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Nothing will be able to stand in the way of the changes that are about to commence, as they are essential to bring the end-times into being. It is all change as you step up into the higher vibrations, and quickly move through the Ascension process. The thought that you will never have to return to Earth on the Wheel of Rebirth, must be one that makes all of the effort you have put in well worthwhile. More so as you get a good idea of what it means in reality, by leaving behind the drudgery, harshness and strength sapping energies of the lower dimension. Even now as so many lift up out of it the aggression, antagonism and hatred still wreaks havoc on Earth, but will soon play itself out as the energies of peace settle upon it. One day very soon the futility of confrontation and war, will make way for loving relationships and co-operation amongst all people. Even now the young ones amongst you see the pointless waste of life and energy in the pursuit of conquest, and want an immediate end to it. Peace is coming and this time it will not be temporary, but be permanent and carry you forward to a blissful and ecstatic state.


However you are in the midst of so many different energies that are creating turmoil at present. The old guard cling onto their paradigm that kept them in power, but the new one is all powerful and will brush aside all that remains of it until Love and Light permeate the Earth. In just a few months the changes will be under way and more noticeable, and will serve notice on the dark Ones that the New Age is in progress of manifesting. Their actions can no longer carry the threat that they used to have, as their power structure continues to collapse. So Dear Ones, at this important stage on your path to Ascension do not let any fear laden prophecies take hold of your imagination. We of the Galactic Federation are with you all of the time, and well aware of what is likely to lay ahead. We cannot do everything for you, but will assert ourselves if necessary to protect you.

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Greetings from Alpha Spaceship!

Dear brothers and sisters, it pleases us greatly to tell you about the unstoppable achievements we are attaining, which are preventing more and more, those who conspire anonymously to continue with the materialistic and selfish leadership in their world of power, which they had maintained over the population of Earth until now.



We are sparing nothing on our part, in an effort and with incessant endeavors so that all the forces of good, honesty and Light may triumph over them, and they may be dethroned forever from the government and the distribution of the riches that Gaia shares with all Her children equally and with profound generosity. It is evident to them, the Dark Ones, although they have not wished to do this, to follow the example of their Mother who wishes to see all happy, joyful and without having to suffer scarcities or hardships of any kind.

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Beloved Ones,



Life on Earth will take on a more intense experience withinthe hearts of All. Each Human Spiritual Being is at a crossroads at this time.There is a choice to be made by each Soul. To stay in status quo or to bravelychoose the unknown and move forward. We know that all Lightworkers andStarseeds everywhere upon this Planet have chosen to move forward. This does notmean leaving all your Loved Ones behind you and moving forward alone, DearOnes. Your Loved Ones are those Souls who have chosen to move forward with you, even though it may appear otherwise at this present moment. Trust that all isunfolding in your lives in Divine order and that all is well.


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Ever since you set out upon your path to Ascension, you have been given every help and encouragement to take up the challenge to decide your own destiny. The fact is you have achieved far more than was initially expected, and you are to be congratulated upon setting up victory over the dark Ones. We have of course walked the path with you, and because you requested our help we have been able to respond to it. Thus far you were expected to take the major responsibility for achieving success but now we are becoming more involved, as we have our part to play to ensure all is completed as decreed.


Our closeness to you and actions taken on your behalf can no longer be denied, and the time has arrived for our existence to be made known. As you are aware we have our own mission to complete, and the sooner we can come together with you the quicker everything will get underway. Our allies have been courageous and often risked their lives to achieve their purposes. It will soon pay off as the point has been reached when it will result in a glorious victory, that will take away the remaining bastions of power that the last cabal has relied upon. The final indignity for them will be to lose their financial power which is already being curtailed.

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Greetings from the Federation:

There is much “afoot,” as the saying goes, on your world today. Keep your eye on the ball because those who seem of the light may not be and those who seem to be serving the Illuminati may, in fact, surprise you. We have extended our protection to those who are in most need of it at this time and have stopped massive efforts from the Illuminati to start a major conflict in the cradle of your civilization. We cannot allow this to happen since plans must go forward towards the inevitable.



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【天使長麥達昶】2012 <wbr><wbr>鈥斺<wbr><wbr>瑪雅日曆和時間

2012 - The Mayan Calendar & Time 天使長麥達昶訊息:2012—馬雅曆法與時間

Channeled by: James Tynerronn 
Translated by: Eleisia 

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I would like, if I may, to wish everyone A Very Happy New Year.


In this year of enlightenment, you will be shown evidence that will question all that you had accepted as truth. Open your minds. The truth is there. It has never been more accessible than it is now. Many obstacles will be put before you. FEAR will be used; it always worked in the past. Remember, the Cabal are creatures of habit, they always use the same methods of control. But you are wiser now and will see straight through all their propaganda. Who do you trust? As I have said in the past, look at their actions, not their words. The eyes are also a good indicator of honesty. People of the Light do not seek to control you, they know that you were given free will.


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大衛·威爾科克(David Wilcock)對本傑明·富爾福德(benjamin Fulford)的電話採訪


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We hear you saying "at last" as you commence this year that is divinely bringing the cycle of duality to a completion. There are a whole mix of expectations as people look for signs that it will fulfill their own particular vision. The dark had planned to cause events that would have confirmed the Apocalypse, by fulfilling the ages old prophesies. However, with the loss of their power bases it is no longer possible, and the path to Ascension is to pass without great tragedies or destruction on a world wide scale . With the acceptance of our plan for your release from the controls of the dark Ones, as time passes your levels of consciousness will grow and come more into harmony. Much will clearly have to change, and the period to the end of the year will be clearly outlined by us. We want everyone to become aware of what is happening and the reason for it, and it will not be too long before we have to start giving out information.



We know that it is equally important that all souls are informed of their future options, and great care will be taken to assure those who desire to remain in this present dimension, that they will receive as much care as anyone else. Even those who are of the last cabal, will ultimately receive every opportunity to follow a new path to their eventual salvation. God Is All Love, and makes no distinction between one soul to another when it comes to the sharing of All That Is. Throughout the Cycle of Duality you have fully exercised your God given freewill, and your choice is honored at all times with the provision that you learn from the consequences. Your experiences are most vital to your spiritual evolution, and there is no place like the Earth that offers you a better chance to progress. It is a hard and at times an unrewarding experience, that nevertheless speeds up your progress and makes you suited to pass it on to others on a similar path. Bear in mind that all experience is of value, and your intent is to follow a certain path of service to others.


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By John Smallman 


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