you what they think you want to hear, whilst solidly sticking to their agenda of war and reducing the population. They are now up against a force far greater than anything they can muster. This is their dilemma ! They have had it all their own way until now. They are floundering, desperately looking for an answer to their dilemma. Justice will be done and will be seen to be done.

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We come once again to inform you that there are many changes about to takeplace in your world. Be not afraid as you observe changes to that which youhave always known to be a certain way. Be not afraid when edifices of powerbegin to crumble, for the time is drawing very near to when you will be seeingtruth come bursting forth onto your planet in many forms–forms of informationalnews, forms of talk among yourselves, and forms of the visiting of planetarybrothers and sisters who now await the correct time to enter into the picture.This is all part of spiritual evolution which will not be fully complete by theend of this year as many have been led to believe, but is well on its way.



All is proceeding according to plan. All is moving quickly forward into newways of seeing and being. That which is finished is finished, however rememberthat it is you who are creating your new world, not us. Many tend to await thearrival of others to change things. It is your enlightened awareness that ismanifesting as your outer world. You are the creators. That is why we oftencannot answer questions asked about what is going to happen, because we do notknow what you are choosing to create. We too are watching and waiting as youcreate a new enlightened world.

所有的一切都在根據計劃進行著。所有的一切都在迅速進入新的觀察方式,新的存有方式。已經結束的就已經過去了,但請記住,是你們創造著自己的世界,不是我們。很多人都在等待其他人的到來,為他們改變眼前的一切。但是這一切其實是你們進一步發展的意識以物質的形式在你們外部世界的表達而已。你們是自己現實的創造者。這也是為什麼我們經常無法回答你們關於" 將要發生什麼事情" 的問題,因為我們不知道你們會怎麼選擇。當你們創造新世界的同時,我們也在觀察和等待。

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Greg Giles 通靈傳遞

You can look to the people of the arks for safety, and you can look to us for guidance and instruction of how to better prepare and how to proceed through the days ahead. We do not wish to see any harm or any undue inconvenience brought to you, and we have the technologies and the resources to allow each one of you to proceed smoothly through the transition ahead.

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轉載自 http://hi.baidu.com/cvn717/blog/item/a3950f087530e6ab87d6b6cc.html


Dispelling the Fears


Polar shift 2012: this will not happen. It is true that there have been many axis shifts in the Earth's geological past, but there is zero scientific or spiritual evidence for one scheduled for this year. The only thing that is true here is that the magnetic (not physical!) axis of the planet is traveling quite rapidly, about 25 miles per year. This only means that the compass needle points to a slightly different position each year.

【2012極移】(Polar shift 2012):這不會發生。過去有很多次地球地質的軸移,但沒有科學上或精神上的證據指出這將於今年發生。唯一真實的是地球的磁(不是物理!)軸正在相當快速地移動,大約每年25英里。這僅僅意味著每年羅盤針指點的方向會略有不同。

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轉載自: http://blog.sina.com.cn/s/blog_537dd4360102dxk3.html








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轉載自: http://blog.sina.com.cn/s/blog_5fc9c4be0102dz7l.html




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翻譯: Saphira 


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轉載自: http://hi.baidu.com/u2%BE%F5%D0%D1/blog/item/bc010cd6f1d2acfda044df28.html



Everything continues to build up to the point that what is happening where the arrests are concerned, cannot be ignored for much longer by the media. We not only want their support, but events reported as they truly happen and with a truthful explanation. Eventually we will provide our own services to ensure our actions are not misrepresented, but meantime we welcome and thank those of the Light who are in the forefront of revelations through the Internet. Sometimes the reports are somewhat speculative, which means that you must still be discerning in how you interpret them. By and large they will be reliable, but you must still watch out for deliberate disinformation.


We are more active now than ever before where your safety and wellbeing is concerned. Since a lot of our work is covertly carried out, you cannot know the extent to which we go but we do lessen the effects of pollution whether air or seaborne. When we have fully stopped activities that cause pollution, then we can set to work and complete our projects to completely eliminate their effects. We are looking to various sources to contemplate disclosure, and prepare the public for its coming. Shock can no longer be considered as the outcome to disclosure, as sightings of our craft have been so widespread for many years now. Also we continue to show ourselves more frequently than ever, and even over more densely inhabited areas.

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轉載自: http://hi.baidu.com/u2%BE%F5%D0%D1/blog/item/6b8ed0a367ee068dcbefd011.html



原文:http://www.kryon.com/k_channel11_Patagonia 1-12.html




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Forces of Light and Forces of Darkness





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轉載自: http://blog.sina.com.cn/s/blog_537dd4360102dxnm.html








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轉載自: http://hi.baidu.com/u2%BE%F5%D0%D1/blog/item/6398cd10b6487430b8127b7a.html


Few of you are under any illusions as to what is taking place, although some are still unconvinced that it is in the interests of the Human Race. Such people are normally not in touch with the reliable sources of information, and thus lack sufficient information from which to make an informed judgment. Rarely do they have the levels of consciousness required to see beyond the physical changes, and some have little or no knowledge of Ascension. However, they along with everyone else will before the end of the year is reached, have the opportunity to learn the facts and how it will affect them. After all regardless of what is believed, the end times will alter peoples lives whether or not they are prepared. A new cycle means a new beginning and there are no ways that the old one can be perpetuated. Indeed, it is in everyone's interest to move on to a new experience, that is consistent with their present level of evolution.


Where you find people that are confused we call upon the Lightworkers to be bold and step in, as their knowledge is vital at this time because it can serve to ease their plight and lessen the possibility of them becoming fearful. As has often been said, there is nothing to fear except fear itself, and regardless of the circumstances the world is not due to end through any disaster. All is planned to ensure that as many souls as possible are ready to ascend. However no pressure whatsoever is placed upon those who choose to remain in the 3rd. dimension, but to continue that experience they will move elsewhere. Neither is it considered a failure not to have reached Ascension, as you have infinite life and absolute freedom to take as long as you wish in the lower vibrations . Eventually every soul will rise up as it is impossible to continue resisting the higher vibrations for any great length of time.

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Greg Giles 通靈傳遞



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